() Ye Qingxuan hurriedly led the crowd to leave, and returned directly to the mansion all the way.

He was not worried that the irritated Dongyuan Jun would order Yuan Laizhou and others to kill him in public. Unless he fell into the Jedi, even a master of half-step mythology, it was not easy to kill him.

At this moment, the haze that haunted him was the emblem of "Futaba Tongmaru" in the palm of Zhang Beihu's heart and the "Mitong Tong" on Dongyuan Jun's lapel.

The mysterious big man from Weizhou brought a new round of crisis. The more he danced with long sleeves, the more likely the Central Plains Martial Arts would fall apart.

"My lord, here is my humble job." Hua Zixing's voice came from the door of the study.

"Come in."

The door of the study was opened, and Hua Zi stepped forward, bowing his head to salute.

The madman behind Ye Qingxuan, Sen Han's breath made him uncomfortable for a while.

The iron armored monster at the banquet squeezed the news of returning to a master of virtual reality, and it spread quickly in Luodu City like a plague. At this time, a terrible master stood silently behind a statue of Ye Qingxuan. ,not moving at all.

Ye Qingxuan naturally did not know the fear of the subordinate's heart, and he fluttered a white light before Hua Zixing.

Hua Zixing caught a look, this is ...

Ye Qingxuan drew the family crest on the coat of Dongyuanjun based on his memory.

Ye Qingxuan Shen said, "I heard that you are an expert on Weizhou. Do you know what this emblem means?"

"Mitong Tong. The emblem of the Shentong family of Weizhou Shogunate." Hua Zixing replied firmly.

Sure enough.

"What about this?"

Another page of the book flew to it, and Hua Zixing caught it, and immediately hesitated.

"What means?"

Hua Zixing frowned and thought hard: "Master Qizheng, could it be that the intelligence gathering was wrong?"


Hua Zixing explained: "If the villain guessed correctly, this pattern should be a family member of the Shentong family in terms of rules. No, it should be a family crest of the direct descendants."


"Yes. In order to distinguish the relationship between the elder and the inheritance, the eldest son of the host family will inherit the family crest of his father's generation, while the capable second son and the like can form a division or become a family member under the host family. "

Watching Ye Qingxuan nodded, Hua Zixing looked certain, and continued: "According to this pattern, being able to obtain Shentong leaves itself is the identification of their Shentong bloodlines, which is undoubtedly a separation. According to Weizhou From the perspective of intelligence, this generation of shogun general Shinto Huisuke, in addition to inheriting the eldest son Shinto Shinshu of 'Mitsubishi', only the second son Mitsuhide and the third son Dingxiu established a separation, respectively 'Shuangye "Tong" and "Trefoil", the other unborn sons are all attached to the third son as a vassal. This "Futaba" has never been heard. Unless the shogunate generals are newly separated A son ... but if it is such a major event, the secret agent of Shenzefu in Weizhou should have reported it. This is not a secret. "

This will be the case if the Shiro's identity is not abnormal.

Ye Qingxuan Changshu took a sigh of relief, waved his hand, and said lightly, "Go on. Today, don't mention it to anyone."


Ye Qingxuan pushed open the window, and Yue Lang was thin outside.

Tomorrow is August 15th.


The stone tabletop shattered under the palm of Dong Yuanjun, showing his deep internal force.

"Baige. You already know that handsome Tianfan is not easy to deal with, but has made me ugly in front of the Central Plains warriors?"

Dongyuan Junsen Han glanced over Yuanyuan Laizhou and Shizhou Badaozhai, angrily: "What are you and Zhao Fengchan's conspiracy, and what is Feng Yige's intention? Zhao Fengchan first mentioned to his father With this plan, I felt that it was inappropriate, and there really was a conspiracy ... "

"My Excellency, please calm down." Yuan Laizhou's deep voice sounded with a slight dissatisfaction, and said leisurely: "I and I are not your family members, please do not speak in such a tone."

"You ..." Dong Yuanjun looked pale, but in the face of Yuan Laizhou's gloomy face, he dare not make trouble.

Shi Zhou Badaozhai bowed his head respectfully and replied: "Master Yuan, although I have played against Shuai Tianfan, the specific strength of the other party is really unclear. Moreover, he did not expect such a fierce character under his men, this time It is really a mistake. Although there are some extra branches, it has undoubtedly established a relationship with the white plains of the Central Plains. The handsome Tianfan is the representative of the underworld holy land and is the most hostile to the white fairs. Although the monarch lost a member of his family, the gain was, It is extremely huge. "

As soon as this remark came out, Dong Yuanjun's face only looked better.

Shizhou Badaozhai and Yuan Laizhou looked at each other and continued, "As long as we successfully differentiate the relationship between the East China Sea Tingge Pavilion and the Central Plains factions, let them be jealous of each other, and return to the twelve arrogant temperament. The Patriarchal Council, however, we will take action again and we will surely succeed. We will use it as a springboard to attack the Central Plains in the near future. "

Dong Yuanjun waved his hand and said, "This is a bit far-fetched. Our plan is only to deal with the East China Sea. Even if we succeed, we will be able to achieve some success even if the land in the Central Plains is rich. Even if we are weak due to internal fighting, in the long run, 瀛Continents are also difficult to compete with. Once the Central Plains are unified, it will be the time when our continent will be destroyed. Therefore, in my view, the Central Plains can only be used as a aid, not an enemy. "

In these words, Shi Zhou Badao Zhai was dumb, took a peek at Lai Zhou, but saw that he didn't move, and when he didn't hear the Buddha, he had no choice but to call it yes.

"Tomorrow is August 15th. You should be prepared. If this plan fails, the two of you will make a laparotomy in front of the general."





In the low trumpet sound, a team of brightly colored, high-flag teams set up sentry posts on the outskirts of the area where the twelve patriarchs were located.

With an area the size of five or six football fields, more than a quarter of the streets involving the city of Rhodes have been blocked.

Luodu City, the entire city's alert, including the respect of a country, all serve this grand event.

Ye Qingxuan and his team, except the madmen, all wore handsome flying fish suits, heading towards the twelve-member veteran's club.

The closer to the conference hall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the more crowded the road, the traffic is full, all moving in the same direction.

Ye Qingxuan and his party also had to slow down.

The people behind him, especially Le Lang, had seen such a battle, and unconsciously grew his mouth, secretly shocked.

The next few people looked at him with a grin, and Jinhuan said ironically: "Master Le, please close your mouth, don't be ashamed of us because of your kid."

At this time, a group of people came to the gate of the meeting place, the speed was slower, crowded with other carriages, and slowly lined up to enter the meeting place.

Ye Qingxuan said lightly at this time: "I can take Tiewei alone at the venue, Wu Xiaoshan and others are waiting outside. Lelang, pay attention to the warriors of Weizhou."

Weizhou Samurai?

Everyone looked around in amazement.

A long distance, a team of thirty or more people carried a weird coupe and slowly came to this side.

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