Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 220: Unexpected counterattack


When the time came, the heart of the person next to the tossing heart flashed a cold light, and his right hand pinched his finger into a knife. He displayed the most venomous [unconscious soft phoenix claws], silent, without any vigor, when his chest went to his opponent. Come on.

If he was poked by this move, it would be enough to break through the suffocation of the guard, break into the bones, and pull out the heart of the ruthless Taoist.

Just at this moment of life and death, the ruthless Taoist suddenly gave a loud scream, the severed left arm suddenly stretched out of his sleeve, and a dagger in his hand, making a move to block the heart and kill a claw!

what! ?

Ye Qingxuan was dumbfounded.

Can a broken arm still grow?

No, he is not heartless!


Almost in no particular order, the mysterious person in the black blouse on the other side soared, the black blouse broke instantly, and a huge ghost-faced baboon condensed outside, exposing an incomparable face, and his hands were broken by the wrists. Two sharp gold hooks.

"Ghost Face is Coming" Peng Junchen?

It's also a long time old friend ...

Where is the ruthless demon road?

Ye Qingxuan was very surprised, and looked around quickly. Suddenly a strange feeling rose, and her eyes opened sharply. He held the Huangfu Taixin next to him without hesitation, and in his face was stunned. In an instant, he flew backwards.


Just below the position where Huangfu Taixin was sitting, the roof of the roof was broken with astonishment, and the ruthless Taoist and a hooded tall man in black were killed at the same time in a ball of sword light. He is superior, but he did not expect that the swordsmanship of the other person was not backward and unfeeling, but the atmosphere was unfamiliar, and Ye Qingxuan could not think of such a figure.

"Who is superior?" Father Gong yelled violently, and at the same time drew dust in his hands, rubbing himself forward, struggling to attack the two, reducing the pressure in front of Ye Qingxuan.

At the same time, the masters of the security guard came forward.

"Dangdang Dang!" After a series of excitement, several figures fell to the outside, and the screams came, all of them killed with one sword.

Just as soon as he fought, those guards killed many people, and it was not a level with the ruthlessness and the mysterious man.

"Escort, escort!"

Exclaimed, the four master-level siege sieges under the siege of Peng Junchen and Peng Junchen suddenly messed up, but they were counterattacked by two masters for a while, entangled in one place.


The ruthless Taoist eyes were completely blank, watching Ye Qingxuan angrily and abnormally, and the sword in his hand completely disappeared, leaving only a flamboyant starlight entwined around him.

The guards around him did not order to cover the ground. Father Gong chased after the two, Ye Qingxuan pulled Huang Fu Taixin back.

Puff puff……

Another row of guards fell down and failed to stop the opponent.

Huangfu Taixin saw sweat on his forehead, and the body pulled by Ye Qingxuan kept trembling, but after all he was the respect of a country, with some courage, and he calmed down for a moment, with the demeanor that Taishan collapsed in front.

The ruthless Taoist started desperately as soon as he shot, while another mysterious assassin had a dazzling look, his sword in his hand was a little tiled, and it suddenly rose more than ten feet, almost sliding against the roof like a bat, avoiding the father-in-law from behind The dust coming in.

Her husband was like a shadow, followed closely, and punched behind him with a punch, and the wind rose wildly.

The man in black snorted, flashing back the sword light, the cold mansions skyrocketed, breaking the invincible invincible boxing force, and then kicked his feet back into the sky to ruthlessly, and yelled loudly, "Tao brother help me! "

The heartless man was blessed with heart, his whole body of power was condensed violently, the sword maggot volleyed into a force of external rotation, and he was suddenly pressed against the man in black. The man in black was strengthened by this, and it was more than ten times faster. There was a loud noise from the ground, and the speed broke the sound barrier, piercing Huangfu Taixin's chest with a sword.

At the same time, the ruthless Taoist man retreated and fled in one direction without looking back, even with his companions.



Including the recent father-in-law, other masters flocked in, but they were all half a step behind.

The whole process was just a blink of an eye, but the calmness of the assassin in black and the fierceness of his shot were almost comparable to the series of Yuan Laizhou and Long Sutton Pearl.

At this time, Huangfu Taixin was finally frightened, and the scream almost flew out of his mouth.

Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan was on his side. At the critical moment, when I saw the assassin avoiding the obscurity of the father-in-law, he knew it was not good. When the opponent accelerated, he had already taken a step forward, blocked in front of Huang Fu Taixin, and shattered his foot. , Push Huangfu Taixin into the hole.

The sharp swordman broke into the air.

Ling Ye ’s murderousness with a withered anxiety made Ye Qingxuan as dead wood, and his whole body qi was difficult to operate, but [Tai Yi Xuan Yuan Ning Yu Gong] immediately responded automatically, and the boring feeling disappeared at the same time. At the same time, With a mad drink, the **** in the right hand were standing side by side as swords, and pointed at the opponent's sword, while the other hand cut the palm of the hand, and slammed towards the opposite door.

The mocking light flashed in the eyes of the black assassin, and the two hands pushed one at a time. The steel-made long sword was instantly broken into numerous pieces, like a bursting weapon, marking his chest, and twisting his body like a dragon. Playing in water, the body suddenly fell down, broke through the tile surface, and continued to attack the falling Huangfu Taixin.

I didn't know that Ye Qingxuan had already expected this move. With a smile, one stroke in the hole where Huangfu Taixin fell with one hand, like a whale sucking water, a huge suction force was issued, and then only one position of Huangfu Taixin would be left. Pulled back abruptly.


The other side made a doubt, and also knew that the assassination opportunity had been lost, and immediately broke through the wall on one side, chasing the direction in which the ruthless Tao escaped, and escaped without looking back.

"Protect the emperor!"

Ye Qingxuan's voice drank, pushing Huang Fu Taixin to the father-in-law, and he turned himself on, chasing in the direction of the ruthless Taoist escape.

Among the people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, only his light work can crush the ruthless Taoist, and he has a certain grasp to catch up with the enemy.

Such a plan, even let the ruthless demon Tao escape, is too angry, at the same time the identity of another assassin in black makes him very suspicious.

Because at the time of the last move, although the opponent ’s internal strength has proven to be an authentic magic gate mentality, the sword move seems to have a little Aoki sword technique such as [太乙 青木 剑]. "Withered wood in spring"!

Who is this product? What does it have to do with my Kunwu faction?

The fierce fighting and chasing by the three parties, which are like lightning and flint, cannot be caught up by others at all.

In just a few breaths, he left the royal master and Sanqing Palace far behind.

The ruthless Taoist man has always been known for his sword and body skills in the magic gate, but the other person is not weak at all, and he has a faint stance that goes hand in hand with ruthlessness.

As Ye Qingxuan accelerated with all his strength, a cloud of white light suddenly burst out in front of him, instantly covering the two who were desperately fleeing!

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