Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 102: Violent assassination

Almost as soon as everyone was close to Sun Kejian's side, two cloud crossbows came out directly from the broken window, and the machine rang out loudly. Hundreds of powerful crossbows shot down in a place that was extremely close to the crowd.

Almost at the same time, several people suddenly burst into the crowd, and a large number of hidden weapons were directly directed to Ye Qingxuan, and even more, in order to distract Ye Qingxuan's attention, many of them were even more hidden. Aimed at the four lowest primary school martial arts.


Ye Qingxuan's eyes instantly turned red with anger.

This is obviously a carefully calculated assassination operation, and it is by no means a hasty move. The other party clearly grasps the schedule of Sun Kejian and his party. They have just arrived at Yingchang House. Unless the other party is a god, how can they be sent here? Come.

The opponent even had a plan to deal with Ye Qingxuan's several people, which made such a despicable trick, using the threat to the four minors to disperse the strength of Ye Qingxuan and others to achieve the goal of one kill.

The attack came too suddenly, and it was too late to return to support the Fourth Elementary School.

Seeing Hou Ting screaming, the huge iron bucket with both hands was running like a windmill, and Sun Ke also pushed out his two small knives and turned up and down to resist the powerful crossbow that broke the gas, that is, the four little ones also each had weapons. Clinking grid blockers.

A sword light rises across the sky, Feng Qingyan's "Drunk Yin Moon" unsheaths, swinging like a moonlight shadow, a strong crossbow falling on the moonlight, like a light rain entering the forest, without a trace. There was no fierce collision, but the moisturizer disappeared silently.

Feng Qingyan's peerless swordsmanship immediately blocked more than half of the strong crossbow.

On the other side, He Qingzhu did not use the "open sun" sword on the back, but waved his hands in succession. The blue light flashed in the air. The entire space was like a condensation. Numerous hidden devices floated and remained in front of everyone. His exquisite [broken jade palm] gave him a "freeze".


The epee “Front” placed on the carriage, the huge sword-like body has risen into the air, Ye Qingxuan rises into the air, and the foot “Front”, like a surfboard, glides in midair, but twists under the foot. Wu Feng drew an arc in mid-air, the sound of clanking was endless, and the other half of the crossbow was stopped.


A moan.

As far as the eyes can see, Hou Ting's right leg was shot through by a crossbow, blood shot, his body could not help but lean sideways, and a tight gap suddenly appeared in the tight defense net ...

A pin of wraith happened to break in!

In the exclaimed voice, most of the wreckage was nailed to Ma Yunyong's back, and Lin Yuncong, who was next to him, was nailed with three on his right arm.

"Brother Yunyong!"


The exclaimed sound of the two sisters, Lu Yunxuan, instantly made Ye Qingxuan and others eyes red!

At the same time, in the broken window in front of Ye Qingxuan, the dark front on the crossbow was stretched out again. Obviously, the second wave of attacks was about to launch. Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly. He could stay in the void and move. Long Zonghe】 exceeded school, just listening to exclaiming again and again. Several enemy masters who released the hidden weapon were sucked into the air by the crowd. At the moment when the machine sounded, a few hands were shaken, and several figures blocked in front of the bed crossbow ...

Hum, um ...

The bed crossbow was excited, but was blocked by his own runaway figure.

The flesh flew across the sky, and six of Ye Qingxuan's figures flew and flew into the hedgehog in the midst of the air with a powerful crossbow arrow. Before the screaming came out, they were dead.


He Qingzhu yelled, and the “open sun” sword in his back jumped into his hands, and the whole person turned into a rainbow and shot into the small building on the other side.

Bang, bang, hiss ...

The sword qi and the sound of smashing doors and windows, accompanied by screams one after another, the angry He Qingzhu began to be extremely fierce, but between the breath, the entire small building was silent.

Ye Qingxuan on the other side was even more fierce.

Seeing the assassination failure, in a whistle, the small building in front of him burst into the air, and it was the sound of no fewer than dozens of people.

Ye Qingxuan's face was sinking like water, and when he stepped on his foot, "Wu Feng" fell from the air, and he slammed deep into the ground more than half, and then he followed the force of the step, ten feet higher, with a palm press in the air— —


At the sound of a dragon groan, the four-story small building in front of him looked like a piece of paper, and he was shot flat on the ground.

The violent shaking and spreading shock waves will knock the Confucian scholars who are too late to escape to the ground, staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

The previously compact street shops were missing a piece. The four-story building, which was still carved with beams and columns, disappeared in front of everyone, along with dozens of lives in it, and became mud.

"Stay alive!" Feng Qingyan frowned and sighed, and He Qingzhu's madness in the direction of the sword stopped for a moment.


Three figures broke through the window and were thrown directly on the street.

The three attacked in black, all their limbs and veins were severed, and they were bathed in blood, but they were completely unable to move.

He Qingzhu rolled over and landed. On the other side, Ye Qingxuan rushed in four directions.

"Who sent you?" He Qingzhu Ruya's face was replaced by a cricket, and the bright sword fluttered, and the scarlet blood splattered.

"Hum ..." One of the three men with a big beard disdain, sneered: "Stupid man, offend us, just wait to be destroyed again!"

He Qingzhu was furious immediately, and was about to teach the person with a sword. Unexpectedly, the three laughed at the same time, then the laughter came to an abrupt end, and his face suddenly became purple and black.

what! ?

He Qingzhu was startled, but it was too late to stop, and saw the three men bleed from the corners of their mouths, and at the same time swallowed.

Unexpectedly, the killers of the other party were a group of dead men. Once the assassination failed, there was no one who escaped. The captured character bit the poisonous sac in the mouth and killed himself directly.

Such violent acts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If there is no revenge on life and death, this will never be the case.

He Qingzhu turned his back on Feng Qingyan and Sun Kejian, and his heart was heavy.

Huh, ha--

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan heard a surprise sound. Several people turned around and saw Ma Yunyong stood up with his teeth grinning, exclaiming with pain, while Ye Qingxuan scolded and mourned from his back and mourned. Soul nail.

It turned out that the Shushan Sword League gave Ye Qingxuan a batch of "Sky Silk Necklaces" vests, which Ye Qingxuan gave to the Seventh Elementary School, which can defend the weapon weapon blades, plus Ma Yunyong's [Dragon Elephant Prajong Gong] body protection methods. These weapon Caught directly in the meat did not cause greater harm.

On the contrary, Lin Yuncong really suffered a minor injury. The three wraith nails made him cry and runny. Fortunately, he had stopped bleeding, did not hurt the meridians, and was not poisoned on the hidden weapon.

However, Hou Ting's injury was more serious. Although the crossbow did not hurt the bones, but it broke through the aorta, and the blood spurted for a while. Fortunately, the acupuncture point was stopped to stop the bleeding. As long as Ye Qingxuan sutured the blood vessel, he could hold it. He lives, but just the blood spurting from his breath has made him pale and short of breath. 8)

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