Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 6 Chapter 8: Serial conspiracy

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The two flirted with their eyes, one of them was an iceberg beauty that everyone could only look up to, and did not dare to get close to each other. The two were like a young couple who were caught wrong and were suddenly embarrassed.

Still Wei Xiaotianren is mature, came forward with a smile, poured tea for everyone, and said to Ye Qingxuan: "Brother Ye, this is a specialty osmanthus oolong tea in Wuyizhuang. With the scent of osmanthus, the rich flavor of oolong tea is unique. , Is a rare treasure in tea. Since we don't drink wine during the dinner, we will substitute tea to taste the specialty of Wuyizhuang. "

The host, Yang Wenzhao, quickly gave way: "Yes, yes, brother Ye, please enjoy this tea."

Everyone smiled, and all held tea to respect each other, which resolved the embarrassment.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the tea soup colored in red cups. The fragrance was strong, and the fragrance of osmanthus was fascinating. The person wanted to get drunk. He didn't have to drink the graceful feeling of the clouds in the entrance, and the mouth was fragrant.

Then Yang Wenzhao worshiped Ye Qingxuan because Ye Qingxuan indirectly avenged his father. He diligently served Ye Qingxuan with a smile and said: "Brother Ye, this is the famous pepper chicken in Shuzhou. It ’s crispy when it ’s hot. It's delicious and moderately spicy. I heard that Brother Ye is versatile and has done a lot of research in cooking. I can definitely taste the benefits of this dish. "

Ye Qingxuan tasted it and said: "Compared to the master who made this pepper and chicken, my skill is far worse!"

Everyone laughed and was happy.

Ye Qingxuan asked with a smile: "The two remaining Mormon elites this time, please ask you to help **** them back to Kunwuguan. Although it is easier to kill them with one shot, the Mormons are hidden at this time. Too many conditions are not Understand that if you can be escorted back and interrogated, you will definitely get a lot of magical information. "

The three young brothers nodded.

Wei Xiaotian said: "This time I went to Yunzhou with three apprentices, and there was a way to take care of it. No one in the guard should be worried. This time I heard that Brother Yang was killed. Liu Daozhen, Xu Chang, Jia Junfu, Shang Xiaozhi, etc. Several old brothers will come to worship, and we will return to Kunwu together, security is not a problem. "

Everyone could not help but nodded together.

Then Wei Xiaotian suddenly laughed aloud and said, "Moreover, I'm afraid this time, I'm afraid I can't take care of myself, shouldn't I have time to talk to us?"

The crowd couldn't help wondering, and Yang Wenzhao was busy asking why.

Aside from Wei Xiaotian's apprentice, Xia Junning was worried about Master's unhealed injuries. Instead, he interjected and explained: "A few days ago, we just received the news from Luodu City, saying that it was Fengyige who commanded a large number of military masters and strangled the lotus lotus in the city ..."

Lotus lotus?

Everyone has never heard of the name, and I don't know what it means.

But Ye Qingxuan on the other hand hit a sudden burst in his heart. Isn't that the place where the peasant monarch Peacock met himself and his second brother? There is a lair of Jiuzong of the Demon Gate. Fengyi Pavilion strangling to death. Is it possible that a conflict broke out between Mormon Luo's first enemy line and the Nine Sects? Or did Feng Yige deliberately attack the Momen forces in order to conceal people's eyes?

Ye Qingxuan was involuntarily a little worried about it, especially the oldest brother Chu Dieyi was imprisoned by Huazong in that place. Can't help but ask: "Feng Yige attacked the lotus lotus? What's the matter with the magic gate?"

They secretly traded with the magic gate nine privately, still can't spread it, otherwise they will make a deal with the magic gate. Even if it is a last resort, it can easily be used by people with a heart to become a tool for vilifying one's own side.

That Xia Junning explained: "The lotus lotus is an important place in the Demon Gate. Fengyi Pavilion has been passed on to the Demon Gate. This time, they deliberately attacked the Demon Gate and announced that they have nothing to do with Demon Gate. It turned out that the battle was really ridiculous. The people of Fengyi Pavilion were indeed the peasant lords who surrounded the Momen Huazong, but the result was that they were embarrassed and killed by the peacock with supreme magic. The peacock fruit is very human. It is said that he just used a trick to make it look like the King of Peacock was alive. The colorful lights illuminate the Quartet. They are all peerless hidden devices known as the peacock magpies. There are more than billions of colorful silver in an instant. Needle flying. All-round attack without dead ends, dense like rain. At that time, the 10,000 Royal Forest Army besieging the peacocks killed more than three thousand on the spot ... That was a **** river, and it was terrible. The peacock went away, but Fengyi Pavilion I lost my lord and was ridiculed by people in the rivers and lakes. His prestige plummeted. "

Everyone couldn't help but exclaim, they were all amazed by the second-class master of the magic gate. You must know that there are more than one such masters in the nine demons, and one of the Japanese sects has broken the enemy and already dared to think of Li Muchan's challenge. Yes, and this year's Chongyang has become the focus of worldwide attention.

Ye Qingxuan frowned, and continued to ask, "Did Feng Yige get nothing?"

Xu Dingwei laughed: "I got it. It is said to be a large coffin-like box. I don't know what it is or what it is. They are protected by them with great attention. If I look at them, this is a myth. If it is true, Any important person in the magic gate has been caught. Fengyige's people must have loudly declared that they have attacked the magic gate for the first time, and they will not remain silent until now.

Everyone talked and nodded in agreement.

Only Ye Qingxuan had no appetite at this time, would Chu Dieyi catch it in the big coffin?

Of course, Fengyi Pavilion will not treat Chu Dieyi because she is not on her own side, but they have captured the key points of her own side. The second brother Zhan Yu will not sit idly by and will rescue Chu Dieyi. This may be a conspiracy of Feng Yige. They just dug the pits and waited for their own side to jump in.

Brother, don't be confused at this time.

Ye Qingxuan was anxious. If the old Bajiang Shuihan was able to make plans around them, he wouldn't worry about it. At this time, the old eight biological father was assassinated by the magic gate, and he must go back to stabilize the situation ...

Ye Qingxuan's face suddenly changed greatly. Could it be said that this series of measures were all aimed at cracking down on their brothers?

Someone knows that when eight of their brothers come together in one place, they have infinite power, and they are scattered. Only then have the chance to break ...

Ye Qingxuan dripped with cold sweat.

Who and who deployed these tricks, how could he be so familiar with our brother and carry out targeted assaults ...

At present, there are eight brothers of his own. Only the eldest brother, Guo Guotai, the oldest three-stage loose stone, and the oldest five-two are used as personal guards. Standing beside Sifu Huangfu Taiming, the safety of these four people need not worry.

However, the sixth old man, Meng Yuanzhang, first went to detectives in Shuzhou alone. The eighth man in Dajiang League acted alone, only he was not so safe.

The magic gate can take action against the second brother, so will there be also against them. Or even ambush against yourself?

Especially the second brother Zhan Yu, after hearing about Chu Dieyi's affairs, he would never sit idly by, and his reaction was the one that Ye Qingxuan was most worried about.

Ye Qingxuan lamented and said to Yang Wenzhao, "Brother Yang, is there a biography of flying pigeons?"

"I have it."

Ye Qingxuan nodded. "Trouble, please do something for my brother. I want to send some messages out."

Yang Wenzhao readily agreed.

Wei Xiaotian and others thought that Ye Qingxuan was trying to find out some news on the rivers and lakes, and did not doubt others, but only Mei Yinxue saw the dignity between Ye Qingxuan's eyebrows and couldn't help worrying.

"Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu is now lying in an ambush town not far from Luodu City.

In the dark place on the top of the warehouse, he waited for three days and nights.

According to all information, Fengyige's men and women indeed smuggled the large coffin out of Luodu City. Ready to ship it secretly.

He was waiting here, his eyes turned red, and he stayed up for days and nights.

Although it is not certain whether Chu Dieyi was in the coffin, as long as there is any possibility, he cannot give up.

In Xiangyang, he knew that everyone would advise him not to come, but almost everyone knew that none of them could stop Zhan Yu from coming.

Therefore, Zhan Yu did not bid farewell, so as to avoid trouble.

Because he also knew that this time he had to break into Longtan Tiger's Cave. It may be a trap under Fengyige and Momen. He must come, and a few brothers will never let him come alone, and must follow.

He didn't want his brother to risk his own woman.

Zhan Yu was clear at this moment.

Although the eyes did not close for three days and nights. However, his spirit has entered into the mood of Rizhao Clear Sky. He is not sad, unhappy, angry, and worried. The three action lines in the body do not need to operate intentionally, and they have already moved slowly.

That is the three different ways of performing claw work from Tiger Qing Xuan [Tiger Claw Hand], [Dragon Claw Hand], and [Eagle Claw Hand]. The original three paths are different and have each other. Disturb. When practicing one method, you must stop the other two lines of practice.

However, the "Eagle King" Zhan Xiongfei once told him that although the three sets of lines of practice are different, they are all popular and have the same status. As long as one day he can be unhindered and not gratified Without the sadness of the big empty space, these three lines of merit will return to the school and run at the same time without interfering with each other.

Originally Zhan Yu worked hard for several years ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I still couldn't catch the main points of this mentality, but I never expected that after experiencing the great sadness and joy of this time, my own state of mind even reached This is what my father called the "big empty realm."

Dragon Tiger Eagle, the three lines of practice circulate in the body at the same time, and they do not contradict each other. Zhan Yu ’s fighting potential has been increased by more than three times in an instant. However, this state of mind has only been maintained for a few days, and Zhan Yu has a faint feeling. There has been a breakthrough.

Suddenly, Zhan Yu raised her head and looked forward to the right.

I saw a figure flashing out from the jungle near the pier and rushing into the pier in a blink of an eye.

Knowing that it was the enemy's good hand in charge, Zhan Yu screamed a fluke, no longer hesitated, shot against the tile surface, and landed on the other roof, like Ying Xiang, and fell behind a few times before jumping to the ground. , Tracking the other person's figure at full speed. (My novel "Jin Yong's Unparalleled Life" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign at the top right to add a friend , Search the public account "qdread" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phones Users please read.)

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