Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 215: Unyielding

Huang Fu Taixin was obviously in a good mood. [Search the web for hue / c / o / m soon]

"Come, second brother, let my brother introduce you to these true friends!"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, his eyes swept across the four figures in the banquet, secretly in his heart, I am afraid this is your true confidant.

Only one of the four has never seen it, while two of the other three have seen it in Wangxianlou before. They are security guards other than Toxin and Bell Crash. One is like a bitter monk, but the last one is familiar.

He is tall and sturdy, although he may have a narrow face, but it is well-defined and perfect like a marble statue. His sharp eyes make his eyes cold like a sword, making him have a male overbearing charm.

It's just that I haven't seen it for many years. I can see the vicissitudes in my eyes, and my originally smooth chin has a moustache.

Xue Wengong.

At that time, the grandson of the "General Dingnan" who stepped on his head and suffered humiliation, and the "grand hand" Xue Gongwang, betrayed his friends, his family, and his royal family slaves.

I haven't seen it for many years. This young Junjie, who was so crowded and inferior at Huangfu Taixin's court banquet that year, did not realize that he really became Huangfu Taixin's confidant.

The music was melodious, and the six costumed beautiful women took a brisk pace and came to the table to sing and dance, performing a variety of graceful dances, singing together: "The fragrant golden magpie, turned red waves, rose up and combed itself. It ’s full, and it ’s hooked on the sun. I ’m afraid that it ’s hard to leave without thinking about how many things I have to say. It ’s not a sad autumn.

The sixth daughter is only twenty years old, and all of them are in the upper position. Only those who are seated are Huangfu Taixin and the character who has never seen it. The others have the rigor of a warrior, or they have a lonely personality.

Huangfu Taixin didn't take it seriously, invited everyone to raise a glass, drank it, and then lovingly pulled Ye Qingxuan on his side and introduced to the Miao people on the left: "I will introduce the second brother, this is a reputation The rivers and lakes have been in the valley for a long time, but they have been living in the valley. They are peerless masters who ca n’t eat the fireworks on the earth.


Is this the master of poison?

Although Ye Qingxuan did not know him, he had also heard of him from the "big treasurer" Heng Wantong. He heard that this man had always been lonely, hiding in the mountains and valleys, practicing all day long, studying poisons, and doing whatever he wanted. He was arrested only by him. Thousands of Miao people died when they came to try the medicine, which is definitely a fierce character.

Seeing his gloomy face at this moment, his left hand has been put on the short knife around his waist, and he wants to be a master with a knife.

Xue Renshen was not good at words, but he didn't have any good looks. He was a guest introduced by Huang Fu Taixin himself. He didn't have to say a word, and didn't even glance at his eyes.

Huangfu Taixin laughed and didn't care, and once again introduced the ascetic man next to Xue Renshen, saying: "This teacher is also extraordinary, but he is the master of contemporary horror Xi Lian Tian Xi who was famous in Wulin for 100 years ago. Mr. Xi ’s [Frightened Amputation] is a martial art, and there are few rivals in the world. "

It was still a long-haired shawl, sackcloth clothing, or a seated posture. Others were all in front of wine and food. Only he had only a bowl of water, a plate of peanuts, and a pair of powerful hands. Two peanuts were thrown into the mouth. When he heard Huangfu Taixin ’s enthusiasm, he gave a cold hum, saying, "Your Majesty is praising, there is no master in Xi ’s school, there are no disciples, and the next person is in the middle. Mention A hundred years ago, I was afraid of making people laugh. "

Before waiting for Huang Fu Taixin to answer, Ye Qingxuan smiled, respectfully, and said, "Where is Mr. Xi, the prestigious person who shocked the door wouldn't know someone. Although today's" Jingjue door "has no past glory, but as long as Teacher Xi is here again and again and again. "

Xi Liantian's life-long wish is to regain the prestige of the past. Therefore, he will not be in the rivers and lakes for decades, but only practice his stunts. Only when he is able to do so can he come out of the mountain. The words of Huangfu Taixin did not make him heart, but instead It was quite comfortable to hear Ye Qingxuan's flattery. Even if he was not good at talking, he also kindly squeezed out a smile and nodded at Ye Qingxuan.

After introducing the two masters of the rivers and lakes, Huangfu Taixin once again aimed at Xue Wengong and proudly said, "Second brother, I'm afraid you won't know him. He is the first general to account for his brother. He can sweep the world, Breaking the rivers and lakes can become an outstanding figure of a grand master, Xue Wengong is. "

Xue Wengong didn't dare to even talk about it. He even raised his glass to stand and toasted Ye Qingxuan actively. He said respectfully: "Your Majesty is praising, Xue is just a martial artist. Where can I know what is the righteousness of the world? It is not because of His love. That's it. "

"It's too modest, it's too modest." Huangfu Taixin laughed, acting like a monarch and a minister.

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly, and after toasting with Xue Wengong, he seemed to inadvertently ask: "Xue Wengong, General Xue ... ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I heard a man who was the grandson of Xuetian Gongwang, The last betrayed old Xue head, abandoned the dark cast and went to Jiangbei ... hiss, it seems to be the name of an adult ... is it ... "

Xue Wengong's face turned red, no matter what, the betrayal of the family was not very good-looking, at least a word of "filial piety" could not exist.

Xue Wengong's face became more and more ugly, and it was not easy to attack. He could only say frankly: "It is Xiao Ke. Er, the ancestor of the family was old and faint, and committed the crime of rebellion against the court. When it comes to chaos anyway, atonement for the family ancestors and correct the name of the Xue family ... "

"Oh, ha ha ha, indeed, indeed." Ye Qingxuan sincerely admired, stretched his hands and raised his thumbs up, and said, "So, you are really a filial son and grandson! Old man Xue Jiu can look down!"


Xue Wengong was furious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ almost turned his face on the spot. Fortunately, this kind of thing has been used to humiliate many times, and in the presence of the emperor today, Xue Wengong is no longer irrational and dare not make trouble.

But he didn't understand. When he met this handsome Tianfan for the first time, why was he so targeted?

"Oh, all right, everyone is their own, why not get angry!" Huang Fu Taixin became a peacemaker, smiled to prevent the two from arguing again, first winked at Xue Wengong, then turned to Ye Qingxuan and laughed: "Second brother, you must not have misunderstood General Xue in this matter of listening to rumors from the rivers and lakes. The Xue family is loyal. Can you be buried for generations by a fool? General Wen Gong is full of righteousness and bears infamy for the glory of his family. Actually ... General Xue is bitter ... "

It's really good enough.

Ye Qingxuan looked down on Xue Wengong in his heart, but at this time Xue Wengong seemed to be moved by Huang Fu Taixin's crying tears, a loyal and loyal good minister, bowed to the end, excited: "Thank Your Majesty! Wei Chen would like to bow for His Majesty , It's dead. "


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