Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 212: Try to win

Peng Daosheng taunted with ridicule. He used to work together to ridicule Wan Ming ’s incompetence. He never thought of helping the other party, but he never expected that this Wan Ming ’s clever climbed the snake and responded directly.

One night when he met the two shameless dudes Shuai Tianfan and Wan Mingming Ming, Peng Daosheng was so angry that he went crazy on the spot.

"No time!"

Peng Daosheng roared and left.

There is such a confusing confession by Wan Ming that the handsome Tianfan martial arts is absolutely far away. Searching the Sanqing Palace is a waste of effort. Peng Dao is angry and furious, and because he thinks he has found the identity of a flower picker, he returns to discuss for a moment. They took people out of Sanqing Palace.

By this time, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but admire the ingeniousness above his head, and was able to make Peng Daosheng angry. This kind of shameless ability was still inferior to him.

When Peng Daosheng went away, Ye Qingxuan waited for Wan Ming to leave, but the old guy did not leave, but was silent.

Zheng Yi is different, but a ray of clothing came through the air.

A very familiar cold voice sounded, "Thanks to the help of Wan Wan's brother, although I was not afraid that the veteran would inspect, but if I did so, it would be a big trouble!"

Ye Qingxuan was shocked, the other side and Bai Dao had the same potential, I don't know what the power was!

Just listening to Wan Yi's bright and bright smile, he softly said, "The Taoist Master doesn't have to be polite, everyone belongs to the holy gate, and he should be a great helper. But I didn't expect my younger brother to visit Sanqing Palace today, but he encountered such a thing, it was really bad luck!"

Hahaha ...

Another old man laughed and whispered: "Good things are alive. Now that the people of the Presbyterian Church are gone, it would be better for Brother Wanji to follow me into the palace to discuss in detail what the Qinghua Emperor said ..."

"Well--this is not a place to talk, let's go!"

Huh, Huh--

The sound of breaking through was far away, and the cold light in Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed, because he finally heard who the man beside Wan Diduming was ...

Demon Sovereign Sovereign-Peerless.

Unexpectedly, this guy in Shuzhou was almost killed by the master, even hiding in Sanqing Palace.

Luodu fish and fish mixed, it really is a precursor to chaos.

And Wan Qing ’s unique identity surprised Ye Qingxuan not only. He is not only a master of high rank in the magic gate, but also seems to be the line of Emperor Beidi Qinghua. He is here to meet with the ruthless Taoist. What do you want to come to the magic gate? Big action.

It was a pity that Ye Qingxuan had important matters and could not find out in detail, so he firmly remembered the location of the hall where the two flew in, and fled to escape the danger while the Sanqing Palace was in a mess.


I didn't expect Huangfu Taixin's so-called secret place looks like a house, but the winding path is secluded. After three to five turns, the back of the house is even connected to Luoshui.

The father-in-law Xia Ming led Ye Qingxuan and Huangfu Taixin to board this huge painting. On the face of it, eight Peugeot's hot and sweet sisters swarmed in disbelief, holding Huangfu Taixin and Shuai Tianfan's arms into the painting.

For the first woman with an exceptionally plump body, he sighed at Huang Fu Taixin as if orchids, and said eloquently, "Why did the officials arrive so late, the slave family's heart was also anxious, I don't believe you touch it!"

In full view, a large hand grabbing Huangfu Taixin was tucked between a pair of murder weapons on his chest.

I rely!

With so many people watching, Ye Qingxuan was about to commit the awkwardness.

Since an emperor emperor became a **** official, Huangfu Taixin was surprisingly relaxed and laughed: "Jiao Niang, you are so empathetic, and the officials will reward you in person ... Hehe, alas, unfortunately, today At night, there were still a pair of puppets who were going to be given to Jiao Niang for training. Unfortunately, it's a pity ... "

Ye Qingxuan quickly apologized, "Hey, Your Majesty forgive me, I ..."

"Well!" Huang Fu Taixin waved his hand and patted Ye Qingxuan's shoulder affectionately. "Here is my house, you are my brother. Here only talk about feelings, not identity! This is the rule of Ruyi! Besides, Lu Shi The second daughter is not in my heart yet, the happiest today is to recognize the second brother. "Huang Fu Taixin flashed an excited light in his eyes, waved his hands and drank," Come, I have seen your second grandfather! "

"I've seen Erye!"

Huh-huh-la, a group of Yingying Yanyan Qi Qi bowed his head to salute, in front of a flesh-stained gully, Ye Qing's high level of martial arts was inevitable.

Hold on, hold on, I'm Shuai Tianfan, not Ye Qingxuan.

"Get up, get up."

Ye Qingxuan smirked and did not say much.

Jiao Niang squeezed affectionately between Huangfu Taixin and Ye Qingxuan, picking up the two, and splitting the **** of the two sides on the arms of the two, led the two into the cabin, and boarded the large flower hall on the third floor.

The other masters, including Xia Ming, all remained on the deck, and only two of them went in.

The flower hall is brightly lit and extremely luxurious. A large round table is placed near the window, which vacates a large area. It seems to be used for entertainment programs such as singing and dancing.

The eight beautiful and charming women waited attentively and took off their coats for both of them.

The four corners of the hall were lit by a sandalwood stove, and the room was warm as spring.

"Come and come, Jiao Niang hurry up singing and dancing, don't let my brother go cold!"


Jiao Niang kindly greeted the two to sit down, clapping and clapping. Immediately, a waitress came and went wearing flowers and butterflies, and offered hot wine, just like a country of incense, and I do n’t know where it is.

When the table was filled with famous wines and delicacies, only the three prettiest girls were left, waiting on the sidelines.

Suddenly, the sound of the orchestra sounded. A group of musicians in the whole female class took various instruments and walked in from the side door. They sat in a corner and played carefully. They made beautiful expressions with flamboyant faces. lively.

Huangfu Taixin could not help laughing and applauding.

Ye Qingxuan didn't know what these two goods were really thinking. Why did he lose the Lü Shishuang not only ask, but a relaxed and self-sufficient appearance, so enthusiastically drawn to himself, I was afraid of another plan.

Taking advantage of the singing and dancing, Huangfu Taixin laughed again: "Jiao Niang, go and bring up the special program you said a few days ago for me to watch with my brother!"

Jiao Niang covered her mouth for a while and laughed, and waved back with a few brilliants.

At this time, in the whole hall, except for the two of them, there were only a group of female musicians far away from the corner.

Ye Qingxuan's heart moved ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ knowing that Huang Fu Taixin must have important issues and told him that he was busy showing concern.

Sure enough, Huangfu Taixin fell loose, sighed lightly, and said lightly: "Let the second brother make a joke. I have the status of an emperor and don't enjoy it, but I am complacent with some great official here. It really makes people understand. Right? "

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said, "What's the problem with my elder brother?"

Huangfu Taixin came together and whispered: "Second brother, because only here I am the real master. Outside, I am just a puppet who can at your mercy ..."

Huh? good phenomenon!

Ye Qingxuan felt a ecstasy in his heart, but he looked sad and said earnestly: "Big brother said a lot. Although Feng Yige only covered the sky with his hand, this day could not be over the big brother's head ... Since Big Brother can look down on Tian Fan, Tian Fan goes to soup and dance, also I want to help my brother! "

"Okay, okay! It is indeed my own brother!"

Huang Futaixin lowered his voice, and said arbitrarily, "Second Brother, Brother wants you to help me kill someone!"

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