Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 217: Amazing information

This old **** not only analyzed the words, but also seemed to help himself intentionally or unintentionally.

Why is this?

Ye Qingxuan was very surprised. Suddenly she felt peeped, and her heart moved. When she looked up, the husband had already closed his eyes and raised his soul, with a sense of serenity on his face.

Huangfu Taixin was drinking very well this time, and was enthusiastically said by her husband in a few words.

Her husband is right. Now, the most lacking of his puppet emperor is prestige. If the prestige is rising, he wants money and money, and someone wants to have someone. Is there a reason not to take back the imperial power?

"Oh, my second brother Zhennai is a blessing general, hahaha, not only helping to eliminate the scourge, but also delivering such a great benefit!" Huang Fu Tai shook his eyes and said, "Say, where is the ruthless demon road now? "

"San Qing Palace."

"Okay!" Huang Fu Taixin stood up at his desk, and for a time he was very heroic and calm, and said in a deep voice: "Tonight, I will have a royal drive for a pro-registration, and I will meet these demons!"

Ah, ah! ?

Huang Fu Taixin is like a spoiled child, and twisted.

Even if Ye Qingxuan and others tried hard to persuade him, he couldn't shake his conviction, and with a little bit of wine, he decided on the spot to have a decisive battle with the ruthless demon.

Huangfu Taixin has ordered to go back to the palace immediately, and call for his guards to travel. The torturist and the bell-monk monk will meet with him in the palace immediately, and then turn around and say to You Daming, "You Aiqing, please come back, your Identity inconvenience appears. "

"The official obeys the order." You Daming stepped down immediately.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't laugh or cry, even vaguely felt that the second prince was a bit silly.

"Since the elder brother insists so, the second brother will be a pioneer and investigate first."

"Alright!" Huang Futai Xin nodded.

"Master." At that moment the husband said suddenly, "For the safety of the master, please allow the slave to go with the second grandfather."

"Well, yes." At this time, Huangfu Taixin was completely stimulated by the drama of the imperial conspiracy. The whole person was immersed in boundless excitement and felt that he was not so excited as the emperor. Replace yourself with a wide robe and large sleeves.

"Second Lord, please." The husband smiled, his tall body turned, and he took the lead.

Ye Qingxuan frowned, and had no clue about the purpose of the old eunuch, and had to bite the bullet and follow.

The night was dark.

In the night breeze. My husband went across the house and disappeared like a meteor behind the ridge of a big house.

Ye Qingxuan didn't hesitate and hurried over. His six-characteristic characteristics beyond ordinary people made him look at the traces of her husband far away without ever leaving the slightest.

After crossing several ridges, Ye Qingxuan stopped abruptly.

I saw my husband standing on the roof of a house, watching the streets of Luoshui River flowing through the city.

The lights on both sides of the straits are the lanterns of the flower boats.

And farther away, Wan Wan's paintings, which had just died, were also within sight.

Ye Qingxuan gathered his powers secretly, knowing that the other party stayed here deliberately, there must be something to tell him. He had the worst intentions in his heart, and took the lead to ask, "Her husband is here to stay, but what is right Kid speaking? "

The husband slowly turned around, looking at Ye Qingxuan with a look of alertness, and suddenly smiled, his voice suddenly changed, and laughed: "Your little leaf is a bit tricky!"


Even though Ye Qingxuan guessed a little bad, he never expected that the other party would break his identity.

The power that was concealed in secret was almost released on the spot, but ...

The other party was familiar with the accent, but he did not move.

"You, you ... are you?"

Her husband smiled, his body bone suddenly shattered "crackly", and suddenly became a little short in front of Ye Qingxuan. His body became tall and mighty and short and insignificant.

When Ye Qingxuan looked stunned, her husband's common hand wiped on his face. The plump skin that had been shiny and shiny suddenly turned into a crumpled old face, and then stretched his hand to poke from his mouth. The bad old man appeared in front of Ye Qingxuan.

"You always ... Fan ... Teacher?"

Ye Qingxuan finally recognized the identity of the other party, and it was hard to believe that the old man was here.

"It's me, Fan Yintong. But your kid remembers clearly, now you have to call me Father-in-law!"

The image changed from tall and kind to insignificant and thin, this Fan Yintong's Yi Rongshu was not weaker than Ye Qingxuan.

Unexpectedly, the husband who was extremely trusted by Huang Fu Taixin was the insignificant old man Fan Yintong.

Fan Yintong is a disciple of Lingyun Palace, a disciple of Tianzhi Sanren, and now a brother of Lin Nanxuan, the master of Lingyun Palace.

He was elected **** from his palace when he was impoverished at home, but was distressed on the way to Beijing. He was rescued by Tianzhi scattered people and accepted as an apprentice. This coincided with the chaos in the world that year, and Fan Yintong officially entered the palace as an eunuch.

Later, Emperor Jingzong Jingde of Jingzong was controlled by Fengyi Pavilion, and it was this Fan Yintong who stole poison, which caused Huangfu Jingde to feign death, and rescued him outside the palace. He siege Luodu, and almost wiped out the rebellion. , But a shortfall of success.

Huang Fu Taiming retired from Xiangyang, and Huang Fu Taixin took office in Luodu.

Fan Yintong continued to hide in the palace, and had long lost contact with the Southern Dynasties. It was unexpected that he had become a close relative of Huangfu Taixin.

After Fan Yintong revealed the truth and recognized Ye Qingxuan, he exerted his skills again and changed back to his tall and kind husband. He looked at the stunned Ye Qingxuan and laughed: "Ye Xiaozi, in fact, this is the old man's true appearance. Identity is another layer of identity I have transformed in the palace. "

Ye Qingxuan was unknown, so he asked, "So Mr. Fan ... Uh, Father Fu always has two identities in the palace?"

Father Gong nodded his head and said, "The previous identity was because of the rescue of the Emperor. Later, it caused suspicion, simply shirk away from the accident, and died in the past. However, the real identity of the husband is the old attendant who took care of Huangfu Taixin from an early age, so it has been reused."

That's it.

It seems that Lingyun Palace's move is extremely forward-looking, and it was buried next to possible Chu Jun.

And as Lin Nanxuan's elder brother ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jiang Feiran's master, it is not difficult to imagine Ye Qingxuan's true identity.

Under the circumstances that the Southern Dynasties could not rely on, this must be the only help that Jiang Feiran thought of for himself.

Father Gong smiled and said, "When I received the news from Jiang Feiran, I didn't believe it. After seeing Ye Xiaozi, the old man's heart was considered to be landing. Your strategy is a bit dangerous. But it's also a trick to use well! "

Ye Qingxuan was refreshed and laughed: "The two boys were just a sudden imagination, but with the help of the father-in-law, they will succeed."

Gongfu smiled and said, "Rescuing Zhong Li Shangxian is the current priority, but there are more important arrangements that you need to complete."

"What is it?"

"I want you to sit on the head of the magical palace!"


Ye Qingxuan was stunned again.

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