Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 234: Old account new calculation

After being captured by the Southern Dynasties, Zheng Zhantang was originally the most powerful contender for "Wang Xiang" and gained the trust of Huangfu Taixin. Unfortunately, at a dinner party before Huangfu Taixin ascended the throne, he was banished by the nine emperors "Chu "Lake King" Huang Fu Taicheng kicked and vomited blood. Although the Nine Kings was now claustrophobic, the Manchu Pavilion at that time was too far-fetched, so Huang Fu Taixin broke into the cold palace and no longer favored. [Search the web for hue / c / o / m soon]

But even so, this Manwenting is still very hard in the background. Not only his wife is a disciple of Fengyi Pavilion, but also his father is a veteran of the Three Dynasties. The "Office of the Official Secretary" still sat very securely.

Especially recently, Man Wenting and the Northern Dynasty prince Wan Wan dumbed his eyebrows and walked very close. People praised the literary style before and after, and they wished that the four characters "wenxiang shengsheng" were affixed to his forehead. Under the literary style, Huang Fu Taixin's attitude is not in the eyes, let alone the magical palace that has already fallen.

Facing Ye Qingxuan and others late at night, the government was already irritated, let alone Ye Qingxuan opened his mouth and shut up to copy the house.

Man Wenting shook his sleeves and snorted coldly: "Copying? I don't know what happened to Man Wenting. I want the working man to say such serious things as copying?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, looked back at Wu Xiaoshan, who was full of concern, "Tiger Chi", and said indifferently: "Some people have reported that Man and his father have been corrupt for decades, gathered wealth, framed loyalty, and colluded with foreigners, intending to rebel ! "

"Ah?" Man Wenting was startled, his face suddenly ironed.

Such secret and important matters are of course the information provided by Father Gongfu. However, the only information in the information was that Man Wenting and his father were corrupted, and there was no evidence of collusion with foreigners. However, Ye Qingxuan felt that he was too close to Wan Diduming. There must be something to do with Beidi. Regardless of the evidence, let's put on a big hat first.

There is no reason to talk about framing since ancient times, let's talk about people first.

Ye Qingxuan knows that Man Wenting has been hiding the huge amount of stolen silver in the secret library below the main building. This time when he went to the door to confess, Ye Qingxuan was no better than worrying that he would return empty-handed. The information given by the father-in-law was also verified several times. Without a doubt, there are even many local officials in the secret voucher writing letters and bribe books.

Man Wenting's father and son's greed and mischief had been happening for a long time, but Zheng Zhantang was the former and Wan Ming was the last.

Of course, Man Wenting can't let these Luxi go to the government to search, otherwise, what is really found will be finished.

This time Ye Qingxuan went to the door to confess his crimes. In addition to taking advantage of the opportunity to prestige, the more important thing was to give Wu Xiaoshan the "tiger idiot". At that time, the father of Man Wenting received the money from Qu Longxing and framed Wu Xiaoshan, which caused his family to ruin , Fleeing the rivers and lakes, and more murderous, eventually locked up for decades.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and narrowed his eyes at Wu Xiaoshan. Wu Xiaoshan immediately understood that it was going to be embarrassed, and he couldn't help but be grateful for it.

It is just that this Manchu family has a lot of roots, that is, the hundreds of households in charge of the surrounding areas, and they are all uneasy in their hearts.

"Brother, is this new handsome adult crazy? Is it okay to have a couple with our brother? How dare you surround the mansion of Manwenting?"

"I think it's hanging too. Who doesn't know that this Man Wenting is very close to Wen Xiang adults, and now he is beloved. This new owner hit his idea on him, I'm afraid he will kick the iron plate!"

"It's so overwhelming that I couldn't get our brothers to follow me ..."

"Don't be afraid, just don't lose your head!"


Hundreds of households muttered, worried.

On the other side, Man Wenting, facing Ye Qingxuan's questioning, smiled coldly, and said, "The handsome adult is so big and powerful, and the big hat is buckled! But this time the handsome adult came in the middle of the night, I'm afraid It ’s a busy trip. I ’m a man of generations, and my father is a veteran of the Three Dynasties. I ’m also a worshiper of Fengyi Pavilion. Not to mention that you ’re a small sacred house commander. The commander-in-chief is here, no ... it's His Majesty today, and I can't copy my house! "

As Manwenting stiffened, the hundred households in Shenzefu even thought that they would be in bad shape.

It was Hua Zixing behind Ye Qingxuan who felt that this time he might have kicked the iron plate.

But the next scene made everyone unexpected--


As soon as the voice fell, Ye Qingxuan was standing on a high-headed Malaysian horse, and his leg was a kick. In the middle of Manwenting's front door, he kicked him directly a few meters away, and slammed on the side post.

Man Wenting turned dizzy, his mouth hurt, and he spit out two white front teeth.

"You, dare to hit me?" Man Wenting's expression on his face was incredible, and he couldn't understand it. A godsense house that won the favor of His Majesty, even dared to offend Feng Yige and Wan Mingduming at the same time.

"What about hitting you?" Ye Qingxuan said with a disdain, staring at him coldly, "Manwen Ting, I see you are impatient. If you do n’t know, I will treat you with disobedience. Great sin? "

"Fart!" Man Wenting was helped by his descendants to get up and jumped and scolded: "Shuai Tianfan, you are too bullying. I have the Fengyi Pavilion ritual book, I have the Emperor ’s Emperor ’s Gift, and I ca n’t cure my sin You don't have this power! "

There was a burst of chaos, and dozens of bright swords and bright swords were suddenly rushed out of Manwenting House.

Ye Qingxuan stared coldly, looking at a dry nursing home whistling and yelling, "Okay, good, Manwenting, let me show you today whether I have this power!"

Ye Qingxuan picked a horse's head, and yelled loudly at the six shoguns behind him, and hundreds of hundreds of households and small flags at the magic strategy house. The soldiers of the policy government obeyed and immediately took down the old and young of the Manwenting family, but if there are rebels, let them be killed! "

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan glared at Wu Xiaoshan, the "tiger idiot" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wu Xiaoshan immediately woke up and slammed: "Kill!"


The body flew up and took the lead.

Peng's punch knocked Man Wenting to the ground.

The official ministry official who had the innate realm, but had little experience in actual combat, was almost beaten at that time. This was just Wu Xiaoshan deliberately releasing water, just to humiliate the other party.

This movement of Wu Xiaoshan immediately awakened other masters, and rushed forward to subdue a nursing home.

Man Wenting's nose and mouth bleed blood and kept yelling, "I have Danshu iron scrolls, I have Fengyige ritual books, I have Danshu iron scrolls, I have Fengyige ritual books ..."

But Ye Qingxuan's order came first. Who would dare to violate the six masters?

Boom, boom ...

A few muffled sounds. After ten orphanages were killed on the spot, the other Wuhe people were frightened, lost their helmets and armor, and crawled for mercy.

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