Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 80: City Breaker

"Master Xue !?"

Exclaimed exclaimed.

But everyone is less than rescued. This kind of sky-high masters battle is not something outsiders can intervene in.

Li Daotian laughed wildly and was excited to finally be able to suppress this old thing that has been riding on his head for many years.

"Xue Gongwang, you're an old man, I finally waited for today, and finally the day I killed you!"

Li Daotian has always felt that he was crushed by Xue Gongwang, and he spit out his grievances today. He feels that his body and mind are extremely pigs, pigs, islands, and novels w.uu. Of course, the master is cheering for it.

But at this moment, a faint sound floated down from the air, and suddenly all the sounds around it ...

"Oh? Did you always think that way? But unfortunately ..."

The monstrous flame suddenly struck out from it, and a thick rustic burst out, instantly squeezing the upward fire, exposing a huge earth-colored radon mass, in which Xue Gongwang proudly overlooked Li Daotian at his feet, like a **** of all beings.

Li Daotian's eyes widened for an instant, and he couldn't believe the Xue Gongwang in the air in disbelief. He had been preparing for a battle that had been wrong for decades. This huge blow made him forget the reaction for a moment.

"Unfortunately, my radon attribute is not the [Gold] line, but the [Earth] line ..."

"This, this ... how, how is it possible!" Li Daotian growled, Xue Gongwang's [Tian Jue Shou] has the fact that [Kim] is a well-known fact. The rivers and lakes have been circulating for decades. Ever changed. Why do you suddenly get errors all day? This is impossible……

"Your fire auspicious gold abacus is wrong. There are five elements in each other. There are five elements in each other. Gold is produced in the soil, and my [gold] system of radon is born out of the" earth "system of radon. It ’s just another day when I deal with those scums that are conspiring and counting on me! Li Daotian, deserve your luck, and receive my real hand today [天 绝 手]. "

"Look at the palm!"

With a threat, a huge khaki palm was formed again in the air, but in a blink of an eye, the khaki condensed and formed. From the earth fossils, from stone to mountain, the last huge palm-shaped stone mountain slammed down, and the sound of space rumbling came from the air.


Li Daotian was deterred, and forgot to dodge for a while, but couldn't believe the backhand to resist, but he had no confidence, and the spraying form [Litiantianshenzhang] didn't have the usual 50% power and soared into the sky. The flames of the fire were suppressed by the mountain, and people were directly photographed on the wall.


A violent vibration spread around. Most of the wall was smashed by the palm of the city wall, and the remaining roots of the wall were pressed into the ground by the palm. For a while, the smoke billowed, covering more than half of the sky ...

Howl, howl!

The 300,000 army under the command of Jing'an Emperor Emperor Jingde under Luodu City was immediately impassioned and the drums of war rumbling. The troops of the brigade began to move and attacked the gap opened by Xue Gongwang.

The thick city wall, which was 20 feet tall, was now more than half collapsed by Shengsheng. The remaining height is an ordinary ladder and it is enough to let people climb into the city.


First, hundreds of elite masters of the imperial court rushed to kill them. These masters almost all had innate cultivation. They were the forces secretly cultivated by Huangfu Jingde for many years. They usually lurked in various places and convened at a critical moment. Their fierce battle The power is beyond imagination, that is, the master of heaven must be trapped in it, and it is also a moan.

At this time, these masters came to kill the army first, the purpose is to cooperate with Xue Gongwang to gain a foothold in this gap, and support the follow-up army to completely kill the city.

In addition to Xue Gongwang's battle against Li Daotian, a master of heaven and heaven, at the other end of the city wall a little farther away, Wei Wugui held the Red Xuan Tong Ding in a shouting voice with the "Nine-Headed King" Yao Dingsheng. The three masters of Xianlong Cave stood in one place. In addition to Yao Dingsheng, the other two were a dumb old man who had seen one side before capturing the bronze glazed glass, and the other had a one-armed abduction and was fiercely incapable of Yao Dingsheng. Turns out to be the ancestor of the dragon who hasn't seen him for a long time.

I haven't seen it for a few years. I never thought that the ancestors of Xunlong were lying down and daring. They created such a set of fierce and absurd abduction methods like dragons and snakes. The whole person almost kept spinning, focusing all their energy on the right-hand turning point. Every time I touched the ground with a crutch, I immediately stood up as soon as I touched it, spinning in the air like a drill, and continued to use the tip of the crusade to hold Wei Ding, the guilt-ridden.

All four methods of strength are known for their hard work, and the two sides are constantly on the boom, and the roar of thunder is endless.

Although the three of Xianlong Cave were not masters of the sky, they all made breakthroughs, and the three were accustomed to joining forces. Therefore, with all their strength, Wei Wugui also frowned for a while, making it difficult to make a quick decision.

But at this time Xue Gongwang became a strong man, breaking through the city wall in one fell swoop, and immediately let Wei Wugui here be excited. He was inexplicably excited. His whole body skills were no longer spared. In the laughter, do n’t let it go.

In this way, the three people at the opposite Xianlong Cave immediately felt overwhelmed, especially when the army of the imperial court was slowly approaching. This huge pressure made them not dare to fight against the enemy, gradually left and right, and may collapse at any time.

Feng Yige's masters who can help out, such as Zhuo Huifan, Ge Yuanzhao, Zhang Qiu Taiyan, etc., are secretly seen by the "split sky axe", "golden sword" Zhu Shengbei, and even "pirates" Saint "Bali" and "Flying Swordsman" Yan Pianfei and others stared at each other, dare not to act rashly, otherwise once they fall into the siege of the master of the other side, several of them will definitely fall into an extremely passive situation. .

It's a pity that the masters of the right path are also jealous. If all of them enter the battle, the Fengyi Pavilion under the death of the net will really use the power of the magic gate to appear, it is definitely a hard battle for the right path here.

This battle did not succeed in the battle of King Fu Jingde's calculations. He just let those forces who dare to oppose him stand on the table, and then squeezed their forces out of Luodu City, and then used the national power to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

So the current battle is not a siege war, but a banishment war.

The foundation of Fengyi Pavilion is located in the Zhongzhou area with Luodu City as the center. If it is expelled, it will shake its foundation and it will be much simpler to eliminate it.

Huangfu Jingde's calculations can also be regarded as clever, but if this strategy is triggered and affects the whole body, if a little accident happens, it may cause a huge and unpredictable chain reaction.

This is a big bet and extremely risky.

However, Huangfu Jingde was very upset at this moment, standing on the chariot, left and right were the true masters of the confidante, watching the army slowly pressing towards the capital of Luodu.

This thousand-year-old ancient capital, which has never been breached, is going to be attacked by its own ruler this time.

"Shijuro? What do you think? As my father said, he must re-enter the king's palace within three days and expel those who rebelled from the capital of Luodu ... There are three hundred families in the gate of the capital of Luodu, and they have almost 500 years of history The Emperor always favored them, but unfortunately, these white-eyed wolves actually rebelled. This time, if they recapture Luodu City, they must cut off these ungrateful things! "

The words of the Emperor Jing'an were ruthless and horrible.

The immediate emperor was by no means a charity. When he came to power, he stepped on the throne of his brother's body. He had already caused a lot of blood and rain in Luodu City. Today, he was betrayed by his son, and there are so many big families Along with this, Huangfu respected and exasperated, and on the day of the city's breaking, Luodu City would have to be bloodied.

However, this spirit of contention is by no means a good act. Huang Fu Taiming, who has been standing beside him, frowns. Although he knows that his father is upset at this time, even if he persuades himself, it will be futile. Instead, he will provoke the disappointment of the father and emperor. After suffering for half a day, he still could n’t help but said: "Father Emperor Mingjian, most of the family in the city are not from the inverse generation. I want to be bewildered by the women in Fengyi Pavilion, so I have such a stupid move. Such a tyrannical act must not be carried out, otherwise the Manchu family desperately will have to fight against the court to the end, but it will increase the power of Fengyi Pavilion and lose more than it pays. The son also asked his father to think twice ... "

After bowing all the way, he waited for his father's reprimand.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't wait for his father's thunderous anger. When he looked up in surprise, he saw Huangfu Jingde's front color calmly looked at himself, and there was no sadness or joy in his eyes.

Huangfu Taiming is unknown, so he hurriedly bowed his head again.

"Sanjuro could have this insight and was very comforting to his father. If you didn't say any fart for the sake of the world, it means that you are not a pedantic person. Yes, the power of the 300 family is all over the world. If they are united, Carrying us to the end will actually increase the difficulty of victory ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is really unwise. But the power of the family is available, but it must not be relied on. Over the years, the family ’s strength has risen, and some have been faintly related to the royal family Contrary, if you can't cut off a batch, weaken a batch, and support a batch, those arrogant and powerful families will inevitably have the ambition to replace our Huangfu family. Nowadays, the eight great families are all the same. This time the world has changed a lot, though It's because of the magic gate, but if I didn't intentionally give them a chance, let them all jump out, and strive for the interests of all parties, in a few decades, there will be a big family rebellion, then they are fully prepared, I am afraid The world is several times more chaotic. At this time, they are arrogant to participate in the rebellion of the magic gate. At most, the chaos is martial arts and the court, and ordinary people will never be in danger of military disaster. "

Huangfu Jingde coughed twice, Huangfu Taiming quickly handed over a cloak.

Huangfu Jingde risked poison poisoning and died, although luckily it didn't come true, but the physical loss was still huge. At this time, he was 20 years older than his heyday.

"Father Emperor said, children and ministers understand. In short, it is the technique of balance. Don't let the family grow too big, so as not to give birth to inferiority." (To be continued ...)

PS: I have been writing a new book "Mansion of Heavenly Mansion" recently. All the 200,000 words that have been updated have been overwritten and rewritten. It is expected to resume the update in April ... Of course, the previous 200,000 words will be changed at once, let everyone once Look fun.

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