() Everyone was sad and angry, but also secretly frightened.

Zhang Beihu is known as a pair of boxers, with a set of [Tiger Tiger Boxing] plus [Panhu Forging Bone Gong], which is well-known in the world.

At that time, when people were in dispute, the innate masters let the innate masters use the hammer to bang three times in the chest. If they didn't realize it, it was just the magic power of the body that immediately let the opponent bow their heads.

Unexpectedly, this green forest tycoon named Yanbei and a great master who returned to the realm was killed unconsciously, and the person who killed him not only broke his body's breath, but also made him worth ten thousand. The weight of the sternum was severed, and in this way, the teapot in his hand was not shaken ...

How amazing it is! ?

Ye Qingxuan searched again and again, except for the corpse, he could not see any strange traces. It was obvious that the man was not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also the cleanliness of his hands and feet was rare in the world.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Zhang Beihu's body and said Shen: "Lao Bu, how much time do you have before and after leaving this place to find me?"

"Less than a cup of tea." Bu Tianzhi looked sad.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and said, "Is there anything missing here?"

"Yes." Bu Tianzhi's eyes brightened, and he made a round trip around, busyly: "The thing Lei Lie gave to the boss is gone."

"What is it?"

Showing the appearance of memories, Bu Tianzhi slowly said: "It is a small box containing some silver tickets, all of which are one thousand and twenty, afraid that there are more than twenty. In addition, they are all jewellery and chaotic. Things ... things are worth some silver, but the subordinates are incompetent. I can't figure out anything in it that can cause death. "

Le Lang spit out his tongue and said, "Oh my dear, more than 200,000 is not enough to cause trouble?"

Bu Tianzhi glared at him and said Shen: "Absolutely not a question of money. When the second brother found out that something was wrong, he had secretly approached someone to negotiate. In addition to being willing to pay back the money, he could also make up 200,000 for the sake of peace. .The other person is not asking for a silver ticket at all ... "

"Yes." Ye Qingxuan showed a thoughtful expression, and said, "Though Lei Lie didn't find out what the problem was, but Tiger Ye must have found something, otherwise you don't need to be so nervous ..."

What did he find?

Ye Qingxuan looked dignified, and searched carefully on Zhang Beihu, but there was nothing to hide from head to toe, until Ye Qingxuan noticed Zhang Beihu's left hand clenched, and found a trace of abnormality.

Zhang Beihu clenched his fist in his left hand, his tension was higher than that of other parts of his body, and he had obviously used force before death.

Ye Qingxuan laboriously opened his fist, and even broke the other's phalanx, and finally opened it. At first sight, there was a mark on the palm ...

In a circle, "Four leaf tung grass" is drawn.

This is the trace that Zhang Beihu stamped something on his palm like a seal.

But the three present, including Ye Qingxuan, did not know what they meant.

After Ye Qingxuan memorized it, Yun Gong pressed it in the palm of Zhang Beihu's palm, and the imprint on the flesh disappeared immediately.

Ye Qingxuan glanced at Le Lang and Bu Tianzhi, and Shen Sheng said: "This mark cannot be known by anyone except the three of us."

"Subordinates understand."

Knowing that this matters, they dare not hesitate.

Ye Qingxuan stood up and instructed Bu Tianzhi: "Do you know how to find the second master?"

"The boss didn't mention it, the second child never looked for me ... but as long as the boss has been there, I can find it."

"Well, Lei Lie was immediately contacted and can't be dragged anymore. Also, tell Su Rong what happened here, and tell him that the scene of the murder here belongs to our policy house, so he will not let it go."

Ye Qingxuan sneered at the corner of his mouth, in order to forget the business of Xianxianlou, even if he let Su Rong open, he would not agree.

Ye Qingxuan also instructed Le Lang and said, "Look for Hua Zixing to investigate the scene and see if there are any omissions."

In the end, Ye Qingxuan stood up, glanced at the direction of singing and dancing from the outside, and said lightly: "The murderer came and went so quickly, there is a good chance that he would be among the guests, and there is a reason for me to stay here ... Remember, Call me Iron Guard. "

When Ye Qingxuan returned to the Xiangrui hall, all seats were already filled.

The original lively and harmonious atmosphere suddenly cooled down, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the proud "handsome Tianfan".

Everyone's face was surprised.

"Isn't that handsome Tianfan?"

"How come this kid is coming?"

"Yuan Daozong will invite him?"

"I will definitely invite him at the etiquette, but who would have thought he was here ..."


Ye Qingxuan just glanced, and immediately couldn't help but smile.

It turned out that all the guests in the meeting were a bit frustrated with themselves. Except for a few hands-on sessions, most of them were disturbed by the Shenze government, and they were all friends with Fengyi Pavilion.

That ’s right, if the Weizhou shogunate wants to improve its relationship with the Central Plains Wulin, the power of Fengyi Pavilion can be used to a great extent. At least, the Baidao martial arts near Luodu City will give Fengyi Pavilion this face.

If his gaze could kill people, Ye Qingxuan would already be in trouble.

Facing everyone's grievous gaze, Ye Qingxuan was very happy, holding his chin up, Shi Shiran returned to his seat, closing his eyes and raising his soul.

Several people in the crowd who had already taken their seats suddenly stood up and whispered in the corner, glancing at Ye Qingxuan's side from time to time, apparently with no intention.

The last few people reached an agreement, and sent a representative to whisper in the ear of Tong Huitong. Tong Huitong's eyes must be on Ye Qingxuan's body, showing a hint of resentment, then his eyes closed and he nodded slightly.

Although Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes, his six senses were fully open. Every move in the entire Xiangrui Hall could not escape his consciousness ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A malicious message came from the direction of Tong Huitong, so he could not conceal him. Observation.

It's a bit interesting, it seems that this banquet can still be a bit entertaining.

At this time, there was a commotion near the door. It turned out that Li Daotian, Zhang Qiu Taiyan, Cao Sheng, and Xing Wuyou came together.

The four of them were the top masters of the day, and they attracted everyone's attention as soon as they appeared. For a while, the entire hall was in chaos, and the four of them were glorious, proud, smiled and greeted each other, and they were all masters.

Only Ye Qingxuan didn't move, she lowered her hands to poke around in the candied fruit plate on the table, complained that she didn't have any pistachios, American almonds, or even seeds of peanuts.

The four heavenly gods salute each other to Huihui Tong and other factions. Among them, Xing Wuwei first saw Ye Qingxuan on the side, and suddenly he was one, while others felt the strangeness of Xing Wuwei at the same time, and looked down. At a glance, several people flashed strange and complex looks in their eyes.

At this time, several martial arts masters joined their circle, Fang made the four look back and join the lively entertainment.

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