Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 91: Crystal Gamble

"Good spirit!" Wang Qiye gave a thumbs up and shouted: "Put the two boys on!" "

In response, Ma Yunyong and Lu Yunming were carried up by several big men.

"Sister ..." As soon as Lu Yunming got to the stage, he just grieved at the landing Yun Xuan and just wiped his tears.

"Masters, why cry ..." Lu Yunxuan rolled his eyes.

Ma Yunyong angrily said, "Come for four hours when you squat? You are cruel enough, you can lose a few of our brothers and brothers in one sentence ... then you should listen to me, the big one!"

"You still say?" Lu Yunxuan didn't beat up. "If it weren't for the excitement of five people and six of you, I would lose my brother? At best, I just lost you the orangutan!"

Lin Yuncong shook his head helplessly, and said, "Please, please, can you two stop fighting, this incident has involved the uncle, how can you be beaten if you want to go back."

Thinking of this, the four little children sighed together.

On the other side, Ye Qingxuan and Hou Ting both looked like dementia, pointing to their noses and staring at Sun Kun in disbelief.

"Are you sure to hold us down?" Ye Qingxuan looked incredulous, turned his head, pointed at the wonderful monk, and said, "Why don't you hold him down?"

Sun Kun dug his ears and said helplessly: "You know, our gambler is the most taboo monk, so this big bald end, don't you want me to lose?"

The gambler and his party are most superstitious. When they see bald heads and take books, they think they are losing light, and they can't let people take pictures of their backs, thinking that they will be lucky.

The monk Miaoxiu was helpless. To be honest, if Ye Qingxuan didn't look like a teacher, he wouldn't want to enter such a messy place as a gambling house.

Under the light, Miao Xiu ’s big bald head reflected the light, making Sun Kun uncomfortable, and threw a tablecloth in hand. "Come, cover your bald head if you don't want to lose!"

"Amitabha, what about the opposite?" Miao Xiu monk also moved the fire.

Joking, using a tablecloth around his head, wouldn't he be a laughingstock for others?

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?" Sun Kun looked around and muttered, "Who has a gossip mirror on him? Blocking evil spirits!"

Ye Qingxuan and others glared at Sun Kun together.

"Okay, okay." Sun Kun yanked the wonderful monk, made him side by side, and smiled with a waist squinting, "Boy, my bald head is brighter than you. Let's see who we are today Fate hard! "

Miao Xiu, who has always been suspected, instantly became Sun Kun's mascot.

Ye Qingxuan and Hou Ting, reluctantly embarked on the high platform, were regarded as Sun Kun's bet.

There was a loud noise at the scene.

A dignified master of the heavenly rankings, like those few children, has become a bet that is controlled by others. This scene is really rare, so the sound of applauding, roaring, and greeting is endless.

"Uncle, come here!"

Not far away Lu Yunxuan greeted excitedly.

Ye Qingxuan walked in annoyance.

"Uncle Xiao, you always squat this ..." Ma Yunyong licked his big face, but the fart was still, "This place is my old choice for you, you see, there is just a breeze blowing from the left and right windows, It is neither direct nor incapable; the position from the auditorium is also ingenious, you always squat down a bit, just to cover our face with our figure; the angle to look at the gaming table is just right, neither too far away, You wo n’t see ... how about it, be happy. "

Ye Qingxuan's forehead was blue and straight, and he slowly spit out three words, "Here, me, get out!"

"Okay." Ma Yunyong moved two steps with a smile, and really gave up the place to Ye Qingxuan.

Each of the four boys held a sign, raised it high, and wrote "Nie Ye Xuanxuan".


What a shame to Kunwu!

Ye Qingxuan looked up and down. In the auditorium around him, there were crowds of people waving to him, but with a helpless grin, he squatted down.

"Brother Hou squatted here and helped me block ..."

When Ye Qingxuan squatted down, Ma Yunyong handed a sign with a smile, exactly the same as the one in the four of them, except that the handwriting was replaced with "Ye Qingxuan deity."

I rely!

Ye Qingxuan was so angry that he grabbed the brand and threw it on Ma Yunyong's face.

Above the gaming table.

Sun Kun and Wang Qiye are tit-for-tat.

When Wang Qiye saw Ye Qingxuan also came off, his mouth twitched slightly and asked in a wave: "The bet is already in place, let's start! The last hand is my first hand, this one, Sun The sir can decide for himself, whether to be the first mover or the second mover? "

"Anyway." Sun Kun said with a smile: "I like to be quiet and happy, if Wang Qiye is hot, he can continue to come first."

"it is good!"

Wang Qiye shook the silver satin brocade on his body, exposing the jersey underneath, and the open **** exposed the sensuous chest hair.

"Wow, look, Uncle Xiao, that bald man's hair has grown on his chest ..." Lu Yunxuan's surprised admiration made everyone roll their eyes.


As a result, the dealer handed over a tray. Wang Qiye drank softly, shaking his hands and holding the twelve dice in the air. When these dice landed in front of him, Wang Qiye continued to play with his right hand, Ding Ding Ding ...

The twelve dice are turned into twelve light dots, which are connected to form a light ray in front and back. The force is extremely even, and they are successively shot into the crystal funnel.

Sun Kun's brow could not help but frown.

"This bastard." Hou Ting could not help but yelled, "This bald is really cunning, and the dice are actually in order. How is this different from one dice at a time? Why isn't the old Sun against it?"

"Because he didn't violate the rules ..." Ye Qingxuan scratched his head and said, "This hand can be considered as one go, and it should not be counted one at a time. But Wang Qiye is only in the mid-born state, it is not easy to control to such a degree, but It looks like there will still be flaws. "

According to the rules, before the first dice enters the crystal funnel, all twelve dice must be shot, which is not considered a violation.

In order to keep up with the progress, Wang Qiye ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ naturally ejected at the fastest speed, but at the same time, the control of the dice also dropped a lot.

Wang Qiye did not set the dice on "one point". If all twelve dice are "one point", it is the largest number, but in case one of the dice appears, it changes from "leopard" to "miscellaneous" Counting ", the dice with most of the points must be extremely disadvantaged in terms of value. It may even be thrown away by opponents, which is greater than their own.

Therefore, in order to maintain the maximum winning rate, Wang Qiye set the dice points at "six points". Of course, if he can become a "all six points" leopard, of course, he is most satisfied, but even if there is a leak, there is a chance that the points will beat the opponent. .

He gambled that Sun Kun couldn't complete the "Leopard", and finally everyone would fight for the points.

as expected.

When the twelve dice in the crystal funnel gradually settle down, the bottom of the transparent funnel gradually stopped one dice, six, six, six six ... until the last dice, jingle The local stunned eventually turned into "a bit".

There was a regretful sound all around, but Wang Qiye smiled, this is already his best result. 8)

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