Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 117: Playing Guess

At this time, Zhu Shaoling felt that his face was hot and hot, like a monkey's buttock that was burned. Even with the deep Shencheng that he had always been proud of, he felt a momentary collapse.

And with this feeling of shame, there is more than one Zhu Shaoling.

Even the ceremonial officer was ashamed and angry, forbearing the urge to swear, and shouted at the stupid disciple: "Well, that disciple, who is the last name, can't you come forward to sue?"

Originally, I was just lazy looking at the lively miscellaneous serviceman. I was shocked when I heard the words. Seeing everyone's eyes, everyone's goal really was their own. They couldn't help but go to the dojo and bowed to the court. Teachers and students, Wang Zhitui, a student, are just outside disciples now, part-time dojos. "

"Outdoor disciple?" Eighty-year-old Cheng Cheng narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile: "Look, you are still in your twenties, are you still a disciple? How many years have you been in college?"

That Wang Zhitui respectfully replied: "Old Huigege, who has been studying in the academy for eight years. Before that, he had been studying farming at home, and had simply practiced some martial arts."

"What is the realm? Where has the martial arts practice been?" Asked Chun Yuzhang, the head of Wuge.

"Sixth heaven of Diyuan Realm, martial arts is still practicing [Thirteen Classics of Confucian Sword] ..."

Wang Zhitui was originally stunned, but as he spoke more, his emotions became more and more stable, showing a very profound cultivation. On such an important occasion, his answer was clear and clear, without fear, and his performance was impressive. Surprised.

The answer to a few simple questions is that Wang Zhitui is really low in addition to Wu Xuexiu, but it is quite outstanding in other aspects, especially talking, and knows the etiquette well.

When Wang Zhitui answered, Feng Qingyan on the other side looked at Wang Zhitui for a few moments, and nodded, turned to Ye Qingxuan, and whispered, "This is the son of the old man mentioned by Mr. Sun, Half a disciple? "

Ye Qingxuan smiled and nodded.

It turned out that in the previous secret discussion, Ye Qingxuan asked Sun Kejian if he had his old age in the Rulin Academy, which was used to serve as an internal response and thoroughly understand the Rulin Academy.

Sun Kejian bluntly served as a teacher for the son of his deceased for several years, and then went south to Jingzhou, in order not to delay this son's future, so he was ordered to enter Rulin College.

The son of this deceased person is Wang Zhitui.

It was just that this son had a temper with Sun Kejian and paid attention to valor, but he was almost not selected.

On weekdays, these two nominal masters and apprentices have quite a correspondence. Many of Sun Kejian's understanding of Rulin Academy come from Wang Zhitui.

Wang Zhitui is not valued at the Rulin Academy, and he is extremely low-key. He has no special performance except for his academic studies. He has no complaints even when he is in the lower ranks, and never mentions the teacher. Therefore, he is at the Rulin Academy. Inside, not to be seen.

After Sun Kejian and others arrived here, he also came to visit secretly, so Ye Qingxuan learned and understood his situation. In the face of the five games, Ye Qingxuan had originally planned, but he was unexpectedly mentioned. Under a verbal run, he made the matter a little bit bigger. If it succeeds, it will greatly damage the face of Rulin Academy , So that people who are interested can see their problems clearly.

After a few inquiries from Rulin College, everyone finally understood the disciple, but he was an ordinary Confucian disciple. There was no surprise. Most of the people present were more advanced than this student. Faced with the challenges of the five congenital masters, I am afraid there is no chance of winning.

Everyone feels that the people of the Kunwu school are a bit overly ambitious. Even such a mediocre generation, even if they have any stunts, it is not possible to fully understand within a few hours.

If Ye Qingxuan could do that, then all the teaching posts at Rulin College would be shameless and could be rolled away immediately.

After inquiries, the master of the Wu Pavilion, Chun Yu, gave a chuckling smile, glancing at Ye Qingxuan, and sighed, "Ye Daoyou, this is a little mediocre, so go out, I'm afraid that someone would laugh at me and bully outsiders ... you Really not thinking about it, continue this idea? "

Ye Qingxuan laughed: "Is this mediocre? I think he is meticulous in thinking and is not afraid of chaos. He is a personal talent!"

There was a sudden laughter at the scene.

Cheng Yan, Chun Yuzhen, many teaching seats, even the corner of Zhu Shaoling's mouth, showed a hint of mockery.

After studying for eight years, it is still the cultivation of the Diyuan Realm. It can be seen that the qualifications are ordinary and everyone is astonished, but martial arts is still practicing the most basic [Confucian Sword Eighteen Classics], which is the sword technique of the enlightenment stage of children. But low, this kind of martial arts consciousness is not dull, then there is no lower-ranking person in him at Rulin Academy.

Ye Qingxuan heard ridicule, sighed and sighed: "It seems that the Rulin Academy is really talented. Such people are regarded as mediocre. My Kunwu faction is unparalleled. But ... unfortunately In this way, Jun was unable to get the due instruction, which led to the dust of the orb, saying that it would be impossible for Ye to wipe it gently today, so that everyone can see the light of the pearl and jade. "

"Somewhat interesting." Zhu Shaoling laughed and rushed, "Since Ye Daoyou acknowledged that this orb has been polished, let's wait and see ... Ceremonial officer, less nonsense, arrange a test ..."

"Noah," the ceremony official said, and he shouted, "The competition starts. In the first game, the two sides send their respective representatives to play."

I saw the five members of Rulin Academy briefly meeting. A thin, yellow-faced student emerged from the crowd and sang loudly: "The elite disciples of Rulin Academy are as cold as pine and send high to Kunwu. Some advice from people! "

Come, show off.

When he got up, he came out with a long sword and wiped his body. He saw an empty sword light in the air, and he could not see the figure of the sword transporter. The speed of the sword was almost at the top.

When the words fell, the man had stood upright, and the sword light in his hand ceased. The whole person suddenly appeared from the sword light, as if it were Cangsong Aoxue, very detached.

The disciples at the scene were uproared, and applause burst out.

"It's Brother Leng Rusong. Brother Leng Rusong even took the lead!"

"Brother Leng ranks seventh among the top ten disciples. It is hard to meet an opponent with a fast sword. This time, the Kunwu school is going to be ugly!"

"Junwu sent that cat and dog, I'm afraid that even Brother Leng can't handle the three moves!"

"Well, three tricks? I can't catch one trick!"

"Nonsense, I don't think the other party dare to play ..."


Such a master is enough to dominate the rivers and lakes, but because of the suppression of Yan Jingliu, he has always been dormant in the Rulin Academy, and his love cannot be stretched. It is no wonder that these brilliant disciples will treat the Kunwu school. Qifeng's rising school is full of jealousy.

But Ye Qingxuan secretly sighed.

What if the talent is amazing, if it is not protected by Yan Jingliu, I am afraid that these well-disciplined disciples will be exhausted in the battle of the martial arts, where can it be their turn to shine ...

The Leng Rusong stood on the stage and challenged. The four children from the Kunwu faction gathered in a pile. No one came on stage for a long time. The disciples of Confucianism who watched the battle thought that the Kunwu faction did not dare to promulgate.

But only for a moment, the hiss came to an abrupt end--

Right in front of everyone, the four young princes of the Kunwu faction were in a slow and orderly way—guessing fists! ?

Moments later, in a sigh of laughter and annoyance, Lu Yunming walked unwillingly, holding his scissors in his right hand.

"How can I lose with scissors? I usually win!" Lu Yunming muttered, dragging his sword to the stage.

The Confucian disciples in the field looked at everything in front of them with incredible confidence ...

With such a solemn and serious place for discourse, the students of the Kunwu faction decided the playing order by guessing fists?

Too crazy! ?

The anger was burning in the eyes of all Confucian disciples ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ On the stage, he was chic and relaxed, and his face was blue, his right arm with his sword was exposed, and even the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Just shouted immediately!

Compared with his opponent, the opponent seems to be more concerned about the winning or losing of guessing ...

The appearance of the light shining just now, under the complete disregard of the opponent, the coldness of the set off was like a big S.B orangutan in estrus!


Sun Kun laughed out loud, then covered his mouth, leaned around, and was happy.

He Qingzhu shook his head and sighed, "Where is this like a famous disciple, it's just a little rogue ..."

"You taught them all!" Feng Qingyan gave Ye Qingxuan a stern glance, and cursed: "Be a virtue to you!"

Ye Qingxuan blinked his eyes innocently and muttered, "Don't you do that too? Isn't it that you have to mature with a child!"

Hou Ting laughed at the sound of a pig, and Sun Kun rolled straight to the ground. 8)

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