Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 49: Ghost Sword

Ye Qingxuan and others had already fled when they landed in Yelu Yahai, and even the sword and sword extinction saw that the momentum was not good and immediately fled. ! Top! Point *! Novel w.2w.

"Don't go!" He Zhuo Atelier was about to instruct the remaining "Seibei Eighteen Riders" to chase the enemy, but was stopped by Yelu Yahai: "No need to chase ..."

He Zhuo Attili glanced at Yan Sheng, the "green-faced ghost" next to him, and quickly lowered his voice, anxiously, "But Master, that show off ..."

Yelv Yahai waved his hand to stop the apprentice's doubts. He looked up and down and was aided, his face was white because of pain, and he sighed slightly. "Let me see yours first Injury. "As he said, he stepped forward and examined it carefully.

"Master, the injury of the pupil is not a problem!" He Zhuo Atelier still said stubbornly.

"Shut up!" Yelu Yahai drank aloud, grabbed the apprentice's hands with both hands, and slammed his strength with a squeak, and was unable to prepare for Zhuo Atelier, and suddenly hummed.

"Well, I know that there is a sky outside this time, is there someone outside?" Ye Liyahai looked so blue and reprimanded: "You are all one of them ... this time you have suffered a big loss, you can change your pride!"

"My confession!"

The "Seibei Eighteen Riding Horses" were all pale and yellow, with injuries on their bodies. The four most serious people were unconscious, but the blood had been stopped and there was no danger to their lives for the time being.

Being reprimanded by Yelu Yahai, even Aiguli didn't dare to say a word, his face flushed and his head was silent.

Huh Huh-

In the flash of people's shadows, Helien Bu Xiong, Su Rong, Dong Zhaosheng, Wu Guang and others all attended the scene, the factory governor Xia Ming and Li Liang, Jiang Gui two governors. Because the identity of the government cannot be easily revealed. So avoid it early. Was not present.

As soon as a few people landed, the Hellenbu Xiong hurriedly asked, "Mr. Yaluo, have you encountered the 'King of the Eagle'?"

Yelu Yahai nodded and did not speak. Yan Sheng, the "green-faced ghost" next to him, interjected: "It was already blocked, but it was a pity that Ye Qingxuan was suddenly killed, and there were two masters who returned to the realm and let them treat people. Saved ... "

The crowd sighed suddenly.

He Zhuo Attili exclaimed angrily: "Unfortunately, my master is late. Otherwise, this group of people will leave no one here."

Yan Sheng, a "green-faced ghost" on the side, snorted slowly, saying, "Unfortunately, I have suffered some injuries under the care of Brother Zhuo, otherwise Yan must let Zhan Yu's blood splash on the spot!"

One talked and raised his own master, while the other taunted that he was useless and couldn't help a little.

This is indeed the case. If he was undefeated under Zhan Yu at that time, and secretly cooperated with Yan Shenghe to strike Zhan Yu, it would surely kill him on the spot. In fact, if Ye Qingxuan did not stop Yan Sheng. Zhan Yu also suffered a big loss under Yan Sheng's sickle.

A word from Yan Sheng suddenly made He Zhuo Atili unable to lift his head, and at the same time his heart was full of anger. At that time, if Yan Shengken directly appeared and attacked Zhan Yu, he would not be defeated by the opponent, and he would not be injured. He might even win Zhan Yu before Ye Qingxuan arrived.

It was just that these words were still in my heart, but in the end he was injured because of his incompetence. He had a great gap with Zhuo Atelier and could not vent his anger.

However, Ye Hai, who was next to him, looked in his eyes, but suddenly he groaned. Shen said, "You kid is very insidious, but why do n’t you help me when I see my apprentice being attacked? It hurt my apprentice, I see you as an accomplice! Compensate my apprentice! "

A sudden meal at the foot of Yelu Yahai, the figure had turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Yan Sheng.


"Mr. Yerud please stop!"

"Myself, my own ..."

Everyone couldn't think of this Yelu Yahai saying that they would do it, and suddenly no one had the time to stop Yelu Yahai's move to Yan Sheng.

He Zhuo Attili saw that the Master was angry with herself, and she was very excited. Aiguli also jumped to her feet, but only Wu Guang, a "broken sword" who was also a "bloody", sneered unexpectedly, watching With the liveliness of Yan Sheng.

As soon as Yeluhai started to act, Yan Sheng, the "blue-faced ghost", immediately responded. As a killer, Yan Sheng's response was already one-on-one fast, but he faced Yeluya. In the sea attack, only three or two moves, Yan Sheng lost the opportunity, was suppressed by the opponent everywhere, ten moves in the blink of an eye, Yan Sheng's defense is about to collapse, maybe the next move will be seriously injured by the opponent on the spot . The crowds watching the crowd around, although surging in shape, still can not rescue.

At this moment, a cold chill breeze blew up suddenly, and everyone went into goosebumps, and the sound of "DaDaDa" bamboo sticks hitting the ground fell into everyone's ears.

The original violent attack on Yelu Yahai frowned suddenly, then turned back and jumped, all eyes looked at the direction of the voice at the same time.

In the moonlight, a figure came slowly with rhythmic percussion.

The knock came from a seven-foot-long wooden stick in the opponent's hand, and while walking, he quickly tapped and pierced the ground ...

It can be seen that the other party should be a blind man.

When everyone saw his face clearly, everyone took a sip of air. Aiguli even desperately covered his mouth with his hands to avoid exclaiming himself.

The man was wearing a gray cloth robe, washed white, but was clean and abnormal.

A white hair was tied behind her head, fluttering in the wind, and her eyebrows were pale, but she didn't even have a wrinkle on her face, and she couldn't see how old she was. A thin face looks like dead bone, and the rest of the skin is chilling, almost like dead fish, no trace of blood, pale and transparent, and the lips are no exception, as if frozen. This weird lead white.

The strangest thing is his eyes. Those eyes were narrow and long, and the eyes were completely white and ice-like, as if they had condensed.

An eerie cold wind and cold wind blew over like it.

"I've seen Shah."

The two figures landed on the side of the man, kneeling on one knee, and arching hands.

It was Wu Guang, the "breaking lightsaber", and Yan Sheng, the "green-faced ghost".

Su Rong and Helien Buxiong glanced at each other immediately, and at the same time swayed some unnatural laughter, greeted and said, "The family members who turned out to be" blood evil "have arrived, and they are far away. Atonement! "

"Ghost Sword" Yan Wuchang.

Regardless of people's swords, they are like ghosts.

Although they had a cooperative relationship with "Blood Sha", it was also the first time they saw the blind man in charge, and the atmosphere on the other side was really disturbing, and the heart was cold for a while.

It was just that Yan Wuchang smiled yin and did not answer, but crossed the crowd and walked straight to Yelu Yahai and others before he stopped, sniffed his nose, suddenly shook his head, and used his weird His voice was sarcastic: "Well, I have a sheepish smell, who am I so bad-tempered, dare to teach my men, it turned out to be just a savage of Beidi, no wonder so rude!"


"court death!"

More than a dozen "Seibei eighteen knight riders" were about to start immediately, but were stopped by Yelu Yahai. The first master of sword making of Di tribe suddenly laughed, watching the blind man in front of him slowly said: " Are you Yan Wuchang? Is that Yan Wuchang who was taught martial arts by his elder brother, but then killed by his brother? "

The scene was suddenly silent ...

Everyone had a very bad hunch. Even Helian Buxiong and Su Rong, who had been playing round, changed their faces and did not dare to interject.

Yan Wuchang laughed suddenly, laughing at the sky, laughing back to back.

Wu Guang and Yan Sheng glanced at each other, and both backed up immediately, because they knew that his master was like a neurosis, and when he laughed, it was when he was furious that he wanted to start.

And the same, Yelu Yahai laughed hehe.

The two peerless masters laughed at each other, how weird the scene looked.

In this almost suffocating atmosphere, the atmosphere between heaven and earth was almost condensed, heavy and breathless, and then almost at the same time, two peerless masters moved at the same time.

For the first time, Yelu Haihai pulled out his blade. It was a bright sabre, which was not much bigger than the one in Aiguli's hand. He usually inserted it in his chest at this critical moment. As soon as he started, he immediately revealed the qualification of the machete.

As soon as the sword came out of the sheath, the glory of the whole world seemed to become daylight. Everyone was dazzling for it. You can't look directly in the dizzy ...

But no matter how bright the knife light is, it will not blind the blind again.

Yan Wuchang's drawing of his sword is smooth and fast, and if he merges with heaven and earth, he is full of eternal truth. His sword-drawing action was not flawless, and it made people feel that the first move that followed him was bound to be earth-shattering, weeping ghosts, no beginning, no end.

And the sword in his hand turned out to be that stick that was more than seven feet long ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When the dagger of Yelu Yahai slashed at him with extraordinary speed, his long sword was still in a hurry He pulled out, and when the opponent's sword fell off his head, the strangely long sword had not yet been pulled out half, but with a bang, Yan Wu often blocked the opponent's knife with a scabbard.


Suddenly, the sudden anger burst out Yan Wuchang's seven-foot sword from its sheath, Yan Wuchang had a sword in his hand, and the whole person disappeared into the night like a ghost ...

Yelu Yahai's eyes narrowed into a gap, and he sneered, "Yan Wuchang, let me see your ghost sword technique!"

"As you wish!" There was a weird voice like the ghost howling in the air, followed by the dark black ghosts flashing from time to time, and from time to time, meteors fell and went straight into each of Yelu Yahai. Da Yao points away.

"Good time!" Yelu Yahai laughed loudly, and then yelled, "Look at my [Sunburst Sword]-'As in the Japanese side!'"

Under the dark night, a burst of fierce radon burst suddenly, and the entire pier was bright as daylight. Within dozens of miles, the white light was fiery, like the sun falling in front of you! (To be continued ...)

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