Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 33: This 1 family

"Protect the old man, kill it!"

Ji Du Yang screamed loudly. It was both an order and Sun Yan who told him that his plan to escape could not be implemented.

Looking at Jidu's loyalty, Ye Qingxuan almost believed that he had become a good man if he didn't know that the illness of Sun's family owner was his poison.

At the same time, the wolf-shaped Sun Yanping struck out from the crowd and merged with the crowd.

Seeing that everyone was looking at Sun Yan's horse head first, his face suddenly sank, and he was looking at the capitals supported by Chu Yan and Murong Xinxin, and suddenly burst out screaming: "The surname of Pei, at this time, You haven't shot yet? "

The coughs continued to be severe and coughing.

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes secretly, and did not have any good feelings for the uncle and the little sister-in-law, and said coldly: "Mr. Pei is too ill to heal and cannot do anything ..."

Sun Yanping's countenance changed, and he gave Ye Qingxuan a severe glance, and whispered, "Well, waste!"

Although the voice was low, all the people present heard it.


A palm wind came quickly, and a five-fingerprint was printed directly on Sun Yanping's cheeks.

"Mmm ... ah! Dad!"

Sun Yanping, who was about to be furious, turned around and saw the owner of Sun's family in a wheelchair. Then he suddenly realized that the general cave was kneeling down, "Daddy, how come you are old !?"


A fierce cough sounded, and after the Sun's homeowner reluctantly taught his son, he immediately caused injuries and spoke unfavorably, but he still cursed: "No more ... if you don't come out, you will die ... death is below. All ... It's this time ... yeah, yeah? Do you ... want to ... anger, anger me? "

The owner of the Sun family gasped three times in one sentence, and the Buddha would be violent at any time.

But even so, the old man's Yu Wei was still there, scared Sun Yanping to kneel to admit his mistake, and even Sun Yan came over and knelt in front of him, afraid to say anything.

A slight glance at Jidu, which was supported by others, led the Sun family's dim and dull eyes together, and said lightly: "The Sun family's life and death ... life and death ... head, no matter what, we must all work together ... Go through the difficult times ... what's wrong, live ... live ... besides! Keke ... "

The old man covered his coughing mouth with a handkerchief. When he lowered it, a white bloodstain appeared on the white handkerchief, and then the old man quickly hid it.

This action is fast and secretive, but masters like Jidu and his brothers and sisters are naturally watching.

After appeasing the children, the old man took a deep breath and shouted with the last strength: "You, the enemy today, can only survive with one's hand, and have a chance of survival. Today, I can bleed with my Sun Nanxing People are benefactors of my grandchildren's generations. Whenever any grandchildren of the grandchildren's family are alive, we will never forget to join hands to defend the enemy today and give our lives to help. Everyone, we will kill! "

Kill it out!

Kill it out!

Kill it out!

It is indeed the gatekeeper who is second only to the Eighth Family. The old man's every move and every word and action is full of everyone's style. In a moment, he suppressed the brothers and sisters who were fighting, which made everyone feel at ease and let the Buddha have. The main bone is average.

This loud scream also ignited the passion of the Sun family guards and house servants. A small number of foreigners also clamored with the enemy and co-existed with the Sun family.

Among the crowd, the emotions were excited, and only Ye Qingxuan's faint appearance rubbed his nose in surprise.

With his unparalleled six senses in the world, when Sun Nanxing put away his handkerchief, he smelled a strange smell.

The smell on that handkerchief--

Are you afraid that the red is not bright enough? Even a little bit of cinnabar in the chicken blood ...

A glance at Sun Nanxing, who had fallen back into a state of embarrassment, and a glance at Jidu, who also needs help, Ye Qingxuan smiled secretly, this is really: not a family, not into a door!


Sun Nanxing! ?

An old man with such a heavy mind should be a powerful person. Why have he never heard of it on the rivers and lakes?

At this moment, the vicinity of the cabin became the position where the battle was second only to Qu Longxing and Peng Tianba. As the strongest side of the two sides, Peng Tianba's "knife" had stabilized Qulong. Okay.


He was full of energy, and the suffocating slaps of the nearby players that were a little closer to the ground collapsed, and several people even took away some parts of the body directly with the blade of the strong knife.

Qu Longxing's body writhed back for several weeks. After landing, his face turned white and red, the leading crutches in his hand began to tremble faintly, and his breath was obviously agitated.

On the other hand, Peng Tianba on the other side stood upright on the mast, looking down from top to bottom, looking at Qu Longxing's eyes full of disdain, saying coldly: "Brother Qu, eating the big gate Lei Yin Po Tian Wan ', although it can bring the realm to the next level, the meridian is clogged, and it is not only difficult to get in, but the veins have become narrow, and the war is not endurable and hard. Seeing Qu ’s situation changed, I do not know if it is sad What a shame! "

"You fart!" Qu Longxing's face was even paler. "Lao Tzu and Mo Men are incompatible."

Peng Tianba immediately laughed when he heard the news ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "Qu Laoer, do you think that the transaction between you and Ziwei Emperor is unknown? Haha, Zhong Wuji and the husband It ’s the best friend ever, and his mouth has never been very strict! "

"Ah-this old ghost who killed thousands of swords ..."

His image of Master Bai Dao was pierced on the spot, and Qu Longxing was suddenly frightened and couldn't help yelling, but his eyes turned, remembering that Zhong Wuji was already dead, and he hurriedly changed his words: "I ca n’t think of Zhong Wuji's jerk, he is dying Also defile the husband ... unless Skynet restores its power, the husband will definitely ask him for justice. After the surname Peng, after you are famous, the swordmen are now all alone, but now they are loyal to the demon, but they are here to frame loyalty, you think the world The heroes are blind, deaf, and fools. Will they listen to you? "

On martial arts, Peng Tianba stabilized Qu Longxing, but if shameless, how many people in the world would be Qu Longxing's opponents?

Peng Tianba stayed for a while, then raised his thumb, and sarcastically praised: "Qu Long walks and walks. When it comes to shameless momentum, you must be the first in the world. Admire, admire!"

Qu Longxing smiled secretly and yelled: "Less nonsense, pick up!"


As soon as the voice fell, the whole man rose up, the powerful suffocation turned into a weird serpent dragon with a horned head, and the fierce elastic force made the whole ship sink down.

it is good--

Our own horses eagerly awaiting all around, immediately cheered and cheered for this move of Qu Longxing!

"Good job!"

Similarly, Peng Tianba, who likes to fight with his life, screamed, his body rose into the air, and the "knife" in his hand suddenly shook, and buzzed, the sword was fiery, like a scorching sun. Pushing the "knife" in his hand to chop the flying snake dragon.

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