Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 9: Yin Yang Life and Death

Almost at the same time that Zhuo Huifan appeared, Qinglong and Meng Yuanzhang broke away and separated.

The Qinglong turned into a blue dragon, flying above the sky, while Meng Yuanzhang flinched like a mouse, sloshed around, and fled outwards when the ground covered with shadows.

They move fast, but Coro's breaking moves are faster.

Zhuo Huifan chuckled, "Is the snake and mouse worthy of dominance?"

Suddenly, Luo broke the enemy with one finger, one finger, and slammed loudly. The violent purple and black two-colored radon spread instantly, Qinglong and Meng Yuanzhang both showed their true bodies at the same time, and were firmly nailed in place by the purple-black raven. Can't move.

"Dead!" Luo broke the roar of the enemy, and the purple and black yin and yang two qi formed two big hands, instantly holding them firmly in the palm of their hands.

"Reincarnation of life and death, repeated dry and glory." Qinglong yelled suddenly, his body suffocated wildly, opened his **** hand a little, and then, like a loach, squeaked, slipped out, and a green dragon suddenly wrapped around Grab it on the wrist of Meng Yuanzhang's big hand.

The blue dragon's tooth bites on the **** hand.

Hey, pop!

The **** that were bitten made blue instantly, and then the **** suddenly withered from the roots. Meng Yuan's suffocation rose and he broke his two fingers.

At the same time, Luo broke the index finger and **** of his left hand, and his roots became red and swollen instantly, trembling.

"I'll help you!"

Seeing that Qinglong was still entangled with the **** hand, Meng Yuanzhang immediately stepped forward to help, not wanting to swing the tail of Qinglong, Peng flew Meng Yuan's fan out.

"Get out of here!"

The blue dragon's voice didn't fall, and the transformed blue dragon's virtual shadow was captured by another big hand seven inches.

"[Blue Dragon Claws]!"

A huge cyan dragon claw attacked directly while Luo broke through the opponent's chest.

Luo broke the enemy beast's roar, and the **** hand that broke his **** suddenly collapsed, and then coagulated again on his chest, clasped with the blue dragon's claws caught, and the two sides were entangled in one place. Collapse.

The blue dragon exclaimed, and it was necessary to withdraw his power to save himself, but only in a flash, Luo broke through a black smoke and suddenly appeared in front of the blue dragon's eyes. The entangled blue dragon claws and the **** hands dissipated at the same time, but appeared in front of everyone. However, the palms of Luo Podi and Qinglong were held together in a real place.

"Ah! Not good!" At this point Ye Qingxuan exhausted all his strength, and there was only a trace of blue shadow in the air. He rescued with extreme speed, but it was still too late.

Luo Podi and Qinglong's left hand stick together, Luo Podi's weird eyes are just one turn, and he yells, "Claw of Qinglong, my claw of Qinglong!"


With a clear whistle, Qinglong just felt that his whole body power flowed towards the other side like a river breaking the bank.

"[Xuanyin sucking magic power] !?"

Qinglong had no time to exclaim, and he was shaking uncontrollably.


As Suzaku got closer, he turned into a huge Suzaku, volleyed downward, and his claws grabbed Luo directly above the enemy's head.

This trick, which can penetrate gold stones and pin bones, melted into a huge black ice block when it descended. The violent fire exploded, but it melted the black ice slightly.

But at the same time, a huge palm broke through the ice, and clamored with Suzaku's claw.

Suzaku snorted, and the Suzaku Alien in the air suddenly shattered, showing his true body flying back more than 20 feet, and the spring-like blood spewed out from the air.

The flute sounded three beeps, and Suzaku's face became red instantly, shivering three times in a row, and then spit out three abnormal scarlet bloods. After landing, his face was pale, and he could not even breathe for a long time.

At this time, Qinglong's consciousness almost fell into a coma, but between breathing, his left arm was thicker and stronger than his right arm.

Luo Podi's [Xuanyin Magic Demonstration Technique] is extremely strange, but instead of absorbing the dragon's power, he absorbed all his skills, blood, and meridians into his left arm.

[Xuanyin suction magic power] can not be mixed with heterogeneous radon gas, if it is forced to absorb, it will inevitably lead to the conflict of heterogeneous radon gas, and eventually exploded and died.

However, Luo broke the enemy's path and used the opponent's suffocation to strengthen his body. Then he intercepted the parts that were useful to him and transplanted to himself. He eventually possessed the skills and abilities of the other party without generating rejection. It is a genius. Lift.

Just moments later, Qinglong almost became a withered old man.

At this time, Zhuo Huifan took the opportunity to re-create Suzaku with the magic sound again, his body was revealed again, and he looked up and laughed, saying: "Hahaha, Suzaku, I am clever for you, and I will bring the flaws in [Suzaku Brahma magic] Hidden for decades, but unfortunately, despite your care, I finally revealed a flaw to save friends and was hit by me. Did you forget that I am a hermit, the biggest secret of the hermit In addition to mastering the core martial arts of all the magic gates, he also mastered all the flaws in the magic skills and the methods of cracking. For many years, the hermit has been hidden forever, and even the people in the gate have forgotten the hermit. Terrible. Now, do you know how great? "


Suzaku opened a mouthful of blood and glared at Zhuo Huifan's mouth, giving her a thumbs up, sincerely admiring the intimacy of the other side, but could not help showing a hint of ridicule.

"Why are you laughing?"

Suzaku's mouth bleeds ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ reluctantly said: "I, I ... I laugh at you, Gao ... It's too early to be happy ... Laugh at you, laugh at you for decades of layout, count like thousands of calculations, and return in the end Not a dream bubble? "

This sentence of Suzaku, immediately tearing open the biggest scar in Zhuo Huifan's heart, his eyes suddenly turned red, and again pulled out the weird flute on the lower back, put it near his mouth, and hated: "Some! Suzaku, you betray the gate, now Let you taste the pain of the snakes! "

After that, he blew suddenly, and the stern flute sounded again.

This method of sonic power is extremely shady, and due to the internal injury of Suzaku, Zhuo Huifan has the intention to take Suzaku's life.

But at the moment when the flute sounded, Zhuo Huifan's figure flashed suddenly, and then a huge lion roared—



For a moment, Zhuo Huifan only felt that his head had been hit with a hammer, and the whole world began to shake unreally ...

"Lord Zhuoge, come here!"

Ye Qingxuan finally arrived and took the lead in attacking Zhuo Huifan.

Because the situation between Luo ’s enemy and Qinglong was too weird at this time, both of them were shrouded in purple and black, Ye Qingxuan was not sure that he could defeat Luo ’s opponent, but remembered the one who controlled Luo ’s enemy. The magic flute, so he went all out to deal with Zhuo Huifan, intending to use the magic flute to control Luo to defeat the enemy and relieve his evil behavior against Qinglong.

Sure enough, Suzaku angered Zhuo Huifan with words, making him angry, losing his calmness, and naturally observing the surrounding environment. Ye Qingxuan was very skillful and immediately took action against Zhuo Huifan and took advantage.

In the turmoil, Zhuo Huifan even Shi Diyin urged Luo to break the enemy's rescue, but after several tricks to block Ye Qingxuan's attack, Zhuo Huifan only felt that his hands were empty, and the magic flute finally lost his trace.

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