Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 120: Li Daitao

The wonderful monk feels strange.

Since leaving the stage, the Master of Unconsciousness has become more and more mysterious. If it is purely to conceal his whereabouts, and to secretly monitor every move of the magic gate, it is reasonable, but why did he still meet with himself in a place where there are only two people? Very mysterious.

This is a wine cellar of a wealthy household in Yingchang House. The dim candlelight makes them look like ghosts.

The wine cellar, for some reason, became as cold as a grave.

The unminded Zen master was sitting opposite him. The two were only one foot apart, still the solemn compassion of the treasurer, but from beginning to end, the eyes of the unminded Zen master were half-opened and half-opened, but only a hint of God was revealed. Light.

"Miaoxiu, you should know that this seat is pursuing half of the" Tianyu Demon Corps ", why are you rushing to call this seat?"

"Abbot, it's about the" Tianyu Demon Corpse "!" Said the monk Miao Xiu.

"Amitabha, good and good!" Wuyan Zen Master folded his palms, lamenting the authenticity: "But Ye Qingxuan is willing to tell the source of the holy place key? That Sheng Yushan's range is wide and not to mention, it is that the holy place is also full of institutions. Without a key, I'm afraid that even the gates can't get in. This key is about martial arts. "

The monk Miu Xiu smiled slightly and said, "The abbot is more concerned. In fact, about the source of the key, the donor Ye told the Miu Xiu long ago, but the words were unknown before the end of the plan, only the key hidden in the temple near Sheng Yushan. Medium, but the specific temple is unknown ... "

"What?" Master Wunian exclaimed, eyes closed halfway, then quickly closed, whispered to himself: "Hidden in the temple? Near Sheng Yushan, there are hundreds of temples large and small, you know what it is Which one? "

"This ... I don't know."

"What other clues?"

"Never again."

Master Wuyan ’s voice trembled and he was really excited, but for a moment he just depressed his emotions and his tone returned to the waves.

But Miao Xiu monk was shocked at this time, even more than the non-mindful Zen master.

At the moment when the master of unconsciousness widened his eyes subconsciously, the wonderful monk clearly saw that his eyes, which should have been kind and peaceful, turned red and bloody, and it was scary.

The mysterious monk shook his mind, and immediately bowed his head, secretly saying: Why does the abbot's eyes become this way? And the meditation effort is so much worse ...

Had he not remembered almost every wrinkle of the unconscious Zen master, Miaoxiu almost doubted that the unconscious Zen master in front of him was a fake.

However, at this moment, the non-mindful Zen master, and the master monk, seem to be missing something ...

Especially to my own feeling, it turned out to be so weird.

There was a hint of doubt in Miao Xiu's heart, and she wanted to mention the lower half of the demon corpse that was already in her hand, and swallowed it suddenly.

On the contrary, the unconscious Zen master suspected him, and after a little groaning, he asked lightly, "Is there anything else besides this news?"

"Back to Abbot, it's gone."

"Huh?" Master Wu Xian closed his eyes and stared at Miao Xiu again.

Miaoxiu monk felt that his back was tight, and cold sweat sprang up unnaturally. He gently rosted the rosary and said again: "Yan Jingliu and Li Daotian are in imminent war. I do not know the abbot decided to stay here to resolve the crisis?"

Master Wuyin sighed slightly and said, "As far as I know, Yan always hides his strength. Li Daotian is not easy to win. Moreover, this is equivalent to how the old man can stop him. What are the reasons to stop it? Now the strength of the Great Zen Temple You should n’t be strong before you recover. But you can rest assured that there is an old man threatening in secret, Li Daotian dare not do too much. "

Miao Xiu's monk chanted the chanting in haste, and his suspicion became more serious.

The old-fashioned zealless Zen master, it would be too surprising to ignore these struggles.


He is not a Zen master at all.

Miao Xiu's monk held a rosary in her hands, then smiled slightly: "Since the abbot has plans, Miao Xiu will retreat first."

"Amitabha, be careful."

In the end, the master of non-mindfulness did not forget to entrust him, but the monk in the heart of the monk showed a chill, and after returning a gift, he turned away.

Mou Xiu's monk left for a moment, and the candlelight in the wine cellar flashed out. On the seat of Miao Xiu, a figure appeared again.

"This wonderful show is unclear, babble, haven't you found anything?" Lai Ren asked in a deep voice.

"Impossible." Master Zenian read together, widened his blood-red eyes, and said coldly: "The poor monk has lived with Brother Wanian for decades and is very familiar with his words and deeds. No one in the world can see the flaw. "

The comer smiled coldly, and also made up the front, and said, "No grudge, it is best that you can be flawless, otherwise you will be useless to the master."

The man who was dressed up as a non-reading Zen master turned out to be a long-missing "monk" without complaint.

He grinned without a grudge and looked at the other side and said, "Xing Wuwei, you still manage your affairs. Remember, the second half of the" Tianxuan Demon Corps "must not be lost. Once the other half is regained, the master's plan will be It can be fully implemented. "

Xing Wuwei retracted into the darkness, and the voice of a cold snake sounded: "Although I hate you very much, I will definitely not delay the master's plan. You will stay here for the fun, I will deal with the Holy Land Keys One thing ... remember, the longer you drag here, the more sure I will be over there. Huh ... "

In the cold laughter, Xing fearlessly disappeared.

The "Monk" also sneered without grievance. He pulled out a mirror from his arms and said to himself in a cold voice, "Brother, Brother, your good disciple seems to see something, you Say I kill him, or don't I kill him? Hey ... "

"The first game, Kunwu sent Lu Yunming, won-"

Along with the courtesy's singing, Lu Yunming welcomed the dojo in the cheers of the same door.

"Second game ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ players from both sides please play!"

The sound of a ragged air rang out, but this time it was the Kunwu faction who came up first.

This man is eight feet tall, with a haggard face, as strong as a standing gorilla, which is exactly what Ma Yunyong is.

As soon as Ma Yunyong came on the stage, he roared loudly and shouted, "Kunwu sent Grandpa Ma Yunyong here, and the little white face on the opposite side kind of came down together, Ma one punch, three kicks, and you all solved the problem. Save the trouble of my family brother ... "

Ma Yunyong's rude remarks immediately caused a shouting of Confucian disciples.

On the rostrum, Zhu Shaoling looked indifferent, and chuckled coldly: "Kunwu Taoist, your little prince in your family may be too ignorant?"

"I'm sorry, this lacks tutoring!" Ye Qingxuan waved his hand lightly, glanced at the two brothers who glared at him, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Originally, second brother, you brought them back, but their family is For generations of bandit bosses, I can teach that this is not bad, otherwise the goods will not be fooled here, I am afraid to kill people early. "8)

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