Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 7 Chapter 255: Means hard

"A pair of chopsticks is exactly divided into four pieces, each one is half, and the last half is yours."

When the young vegetable vendor showed up again, only the "green-faced ghost" Yan Sheng was left in the field with combat effectiveness. Dai Junyu, who had slumped on the ground, had no poison in front of the opponent, even if he was not poisoned.

"Are you in the magic gate?" Yan Shengyan asked in wonder.

The young vegetable vendor grinned and shook his head.

"Then how did you get the" Spicy Konjac "? When did you get poisoned?"

The vegetable vendor spread his hand and laughed, "You have a lot of questions, but we can make a deal. I answered your question and made you understand. Are you willing to answer a few questions?"

Yan Sheng was silent.

"The Konjac Konjac does come from the magic gate, but well, the way to get it is not very bright ... As for the second question ..." The vegetable vendor pointed at the rainy sky with a smile.

Yan Sheng suddenly realized that he shook his head with a smile and sighed: "We arrogantly killed ourselves in the killer world, but we did not expect it to be counted by you. By smashing the heavy rain, you popped the pollen into the air, merged into the rain, and fell directly on us , But a few of us have only been on the road, but we didn't find out, Gaoming, really Gaoming. Who are you? "

"This is your third question." The vegetable vendor looked completely, and said lightly: "I hope you can answer my three questions after you have the answer ..."

The vegetable vendor slowly put his hand on his cheek. Yan Sheng and Dai Junyu both widened their eyes and watched him peel off a layer of skin.

"Is it you?" The two exclaimed almost in unison.

"Ye Qingxuan? It's you!" Yan Sheng, a "green-faced ghost", showed a shocked look, and at the same time there was a trace of death in his eyes. "I should have guessed you were here."

Ye Qingxuan stepped forward, gently pinching half of chopsticks with both hands, and a devil-like tone sounded: "Now it's your turn to answer my question, answer well, I killed you with this thing, the answer is not good ... ... hee hee, did you see that thing over there? I killed you with it ... "

Following Ye Qingxuan's fingers, the two saw a wooden pole not far from the front, five meters long and thigh-thick. It was firmly inserted in the middle of the road, and the top of the wooden pole was cut into a sharp cone.

Both were unclear. Therefore, Ye Qingxuan asked at this time: "My question is simple: Where is the real location of Tianji Pavilion? Where is the old Tianji? Who is his true identity?"

"Green-faced ghost" Yan Sheng smiled sadly and said, "The small chopsticks have been replaced with the big chopsticks. They are dead before and after anyway. Do you think I will answer you? Not to mention ... The three questions you asked are not at all I can answer. "

Ye Qingxuan shrugged and said, "I'm sorry! I can only use it to send you back to the West!"

"Green-faced ghost" Yan Sheng roared: "Do you think you can easily surpass my" Shenying Erxin Flow Lock Scythe "? I know what you want, and I won't let you succeed."

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Sheng's hand slammed into his hand, and the end of the stab ball flew towards him. He was obviously a sphere with a big fist, but was driven by radon like a large hammer with a weight of more than 10,000 pounds. The sound of rumble was rumbling.

What's surprising is that the other end of Yan Sheng's shot, the sickle with a sickle blade, fluttered and chopped to the side of Dai Jingyu who was stunned.

Seeing this sickle is about to divide Dai Junyu into two halves, who knew that at this moment, Yan Sheng suddenly roared, and the whole body could not move.


The spiky ball that flew out was cut off by a chain, and flew out a dozen feet away, smashing the trunk of a large tree, and the sickle on the other end was also inserted into the ground, and the handle was still trembling.

The screams of screams rang out, and Dai Junyu screamed again and again, his body rolling on the ground, one of his eyes had become a blood hole, and blood spurted!

His eye was hooked out by the blade of the sickle, and it was broken open in the air and dropped on the ground.

Ye Qingxuan shot at critical moments, but still made him lose one eye.

With a slight frown, Ye Qingxuan sighed and said, "It's a bit more wasteful."

At this time, Yan Sheng was staring blankly at the position of his acupuncture point in his chest, his eyes were almost protruding.

The previous half of chopsticks was deeply inserted in my chest. That half of chopsticks didn't kill him, but it didn't make his body move. What made him even more incredible was that it was only half of chopsticks. It was unknown why it made him sweat like sweat.

At this moment, not only the pain in the chest injury, but also the place where the raindrops fell and the position of the wind blowing hairs, made him feel a pain, letting his own sense of touch, have been improved ten thousand times in an instant.

"This is Hua Zong's medicine to improve the sensitivity of the human body ..." Ye Qingxuan said with a smile: "It was originally intended for women, hee hee, I believe how to use it and where it is, you can guess. But this time it is Let me use it as a torture tool, and the amount is dozens of times larger. Hope you can better appreciate the real pain. "

Rain pouring down ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yan Sheng's cold sweat is even more than rain. His face has become sore and deformed. He suddenly gritted his teeth and yelled: "Ye Qingxuan, don't underestimate the heroes of the world, but they are dead No, your grandpa won't be afraid ... "

"Very good." Ye Qingxuan smiled mysteriously. The smile at the corner of his mouth made Yan Sheng almost cry.

The wind stopped raining.

The time is after two hours.

The sound of horseshoes came from the direction of Luodu. A row of at least twenty riders stepped on the muddy ground after the rain and quickly came to the accident site.

The site has been surrounded by the captain of Xing Tingwei. The new head of Xing Tingwei, head of You Daming, has a dignified face and is surveying the site.

The horse has not stopped, several figures have broken from the horse's back, but they are the elders of the twelve sects.

The head was Peng Daosheng, the proud sword, followed by Lian Qinghai from You Long Gang and Fan Hong from Rulin Academy.

The heavy rain not only did not dispel the **** smell here, on the contrary, the taste spread even more.

The situation at the scene was that Peng Daosheng and other martial arts lords saw it, and could not help but take a breath.

Four long wooden poles, sharpened at the top, four naked bodies, were inserted with wooden poles, and the tips penetrated out of the mouth, just like skewered toads, were supported here.

"Amitabha Buddha." Master Wudi declared the Buddha name with his eyes closed.

You Daming had already surveyed the scene. When he saw several people coming, he came to say hello.

For all vicious events, the elders of the Twelve Patriarchs have the right to ask.

"Who is the dead person?" Peng Daosheng asked.

"Xianjie, a blue-and-white snake" from Xianlong Cave, Yi Peidong, an "Iguana", Wu Guang, a broken light sword, and Yan Sheng, a "green face ghost" ... , That Yan Sheng, even stepped into vanity, unfortunately, such a master, he died so miserably! "

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