Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 36: Tooth extraction

It was getting late, the comfortable evening wind was blowing, Chu Ling's imaginary white hair fluttered, the indescribable air of dust, looking at the direction of the distant imperial city, and slowly said, "Now we are trapped here. We did n’t try our best, apart from Nalan Chengji ’s warning, we mainly wanted those martial arts masters who supported us to gather in one place, both in Zhengzhou City and Luodu City. Both locations are the same. Dilemma. We must break this situation by ourselves. We cannot wait for the enemy to form a trap. No matter how dangerous the situation is, we should take this iron out of a hole while the enemy is not fully prepared. "

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "Yes, in this case, Huangfu Jingming is indeed the best target person. When do you start?"

Chu Ling turned her head and stared at Ye Qingxuan and said, "The sooner the better. However, you should go to see Si Kong and worry first ..."

Ye Qingxuan froze, then immediately understood the meaning of Chu Lingxu.

After the assassination, after all, he is a layman. Asking Si Kong Jianchou, the "first killer in the world," will definitely be more helpful.

In this mega-capital city of Luodu, Zhongli Shangxian's "Anlehou" mansion can be said to be one of the largest, even several times larger than some of the royal palaces.

However, from the completion of "Anlehoufu Mansion", to this day, none of the official officials has impeached Zhongli Shangxian. This is mainly because the part of Zhongli Shangxian Houfu ’s over-architectural structure was almost without exception the intention of the emperor himself, which was built for “Anlehou” by Zhongli Shangxian himself. It is by no means comparable to the average person.

Within Hou's house, the largest pond in Luodu City was excavated and connected with Luoshui in the city, which is extremely magnificent.

When the government was built, the earthwork created by excavating ponds and foundations was piled up into a hill that was nearly 200 meters high. The main building of Anlehoufu was built on this mountain, which was extremely luxurious. .

Someone once discouraged Zhong Li Shangxian from rejecting the emperor's reward and kept a low profile. Don't be so pretentious.

But Zhong Li Shangxian once said: "The people in the world know that Zhong Li is by no means a mediocre person. Talented people generally have small ambitions and small. If I do n’t show my self-discipline for covetous pleasure, how about Doesn't it make me suspect that my imagination is wrong? "

Zhong Li Shangxian's self-defilement, in exchange for the absolute trust of Emperor Jing'an, has been rewarded every year, and has been rewarded every year, but only for money, not power, to make the general Zhenbei delicious and delicious Worship it.

In the eyes of the vast majority of "smart people", Zhongli Shangxian and Huangfu Jingde seem to be in harmony with monarchs and ministers, but they are secretly guarding against each other and are absolutely hostile.

As a result, everyone in the entire city of Luodu knew that the emperor was in trouble today, and all the ministers and ministers were guarding against each other, and no one would be prepared to guard against this "comfort" all day long.

This is exactly the situation that has been laid between Emperor Jing'an and General Zhenbei for many years ...

This arrangement of dark chess, that is, only the "Eagle King" Zhan Xiongfei who fought side by side with the two of them can be seen. It is because of this that when Zhan Yu came to Luodu, the King of Eagles told him to be right Zhong Li Shangxian has enough trust.

Zhan Yu visited Luodu at the beginning, and visited Hua An Lehou the next day after Huajie did not wait for Chu Dieyi.

I just didn't expect that after a brief contact with Zhong Li Shangxian, he would be forcibly retained by him. This stay lasted for half a month.

On this day, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the Chinese lanterns are hung high, which will not illuminate the solid night.

The "Little Eagle King" exhibited anxiety, and jumped down from the attic on the top of the mountain. His figure gracefully draws an arc in the air like a swallow hangs in the air, and then glides across a distance of 20 feet. Lightly fall between the heavy ridges.

The eyes swept around in the darkness, and the six senses beyond ordinary people made him tell that all the most hidden secret whistle in the palace was in his hands. Then he walked in, and the ghosts moved around, and walked towards "Anlehoufu".

Seeing that there would be dozens of feet of distance to leave the house, Zhan Yu, who was like an afterimage, suddenly stood down, and his body stopped on the ridge of the roof, and he would not be noticed.

So at this moment in front of him, at the top of the roof ridge arch, a middle-aged man with a tall, thin, and straight figure in a splendid robe, turned his back to him, and watched the lights of Wanjia shining like stars in the night, and noticed the people behind him. , Could not help but sigh softly, a supple voice beyond ordinary people's imagination: "It has been more than half a month for the nephew to leave the world, and it is so determined that the nephew's intention is still so determined."

Who would have thought that this man, who is as famous as a ghost on the battlefield, looks like a teacher in a neighbour's house, but stands out so naturally that his dignity has made people feel insincere.

Just being blocked by such a character, Zhan Yu also had some headaches.

Zhan Yu bowed down as a ceremony, saying: "Uncle Shi Jian, I and my brothers have righteousness Jinlan, I do n’t want to be born on the same day of the same year, but I want to die on the same day of the same year. Today my brother is in danger to save my beloved. On earth, how can the younger generation stand idly by being taught by their father? "

Zhong Li Shangxian snorted, Shen said: "Your kid has been on the horizon for so many years. At first I thought you would be different to your father. At least I knew how to be flexible. I didn't think that a bad temper would come up just like your father. Since you already know that The Chu Family Mansion is a trap, waiting for you people to jump in yourself. You are still so anxious, wouldn't it be an enemy trick? "

Zhan Yu said: "The younger nephew recently listened to the uncle's teachings and endured more than half a month, but did not go to find the Huangfu Taixin's obscurity. But now that my brother is in danger, the Dami Temple is afraid of other forces. Even if Nalan Chengji becomes famous again, he won't offend the heroes of the world for a plaything. If the young nephew can't suffer with the brothers now, if something happens in the future, the young nephew wouldn't dare to think ... , My nephew is so confused that he can't wait any longer. "

Zhong Li Shangxian breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and a look of nostalgia appeared on the cold and sloppy and thin face, and said in a deep voice, "You have the same temperament as your father, but it's less of Xiongfei's. Pride and change of mind. Now the direction of the Chu family mansion is at stake, but wherever you go, you will only increase the danger there. If you want to release your brother, you don't have to stay with them. "

Zhan Yu's eyes suddenly lighted and he asked urgently, "Please uncle Shi."

Zhong Li Shangxian nodded and continued: "Now the women in Fengyi Pavilion use the Chu family mansion as a trap, waiting for you to jump in, but this trap is not for them, forcing them to focus only on their attention Put it there, and ignore the importance of other places. At this time, as long as you can make one or two things that make the other party tired, let Feng Yige take care of the situation and become a mess, the crisis of the direction of the Chu family mansion, Natural release. "

Zhan Yu's original anxiety suddenly relaxed.

Zhong Li Shangxian is indeed a generation of wise men. Even when he was in the army with his father and the emperor, Zhan Xiongfei and Huangfu Jingde worked hard, and he was responsible for using his brain. In this regard, even if Huangfu Jingde complains, he still can't count on the whole-hearted Zhenbei general.

"According to Uncle Shi, what should I do?"

Zhong Li Shangxian wondered: "What to do? I'm afraid you already have a calculation in your own heart? Oh, just do what you want. As for the goal and place of the hands, leave it to the old man. You must be calm, Listen to me. Understand? "

Zhan Yu sighed, "The nephew obeys. Hey, it's another sleepless night."

"not necessarily."

Zhong Li Shangxian laughed out of laughter: "A prudent plan is necessary only when the enemy is well guarded. At this time, it proves that the enemy is proud, and in the most careless stage, the young man is eager to take advantage of this time. Come out. What plans do you have for tonight? Go ahead, make a mess, give them a try first. "

Zhan Yu was immediately overjoyed, and quickly arched: "Uncle Xie Shi is complete."

"Go ahead—"

When Zhong Li Shangxian waved his hand, Zhan Yu fluttered, just like a ghostly night owl, but only one rise and fall, disappeared among the houses outside the palace.

Looking at the disappearance of Zhan Yu, Zhong Li Shangxian murmured to himself: "Sure enough, it is still a young hawk. Although the talents and talents are sufficient, the blood and rain that I experienced is not as good as that of me. I am afraid that it will be difficult to become the first king of the eagle. Two. "

In the dark night sky, there was an old and dry laughter, an old **** trembling and shaking like a colleague washed away from the darkness, and then Zhong Li Shangxian said, "Who can guarantee that his son must Will he become another self? And why should he become his own shadow? The eagle king is only rough and aggressive, and he is easily instructed in his hands like the left and right arms. In terms of leader charm, Zhan Yu is indeed not as good His father is so stubborn. Zhan Yu is destined not to be a general, but he is a knight, a peerless knight who can pass his life on. Why is such a character a generation of heroes? "

The person who spoke was not someone else, but the **** An Zhongxin, who was next to Jing'an Emperor Huangfu Jingde.

Zhong Li Shangxian stared at An Zhongxin coldly, and finally sighed: "It seems that you really do not intend to let Zhan Yu's child inherit the military post in the future, right? For Jiangshang News Agency, the King of Eagles without military power It is indeed more secure than the eagle king with heavy soldiers. "

The folds of An Zhongxin's face were piled together, using a squeezed laughter: "It's not the court's heart. The child's character is Zhan Yu. As a government official, I'm afraid he will be more sad than killing him. Your Majesty The plan is also like breaking the sea, and reward him with gold and silver, let him be a wealthy man, or the master of a faction. It would be happy to do so. "

"Huh, the calculation is far enough. Unfortunately, the far calculation has been made, but the near one has not been calculated!" Zhong Li Shangxian couldn't help but taunted, "Now the emperor has people control, you old dog now Don't have any confidence? "

Zhongli Shangxian was so ridiculed, An Zhongxin didn't hold his breath, but said lightly: "Your Majesty is also a bitter game, the world building will fall. If you do not use the thunder method, let these fairy clowns jump out, Your Majesty will try to maintain it Nor can it change the fate of the imperial dynasty. "

"I hope it is what you think. Your Majesty's game is too dangerous to play, and you even think of yourself as a chess piece. Seeing how hard your Majesty is, how can the old minister not desperate?"

After Zhan Yu left Anlehoufu, she almost went straight to the most lively area in Luodu.

Flower Street.

Xunfang in Luodu City asked Liu where he would go.

Huajie is said to be a street, in fact, it is an elegant place like a water village in the south of the Yangtze River.

Among them is a small canal. On both sides of the street along the canal are various flower buildings. From the beginning to the end of the flower street, a total of twenty-four tall arch bridges of various styles span the canal.

Xunfang guests from the south and the north can rent a boat to enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the canal. The boat can carry the Xunfang guests to the front of any green house. If you don't like the noise of the green house, you can hire a second boat. A small-floor boat, order a few wines, and then recruit a couple of beautiful women, while visiting, stealing jade and incense, really proud.

In addition, there is a giant building boat docked at the east and west ends of Huajie. The small canal is actually a waterway connecting Luoshui and Penglai Lake.

Leaving "Anlehoufu", north is Penglai Lake.

Zhan Yu strolled aimlessly along the official channels on both sides of the canal, but looked closely in his eyes, identifying where the person he was looking for existed.

The green towers of Huajie have always been elegant, and the princes and literati celebrities must be gathered in piles.

The sisters of flowers on the green buildings along the street kept flirting at the romantic Zhan Yu. Zhan Yu also returned to the romantic temperament of the drunk and gentle hometown, and sometimes laughed at each other with the beautiful beauty, but But he was never seduced, and refused to easily enter a green house.

Just after walking half a street, Zhan Yu has found several worthy targets.

The second prince hosted a banquet in the palace to entertain Wenchen and the generals who came from the world. It was so difficult for them to come to Luodu. How could these people not come to this flower street for a visit ...

These characters naturally have their own small circle, and in Luodu, there are also local big-name family members who deliberately associate, so Zhan Yu has just shaken, and he has already confirmed a few waves worthy of shots.

At a time when Zhan Yu was hesitant, several figures in front of him suddenly swayed shoulder to shoulder, walking hand in hand into an elegant green building, Zhan Yu raised a brow and immediately recognized the identity of the three of them, half behind. Stepping into a group of people is Feng Xiangfu Governor Li Liang and Yan'an Governor Jiang Gui, and the leader who laughed and led the way, is the master of the Helian family, one of the eight families in Fengxiang Prefecture. One of the "Iron Horses" Hlenbuchung.

As one of the "eight major families", Helien's power is known as Fengxiang Mansion. Naturally, he has a close friendship with the local Fengxiang Mansion Governor Li Liang, and Yan'an Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion are close to Liangzhou. The front officers and soldiers, each with a jurisdiction of 50,000 frontiers, are the few generals in the entire Emperor Fu Dynasty who hold real soldiers and have great power.

For more than a decade, there have been many clashes between the two governments and the Twelve Flying Eagles. The eagle king is lonely, just between the imperial army and the Di clan. The blood relationship with the Di ethnic group outside the territory has repeatedly instigated the Di ethnic invasion and covets the land of Xiliang half wall under the protection of Twelve Flying Eagles.

Please meet by chance.

It's you ...

Zhan Yu smiled wickedly and stepped forward without entering the building much behind.

At this moment, at ten o'clock in the night, the building was brightly lit, all the seats were filled with banquets, the staggered sound accompanied by the sound of laughter and swearing, deafening, and the never-ending music, the old ladies * greetings, Show the life of the most sensual dogs and horses in Luodu city.

Seeing that a group of five or six people walked into a private room on the third floor, Zhan Yu gently said, "Follow Helen Buxiong", and easily got rid of the entanglement of the old grandpa and grandpa, and walked up the stairs , Went straight to the private room on the third floor.

Just arrived at the entrance of the staircase, a beautiful 29-year-old beautiful aunt stepped out of the door of the room, and Zhan Yu took a homeopathic ape, and she was embraced by Zhan Yu. The woman was about to exclaim. Seeing Zhan Yu's handsome, slightly smirk face, she was fascinated by the macho male charm in her arms.

In the laughter, the woman coquettishly said, "Why is this guest officer so anxious?"

Zhan Yu laughed: "I saw such a beautiful woman. If I don't worry, I really doubt that person is still a man ..."

The woman laughed coquettishly: "Unfortunately the son came, the slave family is with others today, and the guest officer may wish to meet again in the future. The slave family is known as Feng Jiao, you must remember ..."

"Did Fengjiao accompany the guests in that elegant room?"


Zhan Yu laughed aloud ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "That was a coincidence. I was invited by the heroes here to come here. Is it Fengxiang House and Yan'an? The governor of the government, a surname of Li and a surname of Jiang? "

The Feng Jiao immediately hesitated, and exclaimed, "The original big man with the last name Li and Jiang was the governor of a government house. No wonder he was so imposing. The little girl was really scared."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The two generations are still my children and grandchildren. The relationship is close." Zhan Yu got close to Feng Jiao's little face, reached out and shaved, and smiled: "I want to surprise them, secretly Frighten them. Come, the beauties told me, who else is there to accompany us? Our brothers are joking, if we neglect our guests, we will lose face. "

Seeing Zhan Yu easily said the names of the three people attending the meeting, that sister had long thought that he was really a guest of honor at the banquet. Now she knew everything and said endlessly about the characters in the banquet.

Zhan Yu suddenly knew something and laughed: "Okay, everyone is old and acquainted. You will be better off later. Don't say that I want to come, otherwise the surprise is gone ..."

Feng Jiao nodded quickly, looking like a play. R1152

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