Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 66: Everyone rescue

Midnight on the second day. {

There was no news of the emperor's death in the imperial palace, but Ye Qingxuan and others knew that it must be that Feng Yige suppressed the news and did not let it out, so she could calmly cope with it.

The better news is that the Xuanhua real person finally woke up and broke through the eighth turn in "Dragon and Tiger Nine Turns"-"Shocking Dragon Change", reaching this gold-level martial art. Beyond that, no one has ever been able to reach that height.

Although Xuanhua Real Man had a right arm broken before, his skill at this time is undoubtedly the most brilliant figure among the people except the mysterious Lin Nanxuan.

However, because of the appearance of a mysterious real person, Lin Nanxuan automatically retired and did not take the initiative to participate in the operation. After the operation failed, there was still some room for manoeuvre.

Undoubtedly, Xuanhua real people became the most powerful force in this operation.

No one can dare to call the number two in the world, and nobody dares to call the number one.

When the crowd climbed out of the hole, his apprentice Meng Yuanzhang immediately raised his thumb to the master, expressing his sincere admiration ...

Because after the tunnel that passed through left and right came out, everyone looked up, and not far away was Jingyang Palace, which was located behind the Royal Palace.

The exit of the Barrier Freeway is designed under the base of a rockery at the foot of the mountain, and the outer springs are gurgling, just to cover up the noise generated by some movements.

This operation was mainly led by Barry Wuli, and Xuanhua was the main attacker, followed by the three brothers Ye Qingxuan, Zhan Yu and Meng Yuanzhang. As for the two beautiful women Jiang Feiran and Fang Chaoxue, they were ordered to protect the Chu family Evacuate safely.

As for the other masters, they are cooperating on the periphery. So as not to be surrounded by all. Difficult to get out.

He listened to the left and right. Whispering: "Come with me ..."

Then he took the lead and rushed into the shadows.

Ye Qingxuan was about to speak, and his expression moved: "The enemy is here!"

Zhan Yu and Meng Yuanxuan, who were sitting lazily on the stone steps, felt that a master was approaching. The two exchanged glances. Zhan Yu smiled and said, "The rats are stolen!" .

Although these people were wearing Han warrior clothes, they were all equipped with special trowels and were short and sturdy. The only exception is the Toyo Swordman in the forefront, tall in height, thirty years old, pretty handsome, fair-skinned like a woman, but unfortunately with an evil spirit that comes out of his bones. Makes him feel ruthless, cunning and sexual. Others apparently took the lead.

Zhan Yu and Meng Yuanzhang made a slight mistake at the same time, blaming themselves for negligence, they are not unaware of the existence of Toyo Sword. But the thought of Lin Nanxuan killing as many as four easily, not too concerned. I do n’t know now that when I look at them, I realize that these people have their own unique attitudes. They are obviously masters from different genres, especially this tall and evil person, who has reached the level of suzerain. Da Zong was short on the top, and suddenly more masters came out, so why not teach him a surprise. I can't help but think of Shuiyue's mastery of the wind, forest, fire, and mountains.

The tall and wicked tall man smiled slightly, exposed his white teeth, and spoke impure Chinese words: "You two are Meng Yuanzhang and Zhan Yu. I have seen your images, and I also recognize the weapons of Seoul."

Zhan Yu yelled, "Report your name!" The man blinked coldly and stared at Zhan Yu: "I stand in cold eyes, don't forget to go to the prefecture."

With a smile, Zhan Yu stood up, holding the sword of Tianbing, striding toward the enemy, without any fear of the crowd.

The sound of "声" was endless, and the thirteen knives behind the cold-looking poses each pulled out the knives in a unique way. They spread behind him and put out a hand gesture, and some were divided into large upper sections. Sideways, drooping, columnar, and forward, each with a posture, and at one time murderous, permeated the audience.

Afraid of his mistake, Meng Yuan held up his Tianji stick and followed him closely.

Lengmuzi is worthy of a first-class master, with a relaxed attitude. He first murmured a few slang words before he slammed out the flat blade with narrow blade, sharp blade, and long handle. He slowly lifted it over the top and said coldly. : "Remember: My name is" Blood Arrow ", which is the second famous knife outside of Dongying Shuiyue Knife."

Zhan Yu kept pace, and within five feet of this time, he shouted, "The first famous sword is broken by the Central Plains. Now it is your turn to call the second famous sword."

Lengmuzizu was not angry, and smiled, "It depends on the ability of Brother Xi. I heard that Brother Qi has many women. After Brother Qi died, they belonged to me." The popularity and murderous attitude are obviously far better than others, reminding Zhan Yu: "You should deal with this person carefully, others will give it to me."

Zhan Yu found that the cold-looking seat raised the knife casually for one stop, and the portal was stern and impeccable. It was also a sorrow in his heart. He nodded slightly and accelerated the charge forward. Shoot away.

At the same time, Cold Eyed posture took a step forward, and the blood arrow sword slashed down in his hand, extremely fierce.

The most amazing thing is that people feel that his sword has gathered his whole body power, so if the opponent's power is weaker, he can win or lose with one stroke.

Zhan Yu has been promoted into a clear and undisturbed state of swordlessness, and his heart and mind are one and the same.

"Dang!" With a loud noise, two swords fought, and the two retreated at the same time.

Zhan Yu screamed so badly that with just one stab, it was known that this man was no worse than himself, and suddenly returned to Meng Yuan's side.

Lengmuzi retreated into his own array, and kept walking to the rear.

Meng Yuanzhang stepped forward and turned into a half-moon-shaped spreading tongs holding him in the stabbing array.

His Sugawara marksmanship was the best at group battles. He was not surprised and rejoiced. His wrists were turned over, and the heavenly sticks turned into heavenly shadows. The torrent flooded towards the three swordsmen who rushed over.

Toyo Swordsmanship is about power and fighting for life. There is no turning around in the world, and they are born and die at every turn.

It happened that other Kashihara's marksmanship was also invincible, so the two sides confronted each other immediately.

Tianji stick swept the opponent's spatula one by one in the instant.

The three mule knives were clearly blocking the opponent's red gun, but the opponent's red gun slipped like mud, letting them do their best. Neither can leave the other side for a while.

At this moment, it really came through. Rush into the meridians.

The three moaned. Qi moved back, luck resolved.

Others feared that the momentum would disappear and immediately added.

The three people who knew it had taken a half step back, and the second wave of real strength had already arrived. He could not have thought that the enemy had such a stunt, and caught off guard at the same time. The third wave can affect the spirit when the nerves hit the nerves. My mind collapsed, and I couldn't afford it anymore.

Everyone in the audience, including Meng Yuanzhang, was shocked.

That's about the same as casting a demon.

A so-called master, who can use the blade to fight to inspire Qi, is already a capable person, like the Lin Nanxuan and Pangban generations, the use of Qi has reached the realm of freewheeling. Although Meng Yuanzhang has not yet reached this state. But the ability to send out three different angers at a time is far beyond the level and ability of ordinary masters. Year after year, Li Dan also hated Mingling. These three people are nothing compared to Nian Lidan, so they killed him as soon as they came on the field.

No matter how stubborn these mules were, they were all horrified at the sight and backed away.

Cold eyes have bright eyes. At a glance, I knew it was true and false. I went back to the front and converged. I was just mad and said coldly:

"Good: No wonder Huaxian is not your opponent, and she really has the true ability."

Zhan Yu stretched out his hand and carried Feng Xing's broad shoulders, and laughed: "My hero, this boy is mine!" Ye Qingxuan came from two beautiful girls. They appeared on the wall, their clothes were gorgeous, and their bodies were slender People, sitting comfortably on top of the high wall, were holding a jade flute and being vagrant.

Ye Qingxuan was very entertaining and shouted, "The wind on the wall is strong, why can't the two beauties get in touch with me in the pavilion?"

Xuan called, "What are the names of the two beauties?"

One of the two girls laughed coyly: "Everyone says Ye Qingxuan you are a romantic man, and now it's known at first sight, how can you even get a little nun to let it go?"

Ye Qingxuan was startled, afraid that Fang Chaoxue could not stand it, and looked at her secretly.

I did not know that "Fang Chaoxue" replied naively: "The donor was wrong, and the donor Han did not let me go."

Both women listened in shock.

Another unspoken beauty said: "So innocent and cute, even a slave's family doesn't want to let you go."

Turned to Ye Qingxuan and said, "Officials: their name is fascination, and her name is charming. How could you only have you two lonely boys and widows here, and you and me, and the others went to bed?"

Ye Qingxuan Anxiong, the long-known destiny of the destiny to teach and protect the law, finally appeared, it seems that the other party is trying to grab the book at all costs. Haha smiled: "You are really a fascinating fairy. Are you interested in sleeping when you guess? You will be accompanied next time."

The two women laughed tremblingly.

Feeling breathless: "Who doesn't know how good you are? If you want to sleep, our sister will accompany you, otherwise how can you afford it? Are you free? Let us go home!" Mei Mei said to Fang Chaoxue: "Little Isn't the master jealous? "

Fang Chaoxue's answer to them seemed to be ambiguous, and she always knew nothing good, but she didn't blame Ye Qingxuan for a long time. Although she couldn't help but blushed, she didn't say anything, and let Ye Qingxuan take the lead in dealing with the enemy.

Ye Qingxuan was very interested and laughed: "You seem to have a lot of free time, come: play a song for Lao Tzu first, and see how Daoxing works. If you have enough seniors, Han will take you to sleep." The stone bench sat down and called Fang Chaoxue to sit down again.

The two women are in the middle of their hearts. They are eager to win the book today. The problem is that the opponent is as strong as a cloud. It is not easy to deal with. If they can entangle the strongest people in the enemy team, they will attack the other party ’s weak points with their strongest people. Since you can do more with less, this is the strategy for the following to confront the enemy and the above to the enemy.

Since Ye Qingxuan took Jiang Feiran to break through the siege, Meng Yuanzhang and Zhan Yu have beheaded and killed Nian Lidan, Yang, Ying Fei and Zhan Yu. These three have become the top masters of the young generation, and have evaluated many suzerains. Character. In Zhuo Huifan's eyes, they are more terrible than those who are far away and forgetful lovers. So as soon as they came into play, they managed to entangle them.

With a fascinating smile, he lifted the Yu Xiao to the side, blowing a voiceless sound.

Fang Chaoxue couldn't help listening. If Xiao Yin was not present at the beginning, it would be unnoticeable. It seemed to be coming from a distance in the sky, and he could not help but listen carefully.

Xiao Xiao seems to be drifting with the wind, and then suddenly saturates his ears, bursting with sorrow and resentment. Hit my heart.

Then at a further distance, another voiceless voice sounded like a cry, like a complaint. Contrast with the previous flute sound. Xiao Yin's infectious power doubled immediately.

Fang Chaoxue should have been more determined than anyone else to resist this magical ecstasy. The problem was that she had touched Li Xiuxiu ’s singing skills with a long time ago, and was just shocked by the miserable past of the teacher who forgot the love. In a state of disappointment, Xiao Yin immediately struck my heart. I just feel that the world is full of grievances and loneliness, and I feel extremely lonely, and I almost want to put him in the arms of a man who has a good impression on him. Protected by him. But I do not know that she is in danger, as long as her mind is under control, the two nymphs can damage her heart with magic sounds, so that she can never peep into martial arts.

Although Ye Qingxuan felt the sound of the flute sounding, he didn't have any special feelings. Besides, his magic skills had reached the final stage. The two girls were like axe in front of Master Lu Ban.

Xiaoyin fell together, seamlessly, and the two women frowned. Suddenly the entire backyard was shrouded in sorrow and mist.

Ye Qingxuan felt inductive, and at a glance, found that Fang Chaoxue's expression flickered. Very unusual, Gu had to touch her way, and stretched her palms behind her.

Fang Chaoxue woke up violently, guilty of guilt, and felt Ye Qingxuan's palms sticking to the vest, her skin was connected, and she felt a kind of indescribable warmth coming to her heart.

Ye Qingxuan's voice sounded in the eardrum: "Be careful!" Fang Chaoxue was a clear-minded person from an early age. She was completely awake in shock, and was busy collecting her mind and returning to Qingming.

Fetish and charming put down the jade flute together, the former smiled coyly: "The original master moved the thought of Sifan!" Fang Chaoxue felt ashamed and immediately burned jade cheeks.

Ye Qingxuan gave birth to protect her heart, standing upright, but still grinning: "It's a bit okay, and I haven't come down to play with this prodigal son. I haven't manually manipulated the beauty for a long time."

The two girls giggled and kept laughing, full of immorality.

Fang Chaoxue remembered that he had pressed the powder back with the palm of his hand just now, and he lowered his head to chant the Buddhist scriptures.

A sound came from the sky and laughed softly: "Is there any way to keep your life small this time?"

Ye Qingxuan looked up in horror, and saw Zhuo Huifan, who was floating in the sky, with a pair of slim hands hidden in wide sleeves, and had reached the overhead space, and seemed to want to throw him in arms.

For a while, more than one person came out of the temple.

The enemy's main force finally appeared.

I do n’t know if Zhuo Huifan ’s uncle, Zhong Zhongyou, is one of them.


Lin Nanxuan, where are you going?

After having a confrontation with Meng Yuanzhang and Zhan Yu for a long time, Leng Muzi Zuo said, "Did Zhan Yu dare to fight alone with me?"

Zhan Yu smiled at Meng Yuanxuan beside him: "This boy thought it was cheap."

Meng Yuanzhang also laughed in his heart and backed away.

Seeing that Meng Yuanzhang was so powerful, this cold stop position made a challenge to Zhan Yu. Of course, the ideal is to kill Zhan Yu, and then turn around to deal with Meng Yuanzhang. In any case, he can already reach the goal that Zhuo Huifan entangled them Already.

I didn't know that Meng Yuanzhang and the other thought otherwise. They were not afraid of their entanglement, and they were happy to delay time.

The cold eye posture gave a loud shout, and Yun Jin shook his trowel, and immediately made a sound of metal chirping. The trowel shone in the sun and shone brightly.

Zhan Yu knew that he must be skillful, secretly alert, his appearance remained motionless, his attitude was calm, and his mind was not revealed at all.

With cold hands, he held the knife in his hands and took three steps.

Every time he took a step forward, he sang loudly, but his momentum continued to grow. His sword rushed towards Zhan Yu. As long as his opponent's courage was slightly frustrated, it was a good opportunity to attack.

Zhan Yu leaned forward, staring at the other side like a leopard who saw the prey, and the sword of the heavenly soldier stretched out, pointing at the Toyo Sword hand, and at a glance, he saw the mighty posture of the cold-eyed posture. Could not hold him back at all.

At this moment they can be said to be the same.

However, Meng Yuanzhang was completely relieved, for the difference between movement and silence.

The cold eye posture seat relies on the three steps: footwork, sword power, and eyes, so that momentum can be equaled with Jing Ruoyuan's stopping Yue Xuan's exhibition feathers.

And it can't be long. If you want to maintain the momentum of the cold eye posture seat, you can't stop or step back, the only way is to stay dynamic and take the initiative. This is natural physics, and no one can violate it.

The hasty attack on an impeccable enemy, ready to attack, is no different from suicide.

The eyesight of the peers behind Lengmuzizuo were far inferior to those of Meng Yuanzhang. They thought that their bosses had the upper hand, and they drank and cheered together to add momentum.

Lengmuzizao was bitter in heart. When he took the fourth step and came to Zhang Yu's office, he knew that he could no longer hesitate, bit his gums, and split with all his strength.

The cold light was like electricity, and that moment came to the top of Zhan Yu's head.

Just then, a cold hum came from the left.

As Meng Yuan responded like a squeak, Tianji sticks turned into layers of net shadows, blocking the gap on the left side of Zhan Yu's water.

Only by the opponent's ability to see the unfavorable eyesight of the cold-eye posture, we know that the comer is extremely brilliant.

Before the roof footsteps sounded.

Barry is looking up at the roof, watching the green beams to support a broad roof, neatly lined with dark red clogs on both sides, and the light board is light blue, with green, red and blue interlaced, forming a vivid and imposing Composition ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ couldn't help shaking his head and sighing:

"I'm afraid that this building designed by Lao Xu will suffer today. Oh: here it is!" There was still a bang, and a big hole was opened in the roof, and the debris and wood blocks splattered with the sun like raindrops.

The following Zhuang Jie, Sha Tianfang, Xiang Cangsong, Xiang Qingqiu, Yun Qing, and Bo Zhaoru were all startled and set aside.

You must know that the roof is very solid. Even if several people work together, it is still not easy to make such a hole. The other party just came to the rescue and made them feel caught off guard.

Barry was nowhere to show his ability as a master of blacklists. Haha smiled, shattered the wind against the palm of his hand, and rose to the sky, stealing his life to the shadow of the first person to fall.

A group of dark flickering things hurled head-on, and there was no way to stop the block, and moved horizontally. The thing fell into the mid-air of the nave and exploded, turning into a dark mist, and then the sound of wind blew, Countless powerful and powerful cross-dart weapons, such as meteors, poke down like raindrops.

In the dark fog with five fingers out of reach, I don't know if the hidden weapon is highly toxic, and the entire space is filled with inevitable hidden weapons, and everyone can only retreat to the two outside the nave. To be continued. .

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