Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 8 Chapter 21: Chess difference 1 move

Ru Xinnyi eagerly said, "When I was walking around the street, I was fortunate enough to have seen the appearance of an adult, so I met each other. In the past few days, there are adults and three masters coming, naturally I know it is an adult looking for him ... Today I finally waited for the adult. "

Ye Qingxuan suddenly asked, "Where is Lei Lie now? Take me to see him!"

"Someone invites poor people to come."

The lantern first appeared.

Ye Qingxuan hand-drawn the female Niru heart, performing light work, went all the way to the suburbs.

It didn't take long before I saw a temple built at the foot of the mountain.

The desolate temple flashed a lonely lamp with ghostly fire, and the wind rustled the leaves and leaves in the courtyard, as if a ghost was walking alone on it.

When the evening breeze came, Ye Qingxuan only felt that it was chilly on his spine, and there was a ghost blowing on his back. He was in a constant shape and swept towards the lights.

"Because he was worried that Xingzang was exposed, Lei Lie hid here." It seemed that Ye Qingxuan was hesitant, and Ru Xinnun quickly explained.

He coughed and said, "I didn't expect Lei San to be so miserable in the end."

The Ru Xinnyin shook her head with a bitter smile and said, "If you can escape your life, you can manage it."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't see her cheating, so she sighed: "Please Master Ru Xin, please lead the way."

Ruxin Nuni nodded and said, "Follow me."

Then she stepped into the wasteland, and the oil lamp on the shrine was held in her hand. The ghostly and ethereal lights, according to the faded **** veil in the lotus, the gold-painted Buddha statue, and the thick leaves, wild grass, Dust accumulation, cobwebs ...

I'm afraid this desolation has been inactive for a long time.

She stepped forward, lowered her foot forward, through the desolate courtyard, without any trace of people.

All the way to the backyard, but there are no lights, black and dark, in the heavy twilight, under the sorrowful sycamore, there is a small zen room, the wind is blowing the broken windows, sending out a burst of bitterness sound.

At this point, Ru Xinnyin finally let out a sigh of relief, and then smiled back: "Master and wait here, I will let you know first, lest the thunderous bow bird, then do anything shameful."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the dense cobwebs on the door and wondered: "Lei Lie has been here all the time? Is there any other mechanism inside?"

Ru Xinnun laughed and said, "Of course, some institutions have been arranged. In order to cover the people here, the spider web here is also tried to be moved. It seems that the trick of the poor Ni is really effective."

She smirked, poked at the cobwebs on the door, and went in.

Ye Qingxuan had to wait outside the gate, the yard was darker, and there seemed to be night birds crying on the tree, like a ghost crying. He stood under the tree, always feeling a little hairy.

It's hard to live here alone for Lei Lie.

After a long while, I only heard Ru Xinnini saying in the Zen hall: "Lei Lie, the handsome man has come to see you, come out quickly, Lei Lie ... Lei Lie ... Ah--"

A scream came suddenly, followed by a broken voice behind the window, who wore out of the Zen Hall and ran towards the mountain.

Ye Qingxuan was startled and rushed in without thinking.


The walls of the Zen Hall shattered under Ye Qingxuan's severe impact. Even at a critical moment, Ye Qingxuan was still worried that someone was ambushing in the house, so he did not enter through the door, but directly broke the wall next to the door.

If someone was ambushing in the house at this time, he would be caught by surprise.

But the moment Ye Qingxuan rushed into the house, there was no attack on his face, not even a trace of murderousness, but under the ghostly lights, a dark shadow floated on the beams of the house.

Ye Qingxuan took a closer look and suddenly took a breath.

A corpse was hung on the beam, a majestic man over thirty years old. At this point he was out of breath, and the old man spat out his tongue, but he was hanged alive.

Ye Qingxuan quickly stepped forward to investigate, it seems that this person died a short time, and the body was slightly elastic.

The Ruxin Nunyi was lying under the corpse at this moment, apparently fainted.


Ye Qingxuan sighed helplessly. According to Bu Tianzhi's description, if he did not expect it to be bad, the hanged man should be Lei Lie, the "Benlei Knife."

I couldn't think of my own mistakes, and finally came a little late.

Taking a look at Ru Xinnun, who was fainted in the past, Ye Qingxuan quickly squatted down, ready to rescue.

But the moment he squatted, the imaginary lamp suddenly went out, and the Zen Hall suddenly fell into darkness.

At the same time, the corpse hanging from the beam suddenly pounced on Ye Qingxuan.


A slender katana broke through the chest and abdomen of the corpse and stabbed straight toward Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan was taken aback, his body stunned and then retreated, but the knife stayed in the same direction. Instead, he stabbed towards Ru Xinnun, who was fainting on the ground, at a faster speed.

[Long Longzi Hegong]!

Ye Qingxuan made a move with both hands, and Ru Xinnian, who was on the ground, was immediately pulled over by him, avoiding the killing knife.


Unexpectedly, the real purpose of the other party was not to kill himself, but to kill the last witness Ru Xinnini.

Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan responded quickly enough to save Ru Xin when he could not let it go, and he was about to back away. Suddenly, a cold feeling came out, which was sent out on the Ru Xin girl who was dragged to her by himself. Ye Qing Xuan's feelings were not right, and he could not save the other person, so he pushed them out, and his body suddenly turned backwards--


A short knife stabbed in Ru Xinnian's hands, and came straight to Ye Qingxuan's chest. This knife was fast and poisonous.

Although Ye Qingxuan noticed something wrong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he can't avoid it.

The moment the opponent's blade attacked the body, Ye Qingxuan's bones in the chest abruptly fell down, avoiding the knife indiscriminately, but the spit gas on the blade had already scratched his shirt.

The pan-blue blade was obviously quenched with highly toxic, but fortunately Ye Qingxuan responded fast enough.


In the laughter, the Ru Xinyini turned over backwards, and after a puff of smoke, a charming and beautiful female ninja came out, shaking her hands a few times, and suddenly a few unsightly Wuguang, with a sharp The sound of the wind hit his throat, chest and abdomen several points.

At the same time, Jiao laughed and said: "Why is the handsome so ignorant of pity?"


In the cold hum, a dark shadow pierced out of Lei Lie's corpse. The katana in the hand was only cut off towards Ye Qingxuan, and the sharp congenital sword energy immediately came to Ye Qingxuan's eyes.

Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand, and the "Moon Moon Scimitar" across his waist was already in his hand, and he darted to slap the other side without fear ...


The violent anger spread outwards, Ye Qingxuan flashed in surprise, and was taken back three steps by the opponent, and the figure hidden in the corpse, without stopping, had pulled the disguise into a Ruxin woman The female ninja smashed open the roof, with a burst of sly and secretive laughter, fled and fled.

"Sure enough, the handsome man is unparalleled. We will have a period later."

The husky voice shouted from the opponent's mouth, arrogant.

Awesome instinct!

Ye Qingxuan instantly recognized that this person should be the one who stabbed Zhang Beihu and Bu Tianzhi to death.

By the time Ye Qingxuan turned over and swept up the roof, the secretive figure had disappeared with Ru Xinnian.

At this time, the stars and the moon are sky-high, and the wind is cold.

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