Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 74: See you again

What Ye Qingxuan hated the most was a mean and shameless villain like Cao Zhengdong. When he was in Xuzhou City, his eldest brother, Guo Guotai, had already won. He could take his life, but he was kind and relieved in his heart, but he did not expect to be this. The villain took advantage of it and unexpectedly attacked, which seriously injured Wan Guotai. point

Since then, Ye Qingxuan has made up his mind. When he encounters Cao Zhengdong again, he must take his life and report the enemies of the raid for Wan Guotai.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan injured Cao Zhengdong with that [Baihong Palm Power], without letting his men down, he flew straight to it, and stabbed at the opponent's chest with a sword.

Experts all around have made it easy, no one dare to stop Ye Qingxuan's deadly sword.

When the sword flashed, Cao Zhengdong looked ironed, but he was motionless and was about to be killed.

Ye Qingxuan's sword would never close his hand. When he saw that he was going to pierce the chest of his opponent, a sudden breeze blew across his side, and a faint peach fragrance came under the night.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes widened instantly, and his footsteps slipped. [Lingbo Weibu] let the body move three feet across, a long sword appeared suddenly behind him, stabbed at Ye Qingxuan's original position, and his sword castellation Unchanged, continue to pick Cao Zhengdong's chest from another angle.

When Ye Qingxuan thought that he had avoided a sword from the opponent and stabbed Cao Zhengdong under the sword at the same time, suddenly the long sword stabbed towards himself grew outward, and the sword was like a rainbow. Qing Xuan's long sword on the tip.

The attacker was surprised, his body flew backwards a few steps, and Ye Qingxuan was uncomfortable. He was almost shocked by the counterforce of the other party, bursting his meridians and bleeding his internal organs. Ye Qingxuan's great powers would not have hurt him so much, but this time it was completely different. The opponent's anger is extremely weird. Reality is extremely overbearing. It was also extremely cold and vigorous, and when Ye Qingxuan had just adapted to this internal power path, and was ready to deal with it, the energy suddenly changed, and became the most intense and hot Yangyan energy. The two breaths of vitality complement each other, and instead of dying, they are born of yin and yang. The yin, yin and yin appear, and their respective support areas have become prosperous and extremely difficult to stop.

Fortunately, he had been injured many times and had long experience. Before he landed, he tried to urge [Changchun Gongchang], which can bring people back to life, and eliminated the other two overbearing spirits.


Ye Qingxuan fell heavily at the foot of Meng Yuan.

In this way, both sides of the confrontation shot with all their strengths, and the winners and losers stood.

Ye Qingxuan always competed against each other, taking advantage of the quality of qi, and even defeating a generation of masters who were much stronger than his own. But today is the first time I took a sip on my proud pride.

Meng Yuan shouted in fright, thinking Ye Qingxuan was killed by the opponent. Under the anger, I do n’t know where the magic power came from. The machine stick flew left and right to kill the enemies.

One person wanted to make a surprise attack from behind, and gave Meng Yuan a swift swing, hitting the other person's brain with a stick, and suddenly flew with a puddle of blood, and fell down outside Zhang, everyone else was deterred by his power, and no master was charged , Startled back.

Meng Yuanzhang guarded Ye Qingxuan. This was when Ye Qingxuan leaned against the big tree. Then he saw that his second elder brother, the "Little Eagle King" was showing feathers.

Zhan Yu was stabbed in the chest and abdomen by a sword, and the blood of the large body dared out. At this time, she barely covered her bloodstream with energy, but could not move, otherwise blood would rush out.

The sword was so deeply stabbed that it almost cost the life of the "King Eagle".

"Second Brother !?" Ye Qingxuan's eyes were red at the time.

"Who hurt you?"

Zhan Yu's face was pale and her lips were pale and abnormal. She looked coldly behind Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan turned and looked around, and an old man in gray robe appeared in front of everyone. He was majestic, dazzling, with brow grey, and slanted into the air. His eyes were extremely sharp, staring at Ye Qingxuan fiercely. The sword is not like a sword, but the cone is not like a cone. It is like a dagger added to the top of a peach branch.

The branches are three feet long, and the spikes are one foot long. There are a total of four feet of blades, which are both weird and powerful.

Meng Yuanzhang also said at this time: "Lao Qi, it's the pharaoh **** who suddenly appeared and attacked the second brother! Alas, if the second brother did not cover Jiang Feiran and Fang Chaoxue, he would not be stabbed by this old thing. "

Ye Qingxuan immediately understood the meaning of Meng Yuanyu's words.

It seems that Jiang Feiran and Fang Chaoxue have fled into the secret road with Huangfu Jingde, and they should have left Jingyang Palace at this time.

Holding back the excitement of completing the task, Ye Qingxuan's face became gloomy, while suppressing the impatience in his heart, and suppressing himself in a calm state.

Because he felt that the person in front of him was definitely the most terrible enemy he encountered.

The strength of the other party is definitely a master of Tian Jue level, and definitely a master of Tian Jue master.

Looking at the strange weapon in the opponent's hand, Ye Qingxuan realized it, but still asked, "Who is the person who came?"

The gray-clad old man drew a weapon in his hand, and calmly said, "Old man ... 'you soul', Song Farewell."

"Is that you? The tenth‘ Wandering Soul ’Song of the 36 Masters of Heaven must be parting !?” Meng Yuanzhang exclaimed, unbelievably authentic: “Are n’t you dead 50 years ago?”

A "soul" Song Bie smiled from his face and said, "It's just a plan to get rid of the golden cicada. Otherwise, how can you help the master to set up such a big situation in secret, and let you all fall into the sky?"

Of course, if Zong Xuan or Zuo Shaobai is here at this moment, when it can be recognized immediately, the old man in front of him is the old man who has been serving next to the "Elderly Elderly Master". I wouldn't have thought that this "Master of Heaven" could hide for decades, and he was able to lower his body and be willing to serve as a servant.

And besides being a great master of swordsmanship, Song Bingli is also the master of "Peach Blossom Creek". Song Tianxing, who once played against Xiahou Qingfeng, is his nephew.

"Unexpectedly, Senior Song also got into this muddy water." Ye Qingxuan said unwillingly.

Then Songbie Li sneered and said, "Ignorant junior, how do you know that I jumped into this muddy water instead of being here originally?"

"Tianji Pavilion" secretly colludes with Fengyi Pavilion. Most of the time, it is helping Fengyi Pavilion to make suggestions, especially how to attract officials and tie all the world's wealthy family martial art masters to Fengyi Pavilion's carriage. This "Tianji Pavilion" A lot has been contributed from it. It can even be said that without the "Tianji Pavilion", this Fengyi Pavilion would not have such a big momentum today.

Song Bieli said indifferently: "As soon as I see you today, I'll send you all on the road. The three are worshiping brothers, and it is just that Huangquan Road will not be lonely anymore!"

"Okay, I'll let Mr. Song do the trick!"

Ye Qingxuan's anger erupted, and she desperately wanted to talk to the other party.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, Zhan Yu tugged his trousers. Ye Qingxuan had no choice but to squat to listen to the teachings.

"Be careful! Song Bieli is definitely not easy to deal with ..." Zhan Yu sighed with strength and only said such a sentence.

Ye Qingxuan patted Meng Yuanxuan's shoulder, motioned him to hurry over to take care of Zhan Yu, and then walk towards the other side slowly.

At the same time, Song Bieli at this time was also slowly walking towards Ye Qingxuan, carrying the Qimen weapon “Peach Blossom Drunk”.

Looking closely at Song Departure who was close to himself, Ye Qingxuan secretly said: This Song Departure's martial arts has indeed reached the limit of all human abilities, and any movement, between movements and movements, is flawless, without revealing any weaknesses. It is impossible to defeat him without killing him, and the most likely result is that he was defeated and killed.

In order to defeat Song Bierli, it is necessary to take multiple actions and make a surprise. At a critical moment, he must use a sword technique adapted by himself and the "first killer in the world" Si Kong Jianchou to win.

But it's only possible. The biggest possibility is to die.

Ye Qingxuan has not seen Song Farewell, nor has he seen each other's shots.

However, Song Tianxing of "Peach Blossom Creek", Ye Qingxuan, has seen the swordsmanship of the other party. It is called "Seventy-two Type Plum Blossom Swordsmanship". At this time, when I saw the original person, I realized that the swordsmanship should be a set of cones. That's right.

Since the two have never fought, but Ye Qingxuan has seen the martial arts of "Peach Blossom Creek", it seems that Ye Qingxuan is somewhat confident.

And Song Bie Li is a great master of swordsmanship. He is completely indifferent to Ye Qingxuan, your newly-born descendant. He has a long-term opinion on him, and he knows his swordsmanship. The deep-rooted prejudice became the only flaw in Song Bierli's absence.

The flaw is Song's parting heart.

Song Bie Li is a great master of martial arts. Regardless of fighting alone, his experience is extremely rich. Once he is allowed to hold his ground and start an offensive, Ye Qingxuan is very likely to fall into a situation of backwardness and beatings, but there is no way. You can only see the tricks to ensure that you are still in the passive disadvantage. This is also the situation that Ye Qingxuan is most unwilling to see ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The best way is that Ye Qingxuan is best at Strange victory. At the very beginning of the contest, you can't delay, use your own fresh moves as soon as possible, disturb Song's parting confidence and patience, and then kill in one shot.

At this time, there were still more than thirty steps between him and Song Bieli, and the two were moving slowly at the same speed, as if they had been scheduled in advance.

There was no sound in the entire Royal Garden. In addition to the torch hunting, only the night birds in the woods hissed and the world was killed.

Both sides watched the war in close proximity, and they all developed a heavy feeling of breathlessness and embarrassment and pressure.

Ye Qingxuan is even more so.

Even if it was Nie Tu, the "ghost claw" of the thirty-six days ago, Ye Qingxuan struggled to win under extremely favorable conditions. It is unthinkable for him to face a heavenly master like this today. . He knew that he had to figure out how to win during these thirty steps, otherwise he would lose.

The life and death of his three brothers were all over his shoulders at this moment. (To be continued ...)

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