Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

The Favored Concubine in the Palace_The Feast of Masks【Complete】(276)

Yao Niang has always been a considerate person. Seeing that Xiao Jirou didn't want to talk anymore, she didn't ask any more questions. The two sat together and talked about something else, and then Xiao Jirou left the palace.

Prince Qing also entered the palace today.

Unlike Prince An and others, Prince Qing is a meritorious official this time.

Although Prince Qing made a big mistake, he played a great role in suppressing the rebellion this time. After the merits and demerits offset each other, Emperor An of Jin personally ordered him to stay in Beijing and appointed him as the commander of the three camps in Beijing.

Now Prince Qing has the title of commander, and it is obvious that he is the confidant of the new emperor. Now he is also one of the hottest figures in the court.

Xiao Jirou just sat in the carriage and was thinking about what Yao Niang asked her. Suddenly, someone knocked on the window.

She lifted the curtain and looked out, and she was facing Prince Qing's handsome face.

Prince Qing is much thinner than before, and his face is much more resolute.

Mentality can affect a person's face. The former Prince Qing was handsome and bright, but his face was immature. Now, all the roundness on his face has been sharpened, and the lines have become sharp.

No one knows how much the prince of Qing suffered in the Yanshan Imperial Mausoleum. Emperor Jin'an has never been a kind person. He will not be soft-hearted if he is determined to sharpen the prince of Qing.

So when he first went to Yanshan, the prince of Qing really thought that he would stay in this desolate mountain for the rest of his life and never go back.

As soon as he saw it, the mountains and fields were full of stones, and it was deserted everywhere. No one talked to him. And at night, there were ghosts crying and howling outside, and only a lonely lamp could drive people crazy.

Fortunately, the prince of Qing was still immersed in infinite regret at that time, and he didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to these.

Later, he finally got his mind together. He remembered what the prince of Jin said to him, and began to observe the guard stationed in the imperial mausoleum.

Unlike other guards, the Yanshan Mausoleum Guard is stationed in the mountains. It is isolated and uninhabited. The soldiers and soldiers in the Mausoleum Guard seem to be infected with the atmosphere here, cold and stone-like.

Here, no one looks at King Qing sideways, and there is not even a contemptuous look. If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to stand this kind of neglect or even disregard, which is exactly what King Qing needs.

With the advance arrangement of King Jin, King Qing disguised himself as an ordinary soldier and entered the Mausoleum Guard. When he really integrated into the Mausoleum Guard, he found that there was a different world here.

Because there is no one here, except for the mountains and forests and stones, the soldiers of the Mausoleum Guard have nothing else to adjust their lives. Every day, they practice. They have to practice for five hours every day, from various mountain battles, plain battles, siege battles, even street battles, and even various single-soldier battles. There are even military competitions every month. If you win, you will be promoted, and if you lose, you will be demoted. Everything is based on strength.

When Prince Qing Fang went there, he boasted that he had martial arts skills and had led soldiers to fight in battles, and he did not take these people seriously. It was not until he was pressed to the ground and trampled by a soldier who was a head shorter than him in the competition that he realized what it meant to have someone better than you.

Since then, he changed his attitude, from losing to winning, to slowly being promoted to small flags, general flags, and hundred households, to leading his men to win one opponent after another, until he was promoted to the position of deputy commander of the Mausoleum Guard.

Above him was the commander, who was the soul of the entire Yanshan Mausoleum Guard, an old man who had lost a leg. The old man was very old, and the reason why the Yanshan Mausoleum Guard had other guards was because of this old man.

It was not until this time that Prince Qing knew that this old man was Prince Jin's man. Prince Jin had also come to Yanshan that year, but he was brought by Duke Ningguo. Prince Jin stayed here for half a year and changed a lot after going out.

That year, Prince Jin was fifteen.

Prince Qing recalled, what was he doing at that time?

It seemed that he was worried about what to do if Prince Yong and Prince Lu made trouble for him after his fifth brother left the palace. He was immersed in self-pity all day long, humble and pitiful.

It was not until this time that he realized that he had always felt that his fifth brother was superior to him since he was born, because he had a mother concubine, a powerful grandfather, and an uncle who could be a general.

The princes with powerful maternal families are always much superior.

At this time, he realized how ridiculous it was. No one is born with everything. You have to be able to take what God gives you.


"Is there something?" Xiao Jirou asked through the car window.

"I'll take you back."

The tall Prince Qing, wearing a prince's clothes, crotch is a Dayuan BMW given by the emperor. How majestic and heroic, but at this time, he is half-bending and leaning next to the Xiao family's carriage, which is obviously not as good as the carriage of the palace. It looks particularly awkward and makes people sigh.

Xiao Jirou knew how popular Prince Qing was in the capital. Several men in the Xiao family were officials in the court, including civil officials and military generals, so she had heard a lot.

Although the men in the family didn't say anything, the two sisters-in-law would inevitably whisper in her ear, saying that she was stupid. It was obvious that Prince Qing had no worries about wealth and honor for the rest of his life, and he was sincerely repentant, so why bother about it.

Was she serious?

Xiao Jirou didn't know, and even she didn't understand what she was thinking.

"No, Prince Qing is busy, and I will go back by myself."


"Go back to the mansion."

Hearing the urging, the coachman of the Xiao family didn't dare to stay any longer, and drove the carriage away quickly.

The carriage had gone a long way, and Xiao Jirou's personal maid Qiong'er suddenly said: "Princess, the prince should follow the carriage."

"I've told you several times not to call me princess."


"I am no longer a princess, not for a long time. When he comes back, I am no longer a princess."

Prince Qing followed the carriage of the Xiao family all the way to the side door of the Xiao Mansion. When he saw Xiao Jirou getting off the carriage without even looking at him, he turned his horse around sadly.

Fortunately, he was fine, so he rode slowly all the way.

He was fine, but others were in trouble. Walking on the street in such a dress, wouldn't it be a challenge to the hearts of ordinary people?

Prince Qing's mind was blank, as if he had thought a lot, but it seemed that he had thought nothing. Several palace guards of the Qing Palace rode horses and fell not far behind him.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side: "Seventh brother, what's wrong with you? You look dejected. Have you been caught by your sister-in-law for having an affair?"

Prince Qing looked up and saw that it was Prince Lu.

The other party was also riding a horse, followed by several guards, smiling with a gloating face, not hiding his malice at all.

Prince Qing didn't want to pay attention to him, so he turned his horse and continued to move forward, but he was stopped by Prince Lu before he left.

"What's wrong with you? We are brothers after all. If you have any difficulties, tell me. Maybe I can give you some advice."

"Get out of the way!"

Prince Lu raised his thick eyebrows and glared at him: "Well, you, Old Seven, are you looking down on me, your Sixth Brother, because you are the favorite of the new emperor? I tell you, even if you ascend to heaven, I am still your brother."

"Get lost!"

Prince Qing was very annoyed at this moment. Seeing Prince Lu pestering him, he could not help but get angry. He raised the whip in his hand and hit Prince Lu.

Prince Lu did not expect that Prince Qing, who had always been defeated by him, would dare to challenge him. He jumped up without saying a word.

The two fought in a group, from the horse to the ground, and they were completely selfless, punching each other.

The two masters fought, and the guards of the two palaces did not dare to pretend to be dead, and hurriedly dispersed the civilians on both sides of the road. At the same time, he secretly cried out in his heart, the two princes were fighting in the street, what should he do if this got to the ears of His Majesty.

Ke La didn't dare to go forward to stop them, so he could only stand by and worry.

What he feared was what he feared. Just when the two finally got tired of fighting, they collapsed on the ground like a pool of dead meat. A group of people rode fast horses and hurried over, led by a eunuch.

"Your Majesty has ordered that Prince Lu and Prince Qing come to the palace to meet the emperor."

In the Yangxin Palace, Emperor An of Jin sat on the dragon throne with a sullen face.

Standing below were Prince Qing and Prince Lu, both of whom had bruises on their faces. Prince Qing had a dark eye circle and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth. Prince Lu was worse than him, with two dark eye circles and half of his face swollen like a pig's head.

"You have grown up, right? A dignified prince, you actually fought in the city, you don't care about your face, right?"

Hearing this, Prince Lu felt particularly aggrieved.

In the past, he always beat Prince Qing, but now he can still beat him, but he can't get the upper hand. Not only that, but he was beaten up like this. The Prince of Lu didn't need to look in the mirror to know how embarrassed he was.

"Fifth brother, I didn't start it first, it was the Seventh Brother! Look at how he beat me. I just saw that he was unhappy, and asked him a few questions kindly, and he turned against me. He didn't have the consciousness of being a younger brother at all."

When it comes to talking, the Prince of Qing is not as good as the Prince of Lu, and he is not as shameless as the Prince of Lu, who can open his eyes and turn black and white.

"It was my recklessness, please punish me, Your Majesty!"

"You also know that you were reckless? It's true that a dog that doesn't bark will bite. Why didn't I know you were so capable before? You beat your sixth brother like a thief. I tell you, I will never let you go."

"I apologize to my sixth brother." The Prince of Qing said with a suffocated breath.

"Just saying sorry is enough? Let me tell you..."

"Alright, you are not a good person either. Do you think I don't know your bad temper? You are always picking up troubles when there is nothing to do!" As Emperor Jin'an rebuked him coldly, an inkstone flew in the air, passed between the two of them, fell to the ground, and broke into several pieces.

"You will be paid for half a year, get out of here!"

The two were punished and had to thank the emperor, and then left the Yangxin Palace in disgrace.

Walking on the palace road, Prince Lu returned to his old ways and asked Prince Qing what happened in a mean way.

How could Prince Qing tell him? He kept silent.

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