Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 95: Power of 1 Palm

The amazing heat wave, even kilometers away, still feels hot.

The area where Sun Kejian and his party were located was completely in a sea of ​​fire.

Many surrounding houses were also followed by seedlings. Even if they were not directly burned by the fire, the heat waves swept the firewood piles piled up by many houses and they were still bake and caught fire. Then the fire broke out and the whole house was burned.

These dwellings have always formed streets, and as soon as the fire came up, they immediately became bigger and bigger.

All nearby residents were mobilized. Everyone was carrying buckets and basins. They poured water from the wells and started pouring water into the fire source area.

The child cried and the adult cried, and the whole city was in chaos.

When Ye Qingxuan fell from the air, everything in front of him was already desperate.

The monstrous flames and thick smoke are full of the breath that no one can enter.

Inside and outside the fire scene, draw a clear distinction between inside and outside with a distance of 100 feet.

Beyond Baizhang, the houses were on fire and there was chaos. Within Baizhang, they were already trapped in a sea of ​​fire and smoke, even the sand under their feet had been melted by high temperature and solidified into a glass-like appearance.

Ye Qingxuan fell from the air, of course, it has been seen that everything burning within the range of one hundred feet forms a huge flame palm.

It can be said that everything in front of him is the power of Li Daotian.

More than a dozen residents were still rescuing property from the house, and suddenly a heat wave struck. In the screams, more than a dozen people were infected with fire and turned into a dozen human-shaped torches.

Ye Qingxuan was busy and shot immediately. [Cold Ice] swept away, swiped away with one hand, and a dozen human-shaped torches rolling all over the ground suddenly turned into human figures. Each of them was black and his body was burned by fire. Big bubble.

The severe pain kept them from moving, but they kept mourning in situ.

The situation suddenly became more chaotic.

Looking at the hot waves in the sky, Ye Qingxuan became more anxious. When he bit his teeth, he did not care about the heat waves hitting the body and rushed directly into the fire.

When the monk Miao Xiu chased, he was seeing Ye Qingxuan wrapped in a cloud of ice and rushing into the sea of ​​fire.

As I was chasing after it, the babies and children wailed suddenly in the nearby house that was going to be collapsed by the flames. With a helpless sigh, the wonderful monk turned towards the house on the other side.

The body protection radon is transformed into [icy] radon. Ye Qingxuan does not feel pain at this time, but the consumption of radon is multiplied.

As soon as it entered the sea of ​​fire, there were scorching fires, and the sound of flames was "whirring".

Here is not only the result of the burning of all things, everything can be burned when the Buddha is released, even the air has a sense of fire.

This is the result of [flame] radon reaching the realm.

Even if there is no burning matter, as long as radon is present, it can burn violently in the air for a long time.

It really is the breath of Li Daotian.

It's just that this flame contains a kind of evil poisonous heat, and it's a little like the worship of the fire lord.

It is rumored that Li Daotian's martial arts suddenly advanced, and it seems that he must have obtained the holy scripture to worship the fire to achieve this breakthrough.

Flames and smoke blocked everything in front of him, and Ye Qingxuan could only use the extraordinary six senses to judge the direction and way out.

A few steps away, Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt a sigh of sorrow, and the scent of ice burst out instantly. The flames and smoke within 30 feet of the circle were all extinguished instantly, exposing a blackened purgatory.

At least twenty human figures were standing in place, and still maintained the posture of their lives, even the look of fear on their faces remained unchanged.

At least there are at least seven capable warriors dressed up. From the unburned weapons, these people should be the guards of the Jinyi Guards to protect Sun Kejian. It was unexpected that these elite men could not bear the power of Li Daotian, and were directly affected by it. Refining into ash.

These human-shaped ashes held for only a few breaths and collapsed due to the rapid changes in heat and cold.


With a slight cracking sound, the more than 20 remains were reduced to ashes and turned into more than 20 ashes.

Ye Qingxuan sighed slightly, and the suffocation converged ...


The astonishing heat wave rolled up again, igniting the cold-exhausted area again, and the strong hot wind rolled up the ashes on the ground and flew up into the air. These warriors who died in strange land did not even leave a handful of ashes.

Ye Qingxuan stared blankly at the embers of the sky, a sadness in his heart, and then, from the sadness, a soaring anger rose to Li Daotian.

Cruel, ruthless and outrageous!

These are not enough to describe Li Daotian's sin ...

Ye Qingxuan rises up into the air, reaches a height of thirty feet, descends into the sky, and prints a huge flame palm print that is 100 feet or more above him.

Ye Qingxuan danced in the void, with a dragon-like snake shape. [Dragon Eighteen Palms] was run to the peak by him, even the super peak. He has reached 12% of his skill, and the golden **** dragon who has condensed his breath and suddenly transformed Starting from the eyebrows, it gradually became frozen. Eventually, a 30-foot-long ice dragon was formed, and a long howling sounded from the sky, and the flames of the flames burst.

The palm wind broke at ten feet high, but in the sound of a bang, the ice dragon shattered and turned into a blizzard. Under the pressure of the palm wind, it was directly covered on Li Daotian's immense flame palm print.


Qicheng's flames were instantly destroyed. On a scorched earth, white snow and goose feathers floated, and the world was suddenly white, covering all the unbearableness of the world.

Shouts of cheering and praise erupted from the surrounding residents.

In the breath of ice, the remaining flames were quickly extinguished in the people's courage.

Looking at the collapsed house in front of him, human-shaped ashes covered with snow and ice, Ye Qingxuan trembled his hands, dared not come forward to tell the slightest, for fear of seeing his familiar face in it, that kind of sadness could not bear him.

"Amitabha!" Miao Xiu monk came behind him, and said lightly: "The Ji people have their own heavens. The poor monk believes that they will never be harmed by the donor."

Ye Qingxuan was silent, and endured the pain of heartbreak.

Although he is already a rare master of martial arts in the world, the martial arts masters did not make him transcend the emotions of the world, but made this feeling more intense, more pure, and loved life ...

Therefore, he could not bear the departure of any of his close relatives.

At this moment, he had left all his anger and hatred behind him, and some were just panic ...

Fear of losing his loved one ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This made him a little overwhelmed for a while!

what should I do?

what should I do?

what should I do?


Just when he was at a loss, he rushed--

There was a sound of breaking the tiles.

Several figures emerged from the endless ashes, and a familiar voice broke the snow. "Seventh Master, are you?"

Second Brother ...


Ye Qingxuan's mind was loose, 噗 ——

A burst of blood spewed out, and the whole person fell to the sky. 8)

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