Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 70: Fairy 1 sword

The so-called sword **** is nothing more than that. ` ` ` ` `; novel `. 2wx.om

The existence of Li Muchan gave Ye Qingxuan an inexplicable anger.

It was a fairy tale that existed in my heart for a lifetime and was eventually broken by the ugly reality.

In Ye Qingxuan's mind, the term "sword god" should definitely not be as simple as a nickname. A person who can be called a sword **** must have some necessary conditions in addition to his sword skill.

That is his character and character.

Although there are not many people who reach the extreme of swordsmanship, but throughout the history of martial arts, there are definitely many such people for thousands of years. Every three to five hundred years, there will always be three or five. But the reason why people are admired and expected like God should have unique personality charm and noble character.

Otherwise, it should be called "Sword Master", "Sword Master", or "Sword Demon", and should never be respected as "Sword God".

Ye Qingxuan likes to be called "Sword Fairy". Regardless of whether there is a "small" character in front of it, he attaches great importance to it because he knows that he is far from facing a "God" character.

There are countless "sword immortals" in history.

Even decades ago, wasn't Xiao Xiao who almost challenged Li Muchan?

"Sword immortal" is also a legend. They can all use Qi as the sword.

It's just that they are not sword gods.

Because they all lack a sense of qi--

An arrogance, a righteousness.

In Ye Qingxuan's innocent thoughts, I always felt that to be a sword god, this pride was absolutely indispensable. This Ling Ran's righteousness is also essential. With this pride and righteousness. They can even see their lives as grass.

Because they have dedicated their lives to the Word they love.

Their way is the sword.

They seek neither immortality nor Buddhism. The success or fame of the world is not worth their consideration, nor is it worth their smile.

All they want is the honor and glory when their sword is splayed, and for them that moment is eternal.

To reach the pinnacle of this moment, they can even sacrifice everything.

Looking at the world, how many people are qualified to be called the sword god?

Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to belittle himself, but in his heart. Li Muchan is definitely not a true "sword god". Even if he is a swordsman, he is just a martial artist. He has this pride, but he has no righteousness.

His presence has insulted the word "sword god".

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan shot, not to survive, but simply because the opposite person, who was alive, was the biggest insult to Wulin Zhengdao in his heart. If he lives, he will be disappointed with the whole martial art.

and so. Ye Qingxuan shot ...

The yellow light shone, and before the sword came, a whisper of unvoiced voice suddenly appeared in the air, like Xiao and Rudi ...

Li Muchan raised his eyebrows, revealing a trace of interest.

Then Ye Qingxuan's sword tip trembled, the faint ripples of the fairy sounds came out, the sound waves passed, and the heavens and the earth changed. It was originally only in the secret hall of the ground, but it seemed to suddenly step into a fairyland.

For the first time, Li Muchan showed a dignified look. He felt incredible that the other party could use the rhythm to introduce himself into this illusion, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said a little: "Sculpture of carving insects, and you have some means ..."

He simply stood with his hands on his back, watching the changes between heaven and earth calmly.

The other Jiang Feiran and Fang Chaoxue have been lost in this illusion, watching the rain of petals falling from the sky, smelling the seductive flowers ...

That petal ...

Is it cherry blossoms? Is it peach? Is it plum?

That fragrance ...

Is it Jasmine? Is it an orchid? Is gardenia?

The poem-like wonderland makes them stuck in the middle, it is difficult to extricate themselves, let alone take this opportunity to escape ...

In Li Muchan's eyes, the Ye Qingxuan appeared like a fairy who descended from the sky in nine days, stepping on a cloud, splattering at him, pointing with his long sword in his right hand, it reached the sky ...

The speed seemed so slow that time had stopped and it was too fast to make myself too late to react.

"Awesome fantasy!"

Li Muchen sighed sincerely, he had clearly felt the danger, but he just couldn't withdraw from the illusion, and it was difficult for him to move.

No matter how strong Li Muchan ’s will is, the immortal transformed by Ye Qingxuan, just like in front of his eyes, descends gently. Above the sword, there is a ray of sword air flowing out, and then there is the moment of the sword air. The melody is more like a fairy, like a flute, it is strange and beautiful, and it makes people not give up any resistance ...

Exactly: a sword is coming from the west, and flying fairy!

In this world, there is only one sword of this fairy, any resistance consciousness no longer exists, and even no consciousness exists ...

The only thing that exists is to wait--

Waiting for this sword to come, waiting for death to come.

At the corner of Li Muchan's mouth, there was even a faint smile, an evil smile.

Like a smile of three hundred masters who were killed by the sword Ye Qingxuan ...

"Good swordsmanship!"

Li Muchan once again expressed his sincere admiration.


The faint smile of the original happiness suddenly was replaced by a sneer!

"It's too late for ignition!"

At this time, Ye Qingxuan's sword was less than one foot away from Li Muchan's eyebrow. A platinum light suddenly centered on Li Muchan's eyebrow and spread to the whole body, protecting the whole body like an egg shell. Ye Qingxuan drifted away To the sword, it stabbed at the sound of suffocation of the white gold body.

The trajectory of the sword came to an abrupt halt, Ye Qingxuan showed a dignified look never before, but his strength did not stop, the sword tip continued to play a role in protecting the body ...

Kaka ...

The sword tip was deeply embedded in the defensive breath of the bodyguard, accompanied by the cracking sound, there were several cracks on it.

And just then, Li Muchan shot!

Two fingers become a sword, and the fingertips shine a more dazzling platinum-gold light, which is brighter than the sun, but has a low temperature that is dozens of times colder than ice.

For a moment. Heavy snow was falling between heaven and earth. The illusion actually appeared again in the illusion.

The dreamy realm of pale pink. Heavy snow fell.

Snowflakes and cherry blossoms ...

Even more beautiful.

When Li Muchan pointed at the sword, Ye Qingxuan felt that between the heavens and the earth, Li Muchan's person and his sword instantly formed an indivisible, round and integrated whole, which was a strong and profound feeling, subtle and inexplicable.

At the same time, Li Muchan's eyes were radiated with light, covering Ye Qingxuan, making Ye Qingxuan feel inside and outside his body, and no part could hide the observation of the "first sword in the world". Seen through, like naked, exposed to the cold wind and snow.

At this moment, an invisible but solid sword like a copper wall and iron wall forced Li Qingxuan to Ye Qingxuan, so he had to resist with luck and force himself to fight, otherwise he would be cold-hearted and defeated without a fight. .

Such martial arts, if not witnessed. Feel for yourself, whoever speaks up. Can't believe it is true.

Li Muchan's eyes were as light as electricity, and cold as frosty, he said slowly, "Boy, you are a kendo genius, so I can't tolerate you."

Ye Qingxuan Su Rong said: "Li Muchen, I am very disappointed in you, you do not deserve the title of" Sword God "!"

"Huh, don't make a fuss! For a century, a genius like you, I slaughtered like a dog! You can be proud of what you said before, but you still take me to death."


Ye Qingxuan was pierced by Ye Qingxuan!

And Li Muchan's one-pointer sword was also fired at this time!

Pointing sword and long sword, encountered a place between the two ...

Heaven and earth are still at this moment!

Including everyone, including fantasy rain and falling snow, and even all sounds ...

At this moment, it seems as if time is still!

Then there was a dazzling light, spreading at the point where the two swords fought, the light reached, the illusion shattered, exposing the original underground palace, and then the underground palace began to break, slowly spreading outward.

Everything, fluttered wildly in this blow ...

Including Jiang Feiran, Fang Chaoxue, and the "corpse" of King Fu Jingde on the bed ... Of course, Ye Qingxuan!

Li Muchan's sword struck, but it was not over, but a laser-like platinum-gold sword, standing against the tip of Ye Qingxuan, and kept on going to Ye Qingxuan ...

This sword, across the void, hit Ye Qingxuan along a straight line, ignoring the ingenious changes of all kinds of martial arts in the world, but focused on one point, to the simplistic to the strongest. His sword has been fully displayed. The pinnacle is the essence of the most basic, and it is full of Mo's power.

Where the sword is, the world is frozen.

This sword is Li Muchan's peerless magic sword-[a sword light cold photo Kyushu].

The sound of sword howling filled the field at the same time, changed the previous meteorological and fascinating, similar to the sound of dragons and tigers, and came from all around. It was unnoticeable at first, and seemed to be out of reach. The whole space shook the ear drums, covered the thunder of the sky, and covered the strong wind.

There was only this sharp, piercing noise in the heavens and the earth.

Ye Qingxuan's body glowed with golden yellow light ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If there is substance in the body protection, the crystal is clear, [King Kong does not break the body] to the extreme, with the already strong body, and the desperate output in the hand Qi, barely resisted the "first sword in the world" attack.


Ye Qingxuan was bombarded by Li Muzen's sword on the 300,000-pound iron gate, but it was just a hindrance. The iron gate thundered and was knocked out!

Ye Qingxuan was about to run out of steam, and he was unstoppable. Under the sharp sword strength of Li Muchan, he led him with his sword and flew out, throwing himself backward, and then rolled out the door and fell to the ground.


Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but spit out blood.

Li Muchan pointed that the sword with white gold was more than a few feet long, as thick as a water tank, and a sword swept away in the laughter. When Ye Qingxuan knew he was going to die, a white cloud fell in front of a woman, and he blocked him In front of you!

The power of Li Muchan's sword suddenly came to an abrupt end, and he looked at the woman who appeared in disbelief in disbelief and exclaimed: "You? Are you? You finally see me?"

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