Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 226: Suicide squad

"Carried from Fengtian, the emperor said: With Sansheng Island Shuai Tianfan, he succeeded as the first-level commander of the Shenzefu, and he became the official officer of the third grade. He is here today."

Today, Xia Ming, the "Governor of the Imperial Guard", can only serve as an eunuch, and read the decree with a smile, respectfully speaking to Ye Qingxuan: "Handsome man, please take the order!"

"Clerk, Shuai Tianfan gave thanks." Ye Qing responded with a sorrowful gift, took the decree, and reasonably shoved Father Xia Ming a twelve pieces of gold, and laughed: "The father Xia Ming has worked hard. In the future, my brother will have a lot of business to do. Need to consult with the public. "

Knowing that the other party was a red man in front of the emperor, Xia Ming didn't dare to talk about it, but he was not slow to beat gold.

"Master is polite, hey, come out this time, Your Majesty ordered me to give you a message ..."

"Father, please!"

Xia Ming drew closer to his ear and whispered: "His Majesty said that this time the event has shocked Zhuoge Lord, Zhuoge Lord is preparing to inspect it in person, but the matter was taken to the Twelfth Presbyterian Church by the Father Gong. Fengyi Pavilion put pressure on it to win the right to ask questions, so the scope of the exam questions should be of particular concern to the twelve veterans, so please be handsome.

Ye Qingxuan nodded as soon as his mind was bright.

After sending Xia Ming away, Ye Qingxuan sat alone in the room, thinking secretly.

Although this time I didn't do my best, I got a post second to the commander-in-chief, which was half a success, and finally I could build a force within the enemy's own side.

Good start.

And if the twelve veterans are presided over by the judges, it is likely that he and Beiming will be able to seize the case of the flower picking thief who recently gave the twelve veterans a headache.

This flower-picking thief has committed more than 20 consecutive crimes, which has made Luodu people frightened. Ye Qingxuan already knew the true identity of this flower-picking thief. If he really wants to deal with it, he must be much ahead.

The key is how he can obtain the overwhelming force of Lai Zhou!

Especially the urgent task of rescuing Zhong Li Shangxian ...

Time is running out, and there are only a few days left until August 15.

And the force that can be used by himself cannot be friends and brothers of the Southern Dynasties. With the help of contradictions within the enemy, there is no perfect guarantee. The resources that he can use today are too small.

Ye Qingxuan thought about it, but decided to consult with Lin Nanxuan.

If Jiang Feiran led the way, Ye Qingxuan would not have expected such a beautiful place in Luodu City.

The branch of Luoshui turns here, leaving a beautiful lake swing, and several weeping poplars swaying by the lake.

It is a good time for Mid-Autumn Festival, the lakeside chrysanthemums pile up, and it is a good evening time.

When Ye Qingxuan arrived, Lin Nanxuan was fishing by the lake. Still gentle, his tight lips accentuated his proud and determined character. But between the eyebrows and frowns, it seemed that too many sorrows had accumulated. Once hitting the blue shirt, too many wind and dust stains were left!

Before Ye Qingxuan was near, he heard Lin Nanxuan groaning softly: "Jin Sei's fifty strings without reason, one string and one column thinking about the Chinese New Year, Zhuang Shengxiao dream fan butterfly, and Wang Dichun holding the cuckoo ..."

Ye Qingxuan smiled at Jiang Feiran next to him: "Broken, your master is in a bad mood, for fear of being dumped by a woman."

Jiang Fei glared at him angrily, took a few steps forward, respectfully said: "Master, Ye Qingxuan has arrived."


Lin Nanxuan didn't look back, all his expressions concentrated on the fishing rod.

As soon as Ye Qingxuan sat down, the fish sank swiftly and the fishing rods were bent, apparently a big fish hooked.

Lin Nanxuan smiled, and the fishing rod in his hand shook and picked, and suddenly a huge carp was caught by him.

"Okay, black-tailed and golden-backed. I have a drink tonight."

Lin Nanxuan directly put the fish into the fish basket and got up to arrange it.

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile: "It seems that I have given good luck to casual people, and when I sit down, I catch such a big fish."

"Why don't you say that you brought bad luck to the carp, and let it bite when you sit down?" Lin Nanxuan smiled and said, "I knew you would come to me ... Xiao Bugan's cheat book for you How are you doing? "

"[Pride of the Dragon God tactics] Although it is a golden martial art, it is not difficult for me. I have mastered seven or eight points."

"So quickly?"

Ye Qingxuan said nothing, he just stretched out his right hand and spread his palms. The gas flowed and crackled, like a cyan current flowing across it. In the palm of the hand, a dragon-shaped current composed of cyan currents formed in a moment. Ye Qingxuan's palm shook his head and wobbled, and the belching control had reached an unbelievable level.

Lin Nanxuan Zheng nodded his head and said, "It is indeed a martial arts genius that has been hard to come by for thousands of years. Even if your suffocating shape is a dragon, the operation of this meridian is not easily imitated by ordinary people.

Ye Qingxuan smiled, not dare to be too proud.

By virtue of his pain in the day after tomorrow, he refined all the impurities in the meridians, and has the characteristics of [small non-phase power] meridians flowing freely. Any method can be imitated by just looking at it a few times, not to mention There are primitive cultivation secrets.

Lin Nanxuan took a long breath and slowly said, "I can guess how much you come. Indeed, it will be too much of a drama for you to have the sole control of the governing house, the Dou Fengyi Pavilion and its party feathers, but you remember In any case, you cannot rely on the power of the Southern Dynasties, because once the secret is leaked, I am afraid that no matter how high your martial arts are, it is difficult to escape. "

Luodu Chengguang is a master of half-step mythology, and there are three on the bright side, which he really can't compete with.

"So, if you want to organize your own forces, you can only find those guys who have not been selected by the North and the South." Lin Nanxuan escaped a note from her arms and handed him: "I have a list here ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ You try to solicit as many people as possible, almost all of them are wicked, and Feng Yige is unwilling to solicit, so as not to get a bad reputation ... you don't have to worry about it, this identity is also false. "

Ye Qingxuan picked it up quickly, and couldn't wait to see what happened, but was pressed down by Lin Nanxuan. His eyes never paid much attention to it, and Shen said, "Leaf, I'll finally explain it. You can use these people. Even if it is dead, it is considered a contribution to society. However, you must also give me control. If they do evil in your hands, don't blame me for turning your face! "

Ye Qingxuan grinned and said, "Rest assured, these people in my hands will never do evil again, most of them are disgusting and disgusting Fengyi Pavilion ..."

The martial arts version of the "Suicide Squad" sounds very exciting.

"Let's go, there are no extra drinks and drinks here to entertain you!"

Lin Nanxuan nodded and walked slowly with the fish basket.

"Oh, right." Just after walking ten steps away, Lin Nanxuan suddenly turned back and smiled: "Speaking of soliciting your subordinates, Xiao Bugan said, there seems to be a big surprise in the genuine handsome Tianfan. You remember to receive it yourself! "

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