Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 106: Kill the mighty road

At this time, a group of Confucian scholars had surrounded Ye Qingxuan with three layers inside and three layers outside.

Not only that, as the news spread, more masters gathered here at once, and the smelly Taoist princes of the Kunwu School looked down on the roots of the Rulin Academy for two thousand years, and immediately caused a great outrage. Many people came with intention. Teach this group of stinky priests who do not know the heights and heights.

Faced with the questioning of many students, Kunwu sent a few people to stand still, and did not comment.

At this time, any explanation is meaningless.

But as more students joined the siege, there were eventually some bad-tempered students. In the face of the indifferent Kunwu sentiment, the tone of interrogation gradually evolved, and finally began to reprimand and curse, and the words became more and more It's awful, and finally set off someone's bad temper.

"What's so great about calligraphy in swordsmanship, I played it when my little uncle was 14 years old." Lu Yunxuan poked at Feng Hengyan and rolled her eyes at a group of Confucian scholars, saying, "I'm so proud of this. A whine and a gesture like a shrew, shameful. "

"Yun Xuan ..." This time, Feng Qingyan was also startled and couldn't help but whispered a half sentence.

But even so, Lu Yunxuan's words were passed on clearly. The scene of hundreds of Confucian scholars had been surrounded. All of them were silent until the needle was heard. Everyone's eyes stared at Lu Yunxuan. , The scolding sounded suddenly.

"What did she say? Fourteen-year-olds have played?"

"This is an insult to my Confucian disciples, saying that our ability to" into the martial arts "is a child's thing ..."

"Too much bullying! Too much bullying!"

"It's a shame to kill soldiers. I want to ask the Kunwu tactics!"


Lu Yunxuan's remark was like a sting.

The Confucian scholars who have always been proud of themselves have been called shrinking turtles by all schools on the rivers and lakes in recent years. It can be said that they have been crushed by the Kunwu faction in fame. At this time, they were looked down upon by their opponents. Different from the nerve that stimulated every student.

What the world lacks and wants more, but it is not accessible, usually produces a state of mind that changes from love to hate, from inferiority, to pride. For example, the more moneyless people, the more It's Qiu Fu, the more careful people tend to be mean to the kind people and vilify behind them ... even the destructive psychology of "I can't get what I can't get" will appear.

Regarding the huge reputation that the Kunwu faction has gained in the past few years, these Confucian scholars, who have always been fascinated by fame, have long been jealous. They have chosen Yan Jingliu, the dean of the Rulin Academy, and strictly guarded the gate of neutrality and no involvement in rivers and lakes Rule, this has long dissatisfied these unwilling students, but now they happen to encounter the "verbal provocation" of the Kunwu school. How can they not ignite the anger in their hearts?

It was only instantaneous anger that almost turned into a collective siege against the Kunwu faction. Fortunately, Liu Mengyan consciously achieved his purpose. He screamed loudly and temporarily suppressed the anger of many students.

Relying on the transcendental identity of his dean's disciples, Liu Mengyan exclaimed: "Dignity of Confucian scholars, rude containment and verbal attacks on our distinguished guests, what is the system! Is this our way of hospitality?"

The scholars were so excited that they accused Ye Qingxuan and others of insulting Confucianism, claiming to be fair.

Liu Mengyan spread his hands and pressed down, and said, "There is a controversy in this dispute. If you are interested in asking for advice from a few of my fellow Kunwu sects, three days later, my Confucianist martial arts will be the bigger one. In the past, if you want to come to a few Taoist friends who are happy to teach you, why not be so rude? "

Liu Mengyan smiled, turned to look at Ye Qingxuan and others, and asked with a smile: "The third day of each month is the day of my Taoism at Rulin Academy, and three days later, can several distinguished guests attend the meeting and give pointers to one or two?"

He Qingzhu said indifferently, "It's a busy business, so it's unnecessary."

The students suddenly noisy again.

Liu Mengyan's face sank and slowly said: "'On Dao Day' is an important day of my Confucian tradition for two thousand years, and only the real great masters in the world will be invited to participate. In the eyes of everyone, Liu maintains several Daoyou, should n’t Daoyou in Kunwushan be so disrespectful, or even look down on my Rulin Academy so much that even important days such as "On Dao Day" are not considered? "

I have to say that the boy Liu Mengyan has no other ability, and the means of instigating alienation is indeed ruthless.

Today, Ye Qingxuan and his party didn't even see Yan Jingliu's face, so he was forced to oppose the entire Rulin Academy in the outside world. If he didn't dare to respond to these challenges, he would be afraid of confronting Yan. There is no need to talk about the alliance that Jingliu talked about, and Xu went straight to his hometown, which is more secure.

"Since Brother Liu is so kind, it's uninteresting to quit the poor road." He Qingzhu smiled lightly, and under the surface of Ruya, he also had a hot temper. "On the basis of Brother Liu, three days later, we're talking about Dao Day 'Sit and talk.'

"It's so good." Liu Mengyan smiled suddenly, hard to conceal his eyes.

"Brother Yan taught a good apprentice ... This conspiracy technique is really handy." Sun Kejian looked at the whole process behind, and his anger was no less than that of Ye Qingxuan and others. Finally couldn't help but drink coldly and asked, "Now ... it's time to take us to see President Yan?"

"No problem." Liu Mengyan smiled coldly. "Some, please."

With a wave of Liu Mengyan, in the middle of a solid wall of people, a thin seam that could only accommodate one person was separated. All the scholars of the Confucianism were separated on both sides, glaring at Ye Qingxuan and others ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ blacker than the green forest. Tao must be aggressive.

Where is this sacred place of Confucianism, it is the lair of bandits.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help crying or laughing for a while. I thought that when I first met the Mountain Eagle, I saw this battle ...

"Well, 'kill the power'!" The well-informed Sun Kun watched with amusement and whispered: "This is the" meeting ceremony "that prevailed in the green forest and black road. It was for the worshippers. Come down and kill the spirit. The same disciples on the left and right sides can run the same kind of qi, which can be combined to form a great crushing force on the middle martyrdom. If the worshippers want to pass the martyrdom, they can only excite the protection. I feel embarrassed and walk away from the tremendous pressure, which is considered to be a face. If the suffocation is exhausted, I guarantee that I will immediately faint and faint ... Hum, I ca n’t think of such dark methods on the road, now It has also become popular in such schools as Rulin College. "

Sun Kejian's face was iron and gloomy, and everyone was hard to criticize, but just nodded and smiled.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's a bit interesting. Let me try this" killing power "first."

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