Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 42: Chamber Fight

As soon as the massive gate closed the passage behind him, Ye Qingxuan was immediately trapped inside the stone house.

At the same time, a burst of ridiculous sneer sounded from the broken wooden door: "Hahaha, there is a way in heaven, you don't go, you have to break in without hell. Ye Qingxuan is this time you are looking for death, you can't blame others!"

The person who spoke was Ge Yuanzhao, "the real person in Tianyuan."

There are a total of five peerless masters in the living room outside the door, but only this one Ge Yuanzhao has seen Ye Qingxuan's true face, other Huangfu Jingming and Tong Huitong have never seen him, and Chagan Barr only rushed with Ye Qingxuan in the dense forest at night. On the one hand, he did not know his identity. As for another Di master, he had never heard of it before.

& n`Pig`Pig`island`fiction`www`huzud`; outside the broken portal, five masters lined up, looking coldly at Ye Qingxuan in the hut, the emperor's respect and complexion was iron, and he said coldly: " This is the Ye Qingxuan? Huh, but a young boy. Lord Chagan Barr, it seems that our plan needs to be changed. This person knows our secrets, and can't let him leave, and he must live. "

Chagan Barr pulled out his machete and licked his tongue cruelly, saying, "Anyway, I have to explain it to my own teacher. Compared to Yanyun Shiliu County, this kid's life is even given to Wang Ye Congratulations on your ascension. "

Ye Qingxuan Xuan laughed and asked, "How did you find me?"

The Chaganbar pointed to a cold-hearted Di man with a beard and a two-faced beard, and proudly said, "This is the first master of the king's tribe, Mr. Bayan, and he is given the nickname 'Hound'." No matter how cunning you are, you can't escape Mr. Bayan's ear ... "

Bayan said coldly and coldly next to him: "Not ears. It's a nose ..." Bayan touched his nose. Leng Yan said: "This man's hidden effort is very powerful. Unfortunately, the smell on his body is like crawling out of the dunghill, and it smells dead!"

Ye Qingxuan was shocked and could not help but sigh.

I still do n’t have enough experience. I thought that if I could hide the sound, it would not be discovered, but I did n’t expect that there would be six masters with extraordinary knowledge among the enemies.

The Bayan nicknamed "Hound" is undoubtedly a sign that he has a superhuman sense of smell, and the bad thing is that he is dressed as a dumb worker, although his appearance can be changed at will. However, the smell of a person is difficult to hide, and when he came, he just had time to change his clothes, but he didn't have time to take a shower.

"So sensitive dog nose!"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but think of another figure with a good nose, the Cang dog in "Capturing the Seven Beasts".

That person's tracking skills should be less than the "hound" in front of him.

"Ye Qingxuan, don't talk nonsense, let's die!"

Ge Yuanzhao had been severely beaten by Ye Qingxuan before. If there was no time to make a shot, I am afraid that Ye Qingxuan who had not yet entered the innate was already dead under his hands.

This time, the new hatred and the old hatred struck. Ge Yuanzhao secretly said that if it wasn't for Ye Qingxuan who had destroyed his own good. At that time, maybe I am already the master of Lingyun Palace. How could I fall into today's ruined fields.

Thinking of this, Ge Yuanzhao almost sweared and sweared on the spot, and rushed straight up, floating dust in his hands, the suffocating gas raised a fierce wind in the small stone house, and various pendulums on the wall cabinets around the cabin. Things suddenly shattered.

Ge Yuanzhao rushed out, and next to Tong Huitong and the "white tiger" Chaganbar at the same time, from the left and right sides cooperated with Ge Yuanzhao's attack and besieged Ye Qingxuan.

As for the filial prince Huangfu Jingming, he held his own identity and did not join forces. The "hunter" Bayan suffered from a small indoor space and was not enough to shoot. It was also because his martial arts was worse than other people by more than a star and a half. So holding arms, cold eyes stood side by side.

However, Ye Qingxuan, who was surrounded by the siege, had already secretly determined to do his best to kill. Without the desperate consciousness, he just wanted to retreat from the whole body. I'm afraid he would not be able to get out of this room and he would be killed.

So when Ge Yuanzhao across the road moved, he also kicked the ground violently. [Linbo Weibu] exerted his strength. In the moment, the house was full of Ye Qingxuan's ghostly figure. Everyone was in chaos. Coming from the face, when Ye Qingxuan shot, even five peerless masters gave out a terrible feeling at the same time.

It has long been rumored that Kunwu ’s Ye Qingxuan Qinggong method is difficult to see in the world, but when they saw it with their own eyes, the five still felt that he was so spooky and terrifying, and they made a decision in their hearts.

This child must not stay!

[Linbo Microstep], the world's stunt is really extraordinary.

The emperor Huang Jingming even faintly felt that if this son rushed out of the stone house, relying on his peerless body method, even if the martial arts of the people present were high, I am afraid no one could get him.

He even thought that if he were allowed to develop, no one in the world would catch him at all.

So far, no one in the world seems to be able to leave this kid completely. People who take pictures of Jianmen in the sky can't, people in Xianlong Cave can't, people in Fengyi Pavilion can't, people in Momen can't ... It was also confirmed that even Zhuo Huifan, the owner of Fengyi Pavilion, and the ancestors of Xianlong shot together, and ultimately could only let him escape easily.

Nor is he the first master of northern martial arts. Nalan Chengji, who is a peerless master, looks at him so differently.

Huang Fu Jingming this contemplative moment, the opposite Ye Qingxuan had flew over and over, and at the same time, his hands and fingers flickered with a burst of violence, as if a mandala flower was blooming in front of his hands, and the yellow rays of the sky were shining. Then, attack the various important points in front of the five, the means are extremely fierce.

Ge Yuanzhao drank loudly, and the dust in his hands rose sharply. The dust particles exploded, and the sharp filigree suffocated along the dust particles. It instantly covered all the space in the cabin.

The sound of Ding-Dang-Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang immediately cracked Ye Qingxuan's [Fingering Magic Power], which he wanted to create confusion.

Ye Qingxuan was shocked. He was surprised by Ge Yuanzhao's unexpected move. Obviously, he hadn't seen him for a few years. The "Tianyuan real person", like a bereavement dog, hadn't been idle. Both the skill and the method rose. A section.

The money dart that originally hit the other four people was also taken over by Ge Yuanzhao. Chagan Barr laughed a lot. The machete whirlwind swept in his hand. The other side of Hui Huitong also showed a very high skill and a sword in his hand. Han Guang burst into the air, without stopping to stroke Ye Qingxuan's calf.

In a critical moment, Ye Qingxuan did not retreat. He turned around and showed extreme light power in a small space. Bypassing the rushing Ge Yuanzhao, relying on the powerful defense power of the body protection magic power, he stiffened his breath from the sky. The middle squeezed past, embedded in the middle of the two peerless masters of Chaganbar and Xi Huitong.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have made a great mistake, and this approach almost equals immediately falling into the encirclement of Ge Yuanzhao, Xi Huitong and Chaganbar.

The cold hum of Chagan Barr and the loud slap of Tong Huitong sounded at the same time, and a sword and a merciless attack on Ye Qingxuan relentlessly, and at the same time, Ge Yuanzhao slammed backwards, and the three returning masters attacked at the same time. Ye Qingxuan.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan took a breath, [Xiaoyao Su Sui Jue] suddenly made a force, and everyone suddenly felt that a powerful suction that had never been encountered was centered on Ye Qingxuan, and all the masters had never seen such a weird one. Who ’s doing this, who actively attracted the enemy ’s blade to greet himself? There must be fraud here.

This is the first time that the three have joined forces to control the enemy. There is no tacit understanding in cooperation. It is also not familiar enough with the partners around them, and lacks trust. Therefore, they are afraid to continue the hard attack, but at the same time, the capacity is withdrawn and their weapons are not withdrawn. Ye Qingxuan wished.

Ye Qingxuan saw this early, and after a sudden inhalation, he could not spit out violence.

[Xiaoyao sucking tactics] Backward, the suction of subsidence turned into explosive explosive force, and the strong squall wind suddenly stirred out from the small stone house ...

In the exclamation of everyone, the body moved slightly, but they were all returning to the virtual master, and did not lose control of the body.

But Ye Qingxuanzhi was not here. It was just such a sigh that the strong wind swept the whole stone house and caused a mess in the outside living room. At this time, the lanterns were first on, and the lamps inside and out were suddenly This strong wind blew out, especially in this small stone house, and suddenly fell into the darkness with no fingers to see ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Keep the door, don't let him ... "Ge Yuanzhao's exclaimed voice just now It sounded, and immediately there was a violent crit in the dark stone house, and Ye Qingxuan used a means to beat Ge Yuanzhao's words back.

Ye Qingxuan's biggest reliance is on darkness. His [Capricorn hood] is born for this reason. When the eyes of other experts have not adapted to the darkness in front of him, his perception is clear and abnormal. Now, take advantage of this moment when it is in your best interest to launch a counterattack.

In the dark room where the five fingers were not reached, the Jiupin Scimitar “Zhanyue” suddenly lighted up on the hand of Charbagan. [Snowfield Sword] With only one movement, this cold and cold light will be produced From his point of view, his vision has been blocked by Ge Yuanzhao, so Ye Qingxuan can't be seen, and it is more difficult to slam. All this is obviously Ye Qingxuan deliberately doing it, and he can't help but scream violently, but still follow the knife Leaving, the "Narrow Moon" sword had a ruo spirit snake out of the hole, an icy sword mang turned a bend and hit Ye Qingxuan behind Ge Yuanzhao.

Under the siege of the people, Ye Qingxuan still reversed the situation. For the first time, Hui Huitong encountered such a young but fierce rival. He sighed, knowing that he had given Ye Qingxuan, who was unimaginably clever. Seize the lead, and quickly split to the left and right, rushing from the side close to the wall, to make the embarrassing Ge Yuanzhao attacked by Ye Qingxuan. (To be continued ...)

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