Quiet night, only two breathing sounds are particularly clear.

Yao Niang's brain was blank, and she felt as if she had died again, and lived again.

When she woke up, she realized what had happened, and she ...

She was about to cry. I didn't dare to imagine that it was too long for Jin Jin to control him, or that she was a prostitute as he said.

Yao Niang really cried, Jin Wang Ben closed his eyes to calm down, heard the voice leaned over.

Gently fanned her hips and cursed, "What are you crying for?" The king wanted to cry.

The King of Jin looked desperately trying to be a little King of Jin, and felt a sense of frustration in his heart. Seeing her still crying, she was so heartbroken, thinking that a little cub was still in her stomach, she couldn't help it, pulled her over, and coaxed: "What do you cry, nothing."


That wasn't her. It was definitely not her. She had never done this before.

In fact, don't look at King Jin's frustration, in fact, his heart is still pretty, which represents a recognition of him. Which man does not want his woman to react like this. But think about it, the young lady did not do this before. The most ridiculous time, she was not like this time.

After Yu Yun passed, she couldn't help worrying about her stomach. Although he had been restrained just now, when the time came, he could not restrain himself and he was not clear.

"Go clean up first, and I'll let Liu Liangyi come to see later."

"No, don't let him come!"

Are you saying no?

King Jin ignored her and ordered someone to prepare water. When the water was ready, he took her with a quilt to the bathroom.

The two washed out and the bed had been replaced with a new one.

Yao Niang hid in the bed and wrapped herself tightly with a quilt. King Jin looked helplessly at the big cocoon on the bed, and Fu Cheng whispered outside the door, saying that Liu Liangyi had arrived.

King Jin did not let Liu Liangyi come in, but went outside to talk to him about the situation.

After listening, Liu Liangyi coughed several times, and almost did not let saliva be choked. He didn't stop until he saw Jin's face darkening, and said, "Your Highness, have you forgotten the effectiveness of Bliss?"

King Jin did not understand the meaning at first, but soon realized.

"You mean--"

Liu Liangyi nodded his head, "Yes, that's it. In addition, pregnant women are more sensitive than usual, so the wife will ..."

In other words, King Jin will be tired afterwards.

For the time being, King Jin couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad, and said, "Go in and give her a pulse to see if it hurts."

After speaking, King Jin no longer ignored him, but went to pick up a tea cup. Liu Liangyi did not dare to study Jin Wang's face, after all, it was embarrassing for anyone to do this kind of thing.

Doctor Liu Liang went in and came out again.

"Madam is okay, just pay attention later."

King Jin nodded, and Liu Liangyi was sent out.

This scene of tantrum is equivalent to everyone knowing what happened, and Yao Niang's sense of shame is beyond words.

The servants retreated, and she still buried herself in the quilt.

"Okay, everyone is gone, what are you ashamed of."

King Jin dragged the quilt on her body, Yao Niang was wrestling with him, and sat up covering her face, whispering, "I have no face to face, they all know it. Would you think I'm so ... , Still haunting you ... "

"What haunts me?"

Seeing her crying again, King Jin was busy pulling her into his arms: "They dare not think so." He coughed twice and said, "Who dares to think so, who the king wants. This is not you ... but ... "

After listening to King Jin's remarks, Yao Niang's eyes were so wide that she still had such poison.

She was puzzled: "But why did they poison you like this?"

"It's complicated. It's not clear in a few words. You just need to know that there is such a reaction, not your own reason."

When mentioning this, Yao Niang was a little embarrassed again. She secretly glanced at King Jin: "Should you coax me?"

"Why do you coax you?" Jin Wang asked her obliquely.

Also, his temperament does not seem to coax people, so Yao Niang immediately did not tangled.

It's really not her own reason, all blame that Bliss.

"Quick sleep, it's not early."

King Jin finally took the last antidote.

Doctor Liu Liang came to take the pulse, saying that the poison had been completely removed, and everyone around Jin King could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the small county owner suddenly became ill.

The good doctors of the good medical institute ran to the small cross-hospital every day, and various rare medicinal materials were sent to the river in a flowing manner.

This winter, Jin Wangfu's affairs never stopped. Firstly, Hu Fangfei was inexplicably gone. This was not long after the small county master became sick again. Obviously it ’s the New Year's Eve, but the palace has no festive taste, but the atmosphere has dropped to freezing point.

The small county owner is less than one year old, and this month's baby is the easiest to die. King Jin attaches great importance to the small county master, if the small county master has a case.

The people in the palace didn't dare to think about what it was.

Only those who saw the front of the machine from the inside, but closed their mouths tightly and did not dare to spit out a word. Even if my curiosity has reached its peak, I dare not discuss with others. This is not a trivial matter. The girls in the house have their tongues pulled out, and they don't want to be the next one.

Yao Niang naturally heard the wind outside, but she didn't say a word, and she didn't ask Jin Jin how to deal with the small county master, and how to place Xiaobao.

The weather outside was as cold as an ice cellar, but Rongxiyuan was not affected at all.

Although the weather was cold, but it could not stand the heat of the stove, waves of people changed their methods to hollow out their minds, and wanted to go to the side of Rongxiyuan.

Trees are so cool that they can be used everywhere.

Near the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, the small county owner was gone.

Bad news spread, the house was silent. Regardless of what you think in your heart, when you go out to meet people, you have to put some sadness on your face.

There is no funeral for such a small child. Ordinary people ’s homes are good for giving small coffins. Even some wealthy families, that is, asking people to do rituals in private, find a place to be buried, even the ancestor's grave cannot enter.

At this moment, another news came out that blew up the overcast cloud brought to the King's Mansion by the small county master's death, which surprised the whole mansion.

It turned out that Mrs. Su's favor was not without reason. When she was still in the boudoir, she had an open marriage with His Royal Highness Jin. It was only that His Royal Highness was busy in the war and neglected the resettlement. When he turned around and sent someone to resettle, Madam Su disappeared. Over the years, King Jin has been searching secretly, but never expected that Mrs. Su had entered the palace and made a nurse-in-law for the small county master.

And Mrs. Su's son was not the first man, but his seed.

It is the real young master of Jin Wangfu.

Although it is not prostrate, it is also a protagonist, a grandson and a grandson of eight children.

The news was so powerful that I knew people were stunned and couldn't do anything else.

Of course, this external statement must have some loopholes, but no matter how large the loopholes are, it is a fact. The King of Jin cannot confuse the blood of the royal family, so it must be.

No wonder!

Those who were there that day raised such a thought in their hearts--

No wonder someone used the means that day, bought the sister-in-law of that sister Su Yaoniang, and brought a man out to frame him. Jin Wang would have responded that way! Obviously he is the victim and the father of the child, but he is stiffened by Li Daitao. He is not angry if he is not angry.

Among these people are Liu Fangfei, Jin Fang, and Xu Fangfei. Especially Xu Fangfei, this was almost like a heavy hammer hitting her head and face, making her feel like a clown jumping clown.

Su Yaoniang knows that Jin Wang also knows that she thought she had done such a thing cleverly. The show was smashed, and she was implicated. Someone told her afterwards that you were no better than the actor who performed singing, and you were just a joke.

Princess Jin wanted more. She wanted everything to be the joint, but no matter what she thought, it was a bit out of tandem. However, this did not prevent her from knowing one thing. The death of Hu Mingyu and the death of the small county master must have something to do with it.

She couldn't help thinking of the situation when the Jin king took Hu Mingyu back to his hometown.

Could it be that the subject is wrong? Originally supposed to be Su Yaoniang, she turned into Hu Mingyu. But there is a bit of explanation. The King of Jin should know who he was lucky. Could he say that he can't make a mistake?

Princess Jin hadn't figured it out for a whole day, she simply didn't want it anymore, and suddenly there was an extra eldest son in Prince Jin's Mansion, which had become a reality.

Mother Zhou, like an ant on a hot pot, walked back and forth in front of Princess Jin.

"How is this good? The momentum of the surname Su could not be suppressed. Now it is good. It turned out that there was such a period with His Royal Highness, and she had a child. Why did she choose her to enter the government at first? It's over. I got such a fox into the house, and later ... "

There will be a place for Princess Jin in the future.

I think it ’s the same for the upper and lower courtyards, so I ’m extra careful today, letting go in and out. Princess Jin didn't think too much, but now she can't help feeling a feeling that is not taste.

She frowned, "Once you're done, grandma, you just have to talk to me before. This is a good thing, there is finally a little boy in Jin Wangfu."

In fact, not only this, maybe there is another in that man's belly.

Looking at the princess's face, Mother Zhou put up with it and did not say this.

Princess Jin came to Rongxiyuan.

King Jin is absent, and Yao Niang and Xiaobao are in Xi'an Pavilion. Xiaobao was supportive, taking small steps, walking back and forth in the room. Yao Niang leaned on the aunt and talked to the red silk while looking at her son with a smile.

Hearing that the princess was coming, Yao Niang took a moment to stun, and then she was busy.

Before she could greet her, Princess Jin came in.

With a smile on Princess Jin's face, the Yao Niang who was about to salute her hand held up, "You are inconvenient and don't have to salute."


Yao Niang took a look at the belly she hadn't shown, and she felt the inconvenience.

"I should have come to see you for a long time, but you also know how I am. When it's cold, it's easy to be unhappy. After these days, I just came to see you by the way.

When talking about Xiaobao, Princess Jin was hesitant. She didn't know what Xiaobao's name was. Immediately thought, such a small milk baby, probably did not take the name.

"Thank you Princess."

The two brought each other to the front of the palace, and Princess Jin first sat down. Yao Niang was standing and she was pulled to sit opposite.

Princess Jin then set her eyes on Xiaobao and laughed, "I didn't expect such a small baby to walk."

Yao Niang lowered her head and said, "He's going to leave, let him take two steps."

Princess Jin nodded, and her eyes fell on Yao Niang. "You have merit, I have to thank you for your highness."

"That's what a damned mother-in-law said."

"This is what you deserve, but you didn't expect you to have such a big son for your Highness, and my Highness and I knew it."

Yao Niang half-slumped her face to make a shy look.

Afterwards, Princess Jin said something to Yaoniang, leaving a few boxes of good things such as ginseng bird's nest and shouwu to take her away. When Yao Niang wanted to send her, she was pressed by her, saying that she was inconvenient and she could only sit there.

When Princess Jin left, the room was silent.

"This princess ..." Hong Fei quickly whispered, trying to say what was stunned by the red silk.

Yaoniang walked over to God and smiled, "Why are you all there? Why isn't Xiaobao gone?"

Hearing this, Xiaobao took two steps.

The girls were amused around them again, and the atmosphere was getting better.

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