Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 6 Chapter 1: 5 Yoshiharu funeral

The battle with the magic gate has reached the point where every second must be fought. ⊙ 顶 ⊙ 点 ⊙⊙ 小 ⊙ said, w ..

Especially now is the time when the magic gate is dormant and Fengyi Pavilion disturbs the world.

Undoubtedly, the goal of the magic gate is to let Fengyi Pavilion and Lingyun Palace head the two major forces of Baidao to self-consumption in the confrontation. When the world is chaotic and the people are tired, they will make a one-time shot to unify the world.

At that time, even if the magic gate is notorious, under the mentality of the people in the whole world tired of the battle, it is likely that the magic gate will calm down the chaos in the world.

What Momen thinks, thinks, and does is far-reaching.

Two hundred years of calculation and layout, I believe that the magic gate does not lack the bottom-level killer characters, what they really lack is the general-level talents like those of Liu Yu. Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the magic gate are weird. If a figure of more than six imperial lords can be found and assassinated, the blow to the magic gate will be infinite.

Ye Qingxuan comfortably lay on his back in the luxurious ox cart pulled by “Little Devil Cow” A Qing, with the most comfortable pillow he could find, and a large glass of wine on his chest. Despite the bump of the ox cart, there was no drop of water or wine in that glass, or even a little ripple.

Ye Qingxuan didn't even move, it looked like a dead person, and even his eyes were not open.

Mei Yinxue sat next to her, stroking the sword that her father had left to her, his eyes flashing with a light never seen before.

Ye Qingxuan secretly sighed, Mei Yinxue still couldn't pass the level of affection. Even if she melted the ice in her heart with her tenderness, the scars on her heart have been difficult to heal. It was previously sealed with ice. And now. Enjoying the love of Mei Yinxue, facing the loss of affection, her heart has been bleeding.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly took a deep breath, and the wine glass on his chest was immediately sucked by him, and the glass full of wine was immediately sucked into his mouth, and he murmured into the stomach.

He exhaled again, and the wine glass immediately returned to its original place.

Mei Yinxue, who hadn't looked at Ye Qingxuan for a while, snorted. Bai Mei laughed a thousand times, and a faint voice said, "When did you learn this lazy way of drinking? If you go on like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to use your fingers for a few years, and finally Become a fat man ... "

Ye Qingxuan pulled a finger in his right hand, and a wine line drew out of the wine jar next to it, straight into the glass, no more, no less, just filled a glass, and said lazily: "Will I become a fat man? Don't care. Anyway, there aren't any days like this leisurely day. Don't take advantage of this time to be lazy. When will you wait? "

Mei Yinxue looked at Ye Qingxuan quietly and asked, "Why? I want to return to the rivers and lakes so soon?"

"When will the world war break? Originally, there was still a little anticipation for this **** river, but it was enough to see so many people I knew fell in front of myself. I was so scared that one day, the person who was hurt was myself Loved ones. "

Mei Yinxue turned her head, stroking the sword in her hand again, and said gently: "I know that feeling, I know ..."

"So I will never let that feeling appear to any of us." Ye Qingxuan said with a bright light in his eyes and said with great confidence.

Mei Yinxue nodded, and said, "I know. Since I saw the sword from you, I know that you can do it."

Ye Qingxuan sighed and practiced hard for half a year, and finally practiced the slaying sword to the point where he could send and receive, and someone was killed.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the boundless spring outside the window and asked, "Where have we been?"

The voice of Hu Yan Yunzhu outside said, "Master, we just passed Jianchang Mansion yesterday. It ’s time to go to‘ Arms of Arms ’Yang Bo to show Yang ’s hero Wuyizhuang”. ”

"Oh? Wuyizhuang." Ye Qingxuan murmured to himself, feeling quite a bit, when he went south and lost eight counties, participated in the "Southern and One Dragon" Wei Xiaotian's unicorn meeting, met seven brothers on the road, and in the south Longshanzhuang Yilan Jinlan, this time in a flash, it has been more than a few years.

At that time, the young man was ignorant, and now he is a 21-year-old youth.

Although it may not sound like a year ago, Ye Qingxuan is so tired of memory that he has experienced so many things that he has forgotten.

But in the face of impressive things, those dusty memories will still clearly come to mind.

At that time, the lovers of Yang Bozhan died mysteriously on the way to the meeting. At that time, it became a public case. Now that things are wrong, Yang Bozhe's elders are already the elders of Kunwu College. And self-researched martial arts, although old, but broke through the original realm and entered the ranks of innate masters.

"Is old hero Yang at home now?"

Hu Yan Yunzhu hadn't answered yet, and the gossip bucket Gui Guisheng rushed to answer: "Dao Lao, and the old Yang head is at home. His three children wrote to him last time, saying that his son-in-law and his wife added to him. With a pair of big fat grandchildren, hey, twins, all boys, this old Yang head is happy, and he talks everywhere. This time, he said that he would go home to support him for years, and feel comfortable for a few years. "

There is no such thing as various gossips on Kunwu Mountain.

Ye Qingxuan smiled calmly and said lightly: "The old hero Yang is nearly fourteen years old, and it is also time to enjoy the joy of this family."

"Let ’s go. Since we are passing here, as a junior, we should visit the door."

Wuyi Village in the southeast of Sichuan is not a famous place in the world, but it is famous in Shu.

This Wuyi Zhuang is a paradise established by Yang Bozhan, the "arm sage", and five brothers of Yilan Jinlan.

Except that the boss is Yang Bo's exhibition, the other four are the second child Xu Ping, the third child “Gouyun Sword” Feng Dingshu, the fourth child “Judge Pen” Shi Yiyuan and the fifth child “swing waves legs” "Miao Fengxiang.

The five brothers were all in the state of conscience in the past. The five brothers worked together in one place with great prestige.

However, there was a lack of yin and qing on the moon, and a loss on the moon. Decades ago, the fifth, fifth and fifth brothers of the five brothers passed away. "Wuyizhuang" status is no longer. Only Boss Yang Bozhan and second child Xu Ping Xu Ping supported Wuyizhuang's prestige.

Shuzhou because of its special geographical conditions. The entire Great Basin is like a kingdom escaped from the world. It has its own martial arts system and its own disputes.

The internal struggles in Shuzhou are endless, but the people in Shuzhou martial arts are fierce with their enemies and are extremely united.

They do not want to expand their forces outwards, but it is also impossible for external forces to penetrate into Shuzhou.

Shushan Sword Alliance, Guxia Mountain, Yunyin Mountain, Yandang Mountain, Yaoqu Mountain, Fengzhu Mountain, Yankong Mountain. The combination of the six major sword factions is actually the product of thousands of years of Shuzhou martial arts.

Wuyizhuang is well-known in the local area. Just a simple inquiry, he got detailed instructions.

When the party came to Wuyizhuang, it was noon.

When the original happy mood arrived in front of Zhuang's gate, it was shattered, because the weeping willow tree-lined cottage did not have a lot of happy smiles, but the paper ashes flying around the courtyard, and Su Jing hanging over the wall, showing A funeral scene!

Only from the style of Quanzhuang with filial piety. Ye Qingxuan and his party had already accelerated their heartbeat, and asked again. It was only learned that the deceased was the owner of the village, and the elders they wanted to visit during this trip, "Bomb Saint" Yang Bozhan.

In addition, according to Dai Xiaozhuang Ding's introduction, the old hero Yang has died for more than ten days. In the past few days, many people in Shuzhou have come to pay their respects. At this time, one of the only five veterans of the "Wuyizhuang" has achieved great results. Xu Ping, the “Broken Mountain Fist”, led Yang Bozhan's three sons to personally receive guests from the door.

In addition, Xu Ping, the "breaking mountain fist", also invited a few old friends who had stayed with him during his lifetime. Two of them attracted the most attention of the "eagle rod", which is extremely famous in Shuzhou. A Shihe Taoist who views Yiding Mountain and Laojun Mountain.

Both of them are contemporary masters, and they have rarely appeared on the rivers and lakes in recent years, so they suddenly came to the hanging festival and everyone was surprised.

It's just weird that the funeral of the old arm of Yang Bozhan, the "arm sage", all invited heroes from Shuzhou, but there was no foreign hero, even Yang Bozhan's life and death "South Heaven and One Dragon" Wei Xiaotian No one has been invited. This Yang family's work is a bit strange.

Gui Yansheng couldn't help but muttered, "This old Yangtou's family is doing something wrong. Anyway, we are also the visiting elders of Kunwu College. They are also well-respected seniors in the college. After the death, why not even invite Kunwu to the funeral? Shan participated, not even the notice. What does this mean? "

Ye Qingxuan groaned silently and did not answer.

At this time, Dai Xiaozhuang came to question, and Ye Qingxuan moved in his heart and did not explain the identity of the Kunwu faction. He just pretended to be the junior descendant of Wulin, and heard that the senior Yang Yang had all returned to his birthday.

Many martial arts people have come to hang out these days. Zhuang also knows that this person may not have seen Yang Bozhan himself, and there are no fewer people who come here. This is an unwritten rule in martial arts, so he does n’t have much. When he asked, he got up and led the crowd to worship.

Ye Qingxuan and his team of four, in order to be unobtrusive, were very low-key. Especially, Mei Yinxue covered her face with a veil to cover the peerless appearance, so it did not cause a sensation.

When Zhuang Ding led to Lingtang, Ye Qingxuan inquired, and found out that Yang Bozhan was actually killed more than ten days ago by the assassins when he was doing his homework for the school's grandchildren. The old man was even able to resist in the future. .

When Ye Qingxuan and others heard this, they couldn't help but secretly startled, and connected with the recent death of Jiang Tao, the leader of the Dajiang League.

Could it be that the magic gate counterattacks, and it is impossible to first cut off the wings of the Baekdo forces?

With questions in his head, Ye Qingxuan and others stepped into the hall.

The white candle of Su Yi is a somber weather.

Ye Qingxuan and his team of four people gave a sacrifice to the sacrifice. Yang Bozhan, the son of filial obedience, had three sons.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door. After describing a mighty old man who broke into the spiritual hall, after seeing a few large characters hanging on the spiritual hall, "Yang Gongbo exhibited through the ages" ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Wooah screamed, slammed into the coffin, and cried the coffin: "Brother Yang, it really is you, why did you leave like this?"

When everyone saw the old man crying so much, they were all stunned. It was unexpected that the old man was so unruly that he went straight to the spiritual hall and made a loud noise.

After Ye Qingxuan looked at the old man, he snorted and whispered, "Well? It's 'Nantianyilong', Wei Xiaotian, and Master Wei has arrived. It seems that this Yang family is not invited, it may be a blank post. Haven't arrived yet ... "

The "Southern Dragon" Wei Xiaotian appeared, and Yang Bozhan's three sons suddenly appeared helpless and looked at each other. Finally, the boss Yang Wenzhao sighed, and stepped forward to salute: "Father Wei, Please also change your grief, Father, Father ... "

In the end, Yang Wenzhao was already tearful and speechless.

And when Wei Xiaotian, who was crying, heard the other person talking, he jumped up suddenly and asked, "Okay, okay, a few of your wings are hard. Brother Yang died, so you did n’t even have funeral stickers." I sent a letter to my husband. It was only when my friends in Shuzhou told me that I knew about this big event. OK, I won't talk to you young people, where is your second uncle? Where is Xu Ping's bastard? to be continued..)

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