Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 38: Identity exposure

Cold could not help but a stern voice sounded behind everyone. Everyone said that they stood up in shock, and subconsciously touched their waist weapons. The three masters here, Hlenb Xiong, Xia Ming, and Su Rong, were all very nervous. Top, Dot novel. W.om

The things they discussed were extremely confidential, and the other party was able to calmly appear here without any notice. This skill is indeed appalling. What is especially worrying is that if the other party is an enemy or a friend, then they The charges of collaborating with the Di people were leaked.

Everyone looked at each other. Xihua, a famous prostitute who was playing the pipa, was sitting in the arms of an old man about 50 years old with a leather hat and a thin face, with panic in his face, but the pipa was in his hand. The opponent's hands were constantly fiddled with, and the melody that had not stopped in the ears of the people was played from the old man's hands, and none of the people at the scene noticed that everyone's back was a brush. Cold sweat.

The lean old man had a high nose and deep eyes, and his eyes were as fine as a night owl. Just sitting there, the momentum suppressed everyone present.

Li Liang and Jiang Gui flinched, and at the same time secretly transported their skills, each with their own vigilance, Li Liang even said, "Who's coming?"

However, Su Rong and Helian Buxiong left the table quickly and bowed respectfully. Su Rong laughed: "I can't think of the seniors of Yelu already here.

As Xia Ming, the deputy factory guard of the Imperial Supervisor, couldn't help looking at the other person's dress and fiddle with the emerald green finger on his lute's finger, a person's name suddenly came to his mind, and he took an involuntary breath. Says: "Are you—Yaluga?"

Everyone present was exclaimed. It turns out that this person is the chief of the Khitan tribe of the Di tribe. Yelu Yahai, the first master swordsmith in the world, is also the richest man in the northern prairie. The weapons created by the Khitan Ministry have been snapped up by various tribes, and they have also been protected by the Di court The identity and status of Yelu Yahai is extremely transcendent among the Di people. In terms of its influence on the Di court, he can fully resist the super-guru Nalan Chengji.

Su Rong and others are the biggest collaborators outside the region. This is the Yale Sea.

Su Ronglang laughed: "Brother Helian said that he had invited a big man. He never thought that it was a senior of Yelu. It was a blessing to be able to see the true face of Mr. Yelu in his lifetime."

Yelu Yahai smiled coldly and said coldly: "If the wolf on the grassland has reached Luodu, if the old man is not there, wouldn't the people think that there is only Nalan Chengji among my Di people?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Yelu Yahai and Nalan Chengji's struggle on the grasslands is well known.

Nalan Chengji's martial arts were world-famous, and Yelu Yahaixiong's strategy was rough, relying on the influence of the entire tribe in the court of the Di tribe, he could compete with Nalan Chengji.

Yelu Yahai patted the beauty on her body gently. He motioned for a little to get up, and then said, "Of course. This time, I came here to take the order of my family's sweat, to deal with some matters with your court, and by the way, I will see you old and new friends, and everyone will climb up friendship."

The crowd nodded and said yes.

Under the powerful aura of Yelu Yahai, everyone was a bit unnatural, and he became a slave who smiled and smiled.

At this moment, there was a light noise at the door, the door of the outer room was pulled open, and Feng Jiao, the beautiful lady who had just been out for a long time, walked in with a smile on her face. When she saw the atmosphere inside was strange, she stunned involuntarily.

Then a voice came from the door, saying, "Girl, this dish ..."

Feng Jiao immediately put on a smile and said, "What are you still stupidly doing, just send it to the back room!"

When he heard that it was a tadpole who had come in to serve, Helian Buxiong's face sank suddenly. At this time, there was a sea of ​​Yeluya on the seat. Although they were detached, they were not willing to fall into collusion at this moment. The rumors of foreign enemies went.

"What dish? What did we get you served? Hurry up and get out!"

Before the sliding door was opened, Hlenb Xiong anxiously prevented the other side from entering.

I didn't think of Yelu Yahai, but smiled, "I don't have to be so prepared, let him in ..."

"Yes, yes, come in quickly." Su Rong took the opportunity to siege and said: "Tell your host, the banquet here will be served at the table again, and these will be dumped for me ... I have a distinguished guest here, how can this be the case?"

In fact, the dishes on the wine table have just moved a few chopsticks and did not eat much at all. Su Rongcai was bold and understatement. The whole table and other banquets were refreshed.

"Yes, little obedience!"

The little sister-in-law was about to enter the house, and did not want Su Rong to say lightly: "You don't have to come in. Replace the dishes in your hand. Give me all the top dishes here."

Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment, and said, "But this wine and dish is already the highest level in this building ..."

Su Rong's face suddenly became gloomy, and she said: Why are the slaves outside so ignorant ...

As he was about to reprimand, Yelvyahai, who was uncontrollable, said, "Let him in. My husband wanted to see this little brother ..."

Everyone froze, and didn't understand why Yelu Yahai treated such a courteous little sister.

Just listening to the outside sighing softly, a voice that became somewhat free and easy said: "I can't think that the younger generation met the senior Yelu here. I really don't know if it was a blessing or a misfortune in this life."

Everyone heard the scene, and immediately understood that the visitors were not good. Li Liang and Jiang Gui, who were sitting at the door, shot at the same time, and the door smashed into countless fragments, splashing outwards like a burst.

A young, handsome young man appeared in front of everyone, and a somewhat unruly smile hung gently on his face. In front of so many masters, there was no sign of panic.

The broken sawdust and paper flew towards the other person's face. When the distance was about a foot away from the other person's body, the time for the Buddha's time was condensed. The sawdust was gently nudged by the guardian, as if floating on the water, and gently slid to the side. The weirdness of the scene was stunned.

Yelu Yahai's eyes flashed brilliantly, and she couldn't help praising: "Okay, good internal strength, a younger generation has finally appeared in the decent spot. Hum, the King of Eagles must be very proud?"

With a look at everyone present, Li Liang exclaimed: "The King of Eagles? You, you are the 'Little King of Kings' displaying feathers?"

Although the tone is anxious, it contains faint excitement rather than fear.

The main purpose of this banquet was to discuss ways to deal with the "Eagle King" exhibition Xiong Fei, unexpected things to help everyone, not only peerless masters, Yelu Yahai, who has the utmost strength, came in person, and there was also a "Little Eagle" exhibition feather Then came, this gift is enough for "Eagle King" to drink a pot.

Hlenb Xionglong laughed loudly: "Hahaha, this means that there is a way in heaven, you don't go, you have to break in without a door to **** ..."

Then he waved his hands, and there were more than twenty security guards at the two tables around him. He immediately surrounded Zhan Yu's retreat from the rear and surrounded them with caution.

Zhan Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly. Her trip was really unlucky. She thought that she had caught a big fish, but she fell into the ice cave, and she was very sad. Although he broke the conspiracy against the Twelve Flying Eagles, he was in danger, and there are more masters like Yaliyah. Just now, he tried to escape a few times, but the Qi has been locked by the other party. Every move will inevitably attract the other killer.

Yelu Yahai laughed lightly: "Hyun nephew, how is Lingzun always good?"

"My father could eat and sleep, so good he couldn't be better." Zhan Yu replied, "Before he arrived, his father just taught Zuo Gu, the king, and decapitated more than 10,000 counts. Alas, my father is too murderous. Kill a few Di robbers, and if the Chinese traitor is, he will feel itchy! "


"Asshole, look for death--"

This table can be said to be a Chinese traitor. The anger suddenly burst into anger. Everyone pulled out their personal weapons, and they always wanted to kill people.

The prostitutes who accompanied the wine during the dinner were so frightened that they were blocked by Zhan Yu, and the Feng Jiao who led Zhan Yu into the house was paralyzed. , Fainted.

At the critical moment, Zhan Yu was full of vitality, and her father ’s heroic spirit filled her chest. In the face of such a strong enemy, she was even more fearless. She said, "What? Ca n’t help but come? Come, come Let ’s go together and let the little master teach Luo Duo the weight of the master. Is it as good as the mouth, or the same smelly! "

Yelu Yahai looked at Zhan Yu, who was trapped in the center, with a faint mockery, but her eyes were full of murder.

Due to the strength of Yelu Yahai, naturally, they will not be easily shot under these circumstances ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And the people at the scene want to be in front of Yelu Yahai and show their faces, so they all want to be the first Take a shot and win.

A gloomy big man said in a deep voice: "Since the little eagle king is so interested, it is better to accompany you to take a few moves ... the little eagle king rest assured, in these places, in the eyes of everyone, we will not Siege. "

What Zhan Yu wanted was this result.

The people of Luodu, as Kyoto, feel that they have seen all the big scenes. They look down on foreigners, just as Beijing officials look down on local officials. The martial arts characters here always look down on the martial arts characters in the area.

Dong Zhaosheng, who spoke here, is a gangster in Luodu. His martial arts are unfathomable. It is said that he has the strength of being a master of the sky. In recent years, he has clearly challenged the 36th "ghost claw" of the "sky list". Nie Tu, but Nie Tu's whereabouts are secretive, he has never challenged.

But there have been rumors on the rivers and lakes that Nie Tu was afraid of Dong Zhaosheng's strength and was afraid to fight.

At that time, most of these legends came from Luodu Wulin. (To be continued ...)

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