Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 110: Meditation

All the way along the narrow mountain road, towards the village.

Turning over the hill, his eyes suddenly opened up.

The land in the valley was tidy and extremely flat. At this time in the autumn, the golden ears of wheat fields hang down, and a wave of wheat waves sway against the wind.

In the wheat field, six or seven farmers are harvesting grain. The far-end house is stunned, the green pool is in a piece, and the bamboo and mulberry trees extend behind the front house.

On both sides of the road, bamboo forest on the left and wheat fields on the right.

Outside the bamboo forest, beside the ancient road, a bamboo square pavilion is erected.

There is a flowing stream beside the pavilion. Beside the creek is a small post that bends with the water, the scenery is clear and elegant.

Axe carved on the horizontal eyebrow is generally written with two large characters "Rulin".

The breeze is coming, the bamboo leaves are rustling, and the streams are rushing. It is refreshing. Before the exhaustion of the body and the dryness of the spirit, the smoke disappeared and the body and mind were light for a moment.

What a mountain village.

Everyone took a deep breath and all relaxed.

Such a beautiful and unforgettable view of the fields is lazy, and I really can't bear the interest in killing. It is difficult to make people believe that in such an environment there will be a conspiracy and trickery of great evil scenery.

Sun Kun sat down in the bamboo pavilion, then fell back on the chair and laughed, "It's comfortable here, and Yan Jingliu has found such a good place. No wonder he doesn't want to set foot on rivers and lakes."

"Rulin." Feng Qingyan looked at Hengmei and said lightly, "Take bamboo forest as Rulin, which shows that everyone is strict."

"Uncle Er, just a piece of wood, why do you see people?" Lu Yunming asked in amazement.

Feng Qingyan smiled, turned to look at Sun Kejian, and said, "Here is a master of Confucianism. If you have such a question, why not ask for advice?"

Lu Yunming quickly arched a gift.

Sun Kejian smiled with a kind smile, patted Lu Yunming's head, and replied: "The Confucian school learns first about self-cultivation, followed by Qi family, governing the country, and peace. The former is the inner sage and the latter is the foreign king. The holy way, to put it plainly, is to make the scholars a gentleman. Bamboo is a gentleman. "

The juniors made an "Oh" sound, but the pursuit was still staring at Sun Kejian.

Sun Kejian continued: "Bamboo has seven virtues:

Straight, straight rather than straight;

Although there are bamboo festivals, they don't stop there;

Straight and hollow outside, with nostalgia in mind;

Flowers do not bloom, plain face to the sky;

Aloof and independent, stand out from the sky;

Although it is called Zhuoer, it is not as loose; it is called good group.

The article is handed down from generation to generation, and any labor is resentment;

With these seven virtues, he is a 'gentleman'. This is also a lifelong portrait of Yan Jingliu. "

Everyone heard and worshiped.

Lu Yunxuan swayed his head and said, "It seems that everyone is fine, but unfortunately he will not teach his apprentices. Not only is the Rulin Academy a wicked atmosphere, but even the apprentices he taught himself, they are one."

"Yun Xuan." He Qingzhu whispered softly, "No rudeness."

Lu Yunxuan crooked her head and muttered in a low voice, "That's what it was."

Sun Kejian sighed and said: "The Yan Jingliu I know is by no means such a low-energy generation, but the reality is disappointing. I hope to meet this time and understand it."

At this moment, after Xiaogang, there was a melodious flute sound.

The bell rang, the bull's hoof stepped on, the bell was crisp, everyone looked up, and the peak of Xiaogang turned round. A bull-riding child appeared on the wide buffalo's back. Flute sound.

The big buffalo walked slowly to the kiosk, and the shepherd boy also put down the bamboo flute and looked at a stranger with a smile: "Excuse me, distinguished guests, are you here to see Master Jingliu at my house?"

His voice was clear and clear, and his thinking was clear. The little shepherd had a sense and maturity beyond his age.

Everyone couldn't help but be happy.

Sun Kun stepped forward and said, "Little boy, is Yan Jingliu asking you to pick us up?"

The child Zheng Jianzheng bowed his head and gave a deep gift on the back of the cow, respectfully said: "The younger Qin Muqing, in the order of Master Jingliu, specially greeted you. Several seniors, please go with the younger ones."

After speaking, turn around the bull head and walk in the direction it came.

The crowd followed closely behind, and after passing through the small post, the mountain road was winding upwards, with ancient trees lined on both sides, flourishing and luxuriant.

After turning a corner, a moss-covered archway appeared in front of him, with thick and vigorous trunks and thick evergreen leaves. The archway engraved with the four characters "Meditative Mindfulness" constitutes a beautiful picture scroll.

At this point, everyone was peaceful and put aside all their worries and anxieties.

Looking at the four big words of "Silent Mindfulness", everyone showed their admiration.

Sun Kejian took a long breath, and said lightly: "This heart does not move, it moves randomly. The heart is like a mirror, it responds to feelings, nothing goes."

This is Confucianism. All people in the world have thoughts and ambitions. In order not to abduct the mind and body, a heart should be regarded as a mirror, clear and clear, and everything can be seen and wait for them. It leaves no trace.

In this way, people can deal with any event clearly and methodically without being burdened by emotions.

Feng Qingyan smiled and said, "If the heart of a person is like a mirror, he will not be welcome, but he should not hide."

This is a famous saying of Taoist Zhuangzi, and it is not a famous saying for washing the body and mind.

Miaoxiu folded his hands and echoed the words: "Why the Tao must flow, but why is it stagnant? If the mind cannot live, the Tao flows; if the heart lives, it is called self-binding."

Miao Xiu reconciled with Buddhism, and said the same thing.

The three explained the meaning of the four words of meditation and Confucianism, and explained the meaning of the four words, which are quite complementary.

Having said that, the three laughed at each other and were in a happy state.

After passing through the archway, the left of the road suddenly opened up, a pool of clear water ran straight ahead, and the cabins and houses were hidden behind the trees, and the stream flowed out slowly.

In the outermost area, under a towering giant locust tree, there is a small elementary school on the west side, and the tender sound of reading is heard from the school—

"The Way of University ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In Mingmingde, in the people, in the best ..."

An old man in a Confucian robe with a Confucian crown on his head is holding a book of sages and reading interpretations for students.

Looking from a distance, the old man was born with a very tall body, wide shoulders and narrow waist, two legs long and straight, and he had the momentum and grace to prop him up directly into the clouds.

The people went around the lake and walked towards the school.

Unexpectedly unobstructed, not only did no one come out to stop, not even half of the figure was seen.

The path followed the stream. More than ten quietly furnished but spotless quiet rooms, leaning on the situation of the stream, twisted and scattered along the sides of the stream, orderly, giving people a sense of natural comfort, and Xiaoping The bridge connects the two sides of the strait, and the beauty of the environment is more refreshing than the gorgeous palace.

Before the school, the old man finally explained, and slowly turned back.

At this moment, everyone finally saw Yan Jingliu, the great master of Confucianism and the dean of Rulin Academy. 8)

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