Even if it is not necessarily effective, Fucheng intends to try it.

He went to Mu Yi, and after a conversation, Mu Yi agreed with little hesitation.

Although she is a distressed small county owner, she also knows that King Jin is the sky in this house, and there is no finished egg under the nest, Mu Qing knows this truth very well.

It was the poisoning of King Jin that surprised Mu Yi. Before this incident, she didn't know about it. It was also because King Wang was afraid of her getting old and worried about hurting her, and kept hiding from her.

However, Fucheng originally intended to do this in private, and then told the king of Jin after it was completed. Later, he was still awake by Mu Yan, and then decided not to keep it.

As a minion, the higher the position, the less you can deceive the master, otherwise a bad one will attract suspicion. On the surface, Fucheng's idea is to prevent Jin King from being embarrassed, but who knows what Jin Jin's heart thinks, may he be willing to let Fu Cheng and Mu Yi be the masters.

In particular, the small county owner is different from others and is the only son of King Jin.

After Fucheng returned, he told the king about this, and the king just hesitated and nodded in agreement.

King Jin was present in person when he was going to take blood, and Liu Liang doctor was there, and the little county owner suffered almost no pain.

Only a bowl of blood was taken, which seemed not much, but for a baby, it was quite a lot, but he could give Mu Di a pain, and sighed.

Doctor Liu Liang took the blood and went behind the scenes to make medicine. Although King Jin did not say anything, Liu Liangyi knew very well that if he failed this time, there would be no next time. After King Jin returned, he banned Hu Fangfei's ban. Although the people in the palace did not know what was going on, a few people who knew the truth knew that this was in the face of the Xiaojun Lord's suffering.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this Hu Fangfei could not be killed. There is a child who is not the same. Her Royal Highness just went to the small county master twice and would rather sweep the princess' face and lift her.

You should know that Hu Fangfei was banned because of the proper favor of Mrs. Su, and her face was beaten by her Royal Highness. I don't know what Mrs. Su would be mad at.

At one time, there were many people waiting to see the theater, but it was unexpected that the side of Rongxiyuan had been very quiet.

His Royal Highness went every day as usual, and Mrs. Su showed no sign of falling out of favor.

The autumn wind blows, the leaves fall, and the weather is not even good for a few days.

The gray clouds, a pile of gray clouds, pressed low on the head, making people feel anxious for no reason.

Sister Yan hesitated to look at the majestic and magnificent palace not far away. She felt timid and didn't dare to pass by at half a ring.

"What do you do!"

A group of well-armed soldiers came over, and a general led by the soldier had a serious face and sounded like a thunderbolt. She scared Yan Yan into a shock and almost did not fall to the ground.

"I'll go, I'll go to the palace to find someone."

"Find someone, find someone, what are you standing here sneakily!"

Sister Yan was almost crying and shook her throat and said, "I'm really looking for someone. My sister-in-law's sister is on duty in the palace. I'm here for the first time ..."

After Yao Niang left that day, Yan Yan was banned. Yao Cheng asked Li to rush to find someone to marry her. Although Li was unwilling, he did not dare to anger his son, so he was a familiar woman and a matchmaker. Anyone could do it.

After finally finding a few homes, Sister Yan was dying, and made a mess at home.

Later, Yao Cheng got angry, and personally chose a household, and set a date with the other party, waiting for her sister to pass through.

This family is an ordinary peasant in a small village under Linyun County. The man has never married, but is poor. He has a poor family with only two acres of Botian for his livelihood.

But people are honest, Yao Cheng has also seen. Even if he never waits to see Sister Yan again, he will not push his sister into the fire pit.

This family was introduced by a mother-in-law who knew Li's. The man was too poor at home and had too many sons, so he never married his daughter-in-law, and didn't care if Sister Yan was a big girl with a yellow flower. Of course, the reason why the other party promised to be so refreshing, there are also reasons why the Yao family not only did not want to offer a gift, but also posted five or two silvers to dowry for sister Yan.

All in all, she finally got married, and the Yao family, including Li, were relieved.

But Sister Yan didn't want to see Jin King from that day on, and all she wanted was the handsome Wang Ye.

Wang Ye is not only handsome, but also powerful. When she looks at Sister Yan, she can only dream of it. Since meeting King Jin, sister Yan has fallen in love with her.

She used to be daring, so she found a chance to run away from home secretly. She knew where Su Yaoniang was on a business trip. As long as she saw Su Yaoniang, she was sure that the other party would promise her to enter the palace. As long as she could enter the palace, she would You can see His Royal Highness Jin.

On the way, Jie Yan had suffered a lot, and she was still clever. She hadn't lost much money from Li's and Yao Cheng since she was a kid, and she had some savings for so many years. Relying on the silver in her hand, she hired a car to Jincheng. Inquiring all the way to the King's Mansion, he was frightened by the majesty of the King's Mansion for a while, and he did not expect to be misunderstood.

Sister Yan was so frightened, but fortunately the other party did not intend to embarrass her, and ordered a soldier to take her to the back door of the palace for confirmation.

Accompanied by her, Sister Yan smoothly met the wife guarding the door at the back door.

"Little grandma's grandma? No surname Su."

"How could it not be ..."

But before Sister Yan said anything, she was dragged away by the collar.

It was the soldiers holding her.

"The courage is not small, even dare to come to the royal palace to swindle and cheat." It was also the secret feeling of Sister Yan's previous actions, she did not give her a more specific opportunity.

The soldier moved very fast, and the guardian's wife saw that the woman had been towed away. She was still thinking that the current person was really bold and brave, knowing that the palace was different and there were so many people coming to the door every year to cheat. She has been a goalkeeper for many years and has seen too many of them.

However, it was fierce to think that the owner of the small county did not have a mother-in-law named Su now, but before, but now they are not Su-nanny, but Mrs. Su.

Is it Mrs. Su?

She was about to raise her voice to stop two people, and then came out of it alone.

"Girl Taoer, where is this going?" It was clear that the woman knew the person, and the smile on her face was especially warm.

"The concubine told me to go out and buy something. It happened to be my leave now, and I also planned to buy some small snacks or something, and took it back to the sisters in the same room to eat. Why, what are you planning to do? "

Otherwise, everyone below likes to stick to the people above, not only because they want to climb tall branches, but also because they are gentle and courteous, and it is comfortable to talk to others. Nothing looks like a little girl film, but before it's too much, the tail can't wait to lift it to the sky.

The mother-in-law thought so, and she just said it.

"Only one of the girls said that she was looking for Mrs. Su, but she didn't make it clear. I didn't meet Mrs. Su for a while. But people have already run away, but she is looking for someone and will definitely come again. . "

Tao Er nodded at will, and spoke two more words to her, and left with a smile on her face.

Sister Yan was savagely struck across the street from the palace, and tears came out.

The other party also saw that she was a girl, and it didn't look like a spy, or it was definitely not so easy to leave. Even so, she was warned not to come again.

Yan Xiaoer was born in Xiaomen and Xiaohu. No matter how daring she is, I have never seen such a battle. For a moment, I was afraid and panicked, and felt full of grievances.

She broke her hand and her knee hurt so much that she slowly got up. As soon as I looked up, I saw a girl standing in front of me.

"Do you know Mrs. Su?"

"you are--"

Jin Wang has recently come to Rongxiyuan very frequently.

How often do you go? It used to be dark, but now it is daylight.

Nothing comes, just let Yao Niang rub his head or accompany him to sleep or something. Yao Niang feels that Jin Wang has become more and more strange recently, and her eyes have not been good. He told him to find a doctor to see him, but he should be in his mouth, but what should he be?

And the number of times she wanted her was much less than before. On several occasions, she clearly felt that his arrow was on the string, but for some reason, he always put up with it.

Yao Niang thought that King Jin must be sick, but neither cold nor fever, she really couldn't tell what the reason was. She didn't want to say more when she saw him, and she didn't dare to ask more. She could only be as comfortable as possible when he came.

Because King Jin came too often these days, Yao Niang's time with Xiaobao had been occupied. On that day, after sending Jin Wang away, she went to the West Chamber.

When Yao Niang arrived, she was seeing Xiaobao let Axia stand on the edge of the bed, her fat legs trembled, but she stood still.

She was amazed, and Axia explained to her: "The young master has to touch him by himself, and the slave is afraid that he will fall, so he will help him."

The reason for this is also because people nowadays generally think that milk babies must be more than one year old before they can stand, and some wealthy children do not leave when they are two or three years old. Axia was afraid that Yao Niang would blame her for hurting Xiaobao's leg.

Of course, Yao Niang wouldn't blame Axia. The child, Xiaobao, didn't seem to say it. In fact, he had his own idea. He watched him from sitting only to being able to crawl around, and remembered that he crawled and crawled. Yao Niang had already expected this day, so she was surprised but not surprised.

Seeing Xiaobao standing there, Xiaoyan looked at him faintly, and Yaoniang was helpless and wanted to laugh and walked over and hugged him in his arms: "Is it because the little skin monkeys have been few these days, I want to go and find my mother. "

Xiaobao looked at the self-passionate mother-in-law, and whispered in her mouth, coping with errands. Fortunately, he can't speak yet, otherwise he shouldn't know how to answer. He just wanted to walk earlier and talk earlier.

So he showed off his new skills to Yao Niang, and called two syllables similar to 'Niang' in his mouth.

Now Yao Niang can be happy, and can't help but wipe her tears.

Xiaobao was able to speak in the last life, and the first one was not a mother, and she was not able to accompany him. Fortunately, this life finally made up for it. All this was brought to her by King Jin, and Yao Niang was such a person. She could not remember the bad of others, but only the good of others.

In fact, for so long with the King of Jin, Yao Niang can be considered to understand his nature. He was the one who did everything clearly, but he didn't tell you, people are not terribly twisted, and they like to make people guess. I also like fried hair. I have to let people touch it and make him feel comfortable. He gives you a good look. He felt sullen when he felt uncomfortable.

Just as recently, since Hu Banfei lifted the ban, Yaoniang felt something in Jin's heart.

And it has something to do with her.

Although she was not clever, but she was not stupid. After thinking for a while, she could not understand what was going on. But she wasn't sure. She didn't have to make Jin Wang feel affectionate, so naturally she wouldn't ask.

So she felt that there were more things in his heart, nothing happened, and he was always looking at her when they were alone.

And now she is daring, knowing what he wants to say to herself, just ignoring him, and then seeing his face getting darker and darker in the past two days, seeing her look less and less complex.

The key is that you don't come here if you don't look well. He has a black face and prefers to go to Rongxi Yuan. Yao Niang plans to ask him when he comes tonight, so as not to be angry with him and not worthy of himself.

Xiaobao saw his mother, sobbing with tears and tears, she blushed without knowing what she thought. He guessed with his own chubby feet, knowing that his mother must be thinking about her father, and he felt strange.

Since seeing Xiaobao at the time of King Jin, whenever Xiaobao thinks of him, he always has a strange feeling.

If he did not read it wrong, his father emperor had killed him that day, and he did not miss the trace of killing in his eyes. But in the end, the father and the emperor still resigned, and afterwards Xiaobao thought about it, it must be because of his mother.

It stands to reason that he should be happy, but in fact, because there is a soul in the body that has lived for two lives, the last life has been dependent on the father and the emperor, Xiao Bao can hardly accept this fact.

This incident told him cruelly that he was the son of a cargo man, and the Emperor was so disgusted that he wished to kill him.

Maybe he is not living **** himself, but his mother and a child born by a trader. The beauty of his father Huang's coveted mother, killed the merchant by means, and robbed the mother into the house. In order to be afraid of being known by others, he put his mother next to the small county master, in fact it was Kaneya Tsangyo, who kept hiding until he couldn't hide it.

The true self should still be in his mother's belly.

This is the only reason that Xiaobao can think of, and only then can it be explained. He looked at Yao Niang's belly, thinking with some annoyance. When he grew up, would he ask his father to report his father's revenge? That's what those folk dialects do.

For a while, the thoughts of both the mother and the child drifted away, but they thought of two things that were completely different.

At this moment, Chuner came in and said, "Mrs. Princess, please come over here. The visitor specifically explained that he would bring the young master with him."

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