Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 127: Why is it

Wang Zhitui won in the end, and Tian Xiu later defeated Zhu Han, the Confucian arrogant. This shock to the Rulin Academy far outweighed the influence of Kunwu's disciples.

To be defeated by a Kunwu disciple, there are some differences between him and me, but the same basic swordsmanship is used between the same brothers and teachers, which has to be thought deeply.

In the face of cruel facts, the entire Rulin Academy was uproaring from top to bottom.

But in the face of such chaotic and ideal results, Ye Qingxuan couldn't laugh at all. He had left the Dojo because he had seen a person. For this person, he had to leave the Dojo and come to the eaves of the Rulin Academy. Above.

The presence of the other party caught him by surprise.

On the eaves opposite, a pretty figure stood sideways towards him.

A purple and blue two-color gauze skirt was worn decently in front of this peerless beauty. Under the setting sun, she was even more like a princess in the sky, just that frosty and delicate side face, that Shuang Qiushui's eyes, letting the Buddha carry words of endless questioning, made Ye Qingxuan afraid to look directly.

Liu Ruyan.

Among the top ten beautiful women in Wulin, the peerless enchanting equal to Mei Yinxue must also be the noble guest in Liu Mengyan's mouth ...

In the former Luodu, Ye Qingxuan was the most unwilling to accept, but the most impressive emotion, because the reason of the two people, only hidden in the hearts of both sides. It has never been started, it has been buried, and now ...

Liu Qingyan has become Ye Qingxuan's most daring opponent.

The other party came for her innocent strangling brother, Liu Qingchen.

"Girl Liu ... Luodu said goodbye for a long time ..." Ye Qingxuan really didn't know how to speak, and ended up saying something she felt very stupid.

Liu Qingyan Qiushui stared at Ye Qingxuan tightly for a long time, but did not say a word for a long time, but the intense emotion in it, until he saw the hair in Ye Qingxuan's heart, then asked coldly: "Did you kill?

"No." Ye Qingxuan Yakou denied.

"His death is related to you?" The affection in Liu Qingyan's eyes suddenly became cold for a minute.

Ye Qingxuan nodded helplessly. He couldn't deny this.

"Died because of you?" Liu Qingyan asked again, his eyes cold again.

Ye Qingxuan stopped talking, but nodded helplessly.

"I was on the street at that time, I just wanted to teach Lingdi, but I didn't expect someone to take advantage of his hands, Lingdi ..."

"Yes!" Ye Qingxuan Fangfo saw a door closed in front of his eyes, and Liu Qingyan's eyes finally changed into a feelingless Mori, saying, "I don't want to hear the tragic death of my brother. As long as I know he died because of you, that's enough. "

As soon as the words fell, the murderous spirit suddenly started.

Liu Qingyan turned slightly, and the murderous spirit in his eyes had rushed to the surface with Ling Yan's howling wind.

For a moment, Ye Qingxuan released the Buddha on the rough sea. One side of the world was covered with dark clouds, which disturbed the chaos between the sky and the sea. The wind and the waves rolled. Ye Qingxuan had no idea where the sea was and where the sky was. The only thing that can be seen is Liu Qingyan's twinkling eyes.

"Girl Liu, listen to me ..." Ye Qingxuan exclaimed amidst the turbulent howling wind.

There was no end to it, the sword had come out.

Suddenly, the cold star disappeared, and a bright moon appeared over the sea level.

"At the moment the moon is born on the sea, and the end of the earth is at this time. The lover resents the night, and the acacia begins to rise."

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan's heart emerged, it turned out to be this beautiful poem.

Ye Qingxuan's heart sank, and so did people.

At his fastest speed, he fell to the ground.

After the Battle of Luodu, Liu Qingyan's swordsmanship was not so advanced, and there was no room for the other's killing. Ye Qingxuan was ashamed and unwilling to shoot, so he escaped.

He has improved his judgment on Liu Qingyan a lot, but still did not expect that Liu Qingyan's sword at this time was so fast and brilliant.

As soon as his body fell, Jian Guang was as good as a horse before him.

Ye Qingxuan was under the cover of Jian Qi. At this moment, he had deeply realized the helplessness of the angry sea flat boat, the cold Han Sen Jian Qi, which made people's bone marrow cold, penetrated into the body coldly.

The sharp edge of this sword seems to be even more terrifying than the sword of Simon Blowing Snow. Few people in the world can resist this sword.

After Li Muchan, Ye Qingxuan hasn't encountered such a deadly sword for a long time. What made him even more unexpected was the swordsman who shot. It turned out to be the peerless beauty Liu Qingyan who was once an ally.


Ye Qingxuan was unwilling to resist, and it was extremely difficult to resist.

[Lingbo Microwave] has run to the extreme, the whole person turned into an afterimage, and quickly retreated back.

But even if he did, the thunderous sword-like light of the sword flashed before his eyes, no matter how fast he retreated, still unable to escape its chase.

Instantly, he had no way back.


Ye Qingxuan's madly regressed body broke a wall and broke into an unknown hall.

Jian Guang pursued more than ever, and his pace also retreated.

Bang bang ...

Countless bookshelves, furniture, walls, etc. were all broken under the impact of Ye Qingxuan, but the sword light, not only did not avoid it, but as the obstacles blocked it, he got closer and closer to him.

When Ye Qingxuan smashed a wall again, the sharp sword tip had reached his chest.

At the last moment, Ye Qingxuan sighed helplessly, even if he didn't want to take a shot anymore, he had to take a shot at this time.

This time, Ye Qingxuan only stretched out two fingers, just a slight forward clamp ...

It's like picking up a piece of peanut rice with chopsticks. If it weren't for your own eyes, no one would believe that there would be such an easy and comfortable martial art in the world, and no one could describe the ingenuity and speed of his **** and one clip.

"The body has no colorful wings and flying wings.

Ye Qingxuan originally thought that the "Ling Rhinoceros Finger" learned from Lu Xiaofeng would be used on a peerless swordsman like Ye Gucheng, and created a martial arts story that extolled the generations, but never thought that it would be impossible to avoid one. The woman's chase was used in such a embarrassing situation.

Ye Qingxuan caught Jianfeng between his fingers.

Liu Qingyan's body also slowly fell down.

Her sword did not use her strength any more, but with a pair of cold star eyes, she looked at Ye Qingxuan coldly.

There is no trace of emotional fluctuations, but Ye Qingxuan still dare not look directly.


Liu Qingyan returned to the sheath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ye Qingxuan did not hinder with the slightest strength.

"This time, if you can catch me a sword, it doesn't mean you can catch it next time!"

Liu Qingyan said coldly and turned to go.

"Girl Liu ..." Ye Qingxuan called out.

Liu Qingyan figured, did not look back, the coldest tone came slowly: "In my life, my parents died prematurely, and they were ignored by the same ancestor. Only two younger brothers lived with me and lived through the bitter childhood. . Qinghou and Qingchen are the closest relatives in my life, Ye Qingxuan. No matter what the truth is, Qingchen died because of you, and I want you to pay for it with your life. "

The words fell, people have been stunned, but the fragrance remains.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and sat slowly on the ground. The joy of winning the game had long since disappeared. Looking at the messy library hall in front of her, she couldn't even use her strength to get up again.

Really ...

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