Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 137: Picturesque scenery

At noon.

The sun after autumn is still as bright as a large stove.

In front of the largest hall of Rulin Academy, on a wider field, Li Daotian and Yan Jingliu stood facing each other. The distance between the two sides was fifty feet, but the other party's every move, even the beard swayed by the wind, was experienced Head.

Not only this huge square, but also within a radius of five miles, a Confucian disciple is not allowed to enter.

However, five people from each side are allowed to testify to the contest.

In addition to the four masters Tao Shu'an, Master Wenxiang, Angutou and Rong Chongguang, You Longgang's only son Li Zhengyang.

On the other side are Sun Kejian, Ye Qingxuan, Feng Qingyan, Sun Kun and Hou Ting.

The two stood opposite each other in the fiery sun.

Li Daotian frowned and looked at Yan Jingliu without ten feet away.

This master of Confucianism was like a mountain peak at this time, integrated with the surrounding environment. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Daotian could almost confirm that there was no one in front of him.

On the contrary, Li Daotian was obviously under the same strong sun, but the scorching temperature not only did not promote his momentum, but appeared to be incompatible with the surrounding environment, like a cold flame in sharp contrast with the high temperature.

Li Daotian's pupils suddenly shrank, and his whole body muscles suddenly tightened.

Yan Jing flowed, a huge pressure like a mountain peak, came on.

Li Daotian secretly admired that in today's world, there will never be a second person who can give him such pressure.

Yan Jingliu's magnificent momentum burst out from his whole body. The eyes of the two met in the air, as if the swords were fighting.

The two remained calm, but this quiet pressure was stronger and more frightening than hands.

After a fall leaves fell, between them, they suddenly fell like a boulder, and then they were pressed tightly to the ground, the wind couldn't blow.

This terrible pressure can be clearly felt by people like Ye Qingxuan and others outside Baizhang.

Everyone's heart is like a weight of stone.

At this time, Li Daotian suddenly spoke.

"A thousand-year-old turtle is finally willing to leave the mountain today?"

Yan Jingliu smiled slightly and said, "Since I haven't seen you in years, Brother Li has entered a state of deification?"

Li Daotian arrogantly said, "Well-intentioned and powerful."

Yan Jing flowed: "Do you know what is the essence of‘ divine ’?”

Li Daotian chuckled coldly and said coldly, "What do you think?"

"In the heart."


"Yes." Yan Jingliu smiled slightly and said, "Only with sincerity and perseverance in the heart can we be able to achieve anger and insincerity, and those who are not sincere can not reach the state of deification, even with the help There is a breakthrough in the remaining God ’s will, which can only be sustained for a while, and will eventually be returned to its original shape. "

Li Daotian's pupil suddenly contracted again.

He never expected that his reality would be seen by Yan Jingliu at a glance.

Not bad.

He did break through the state of "deification", but his breakthrough was very coincidental, and he relied on the essence and the consciousness of the worshipers who worshiped the fire in the Fire Lotus Order for several generations. He felt that his skill, instead of gaining and consolidating, became weaker and weaker, and even risked falling back into the realm.

So he can't wait for the decisive battle to come and challenge in advance.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and others also showed a surprised look and looked at Li Daotian carefully.

But apart from Ye Qingxuan who could perceive each other's entire spine dragon, with a slight overflow of essence, others did not notice it.

Yan Jingliu stared at Li Daotian, saying word by word, "Your heart, dishonest."

Hahaha ...

Li Daotian laughed wildly, and Li Li said indignantly: "Sincerity? What is your intention?"

"It is benevolence." Yan Jing said: "I want to stand up to oneself, and I want to be up to one. Benevolence is human nature and respect for heaven and compassion."

"Where's Luo breaking the enemy?"

"It's violent," Yan Jingliu said again. "In an attempt to control everything, greedy to cruel brutality."

Li Daotian sneered sneerly and said, "The head is the Tao, but unfortunately, you did not break through the deification, but the breakthrough was me? You know, to be above the people in the world, only power, not truth. , Is not worth the power in my palm, the power of my hand! "


Along with Li Daotian's roar, the raging flames burst from his body, holding him up in the air, emitting the light and heat of the sun, and the vicious stream below the **** of fire.

Yan Jingliu no longer spoke, his face sinking like water, but he was motionless.

Hold it with a single palm, like a giant peak into the sky, facing Li Daotian like the sun.

The two sides are so powerful and equal.

But the eyesighted man was shocked in his heart, seeing that Li Daotian had not moved yet, he had no pressure at all, but Yan Jingliu relied on his outstretched palm to make his own momentum.

But in fact, this has shown that Li Daotian's skill has indeed stabilized Yan Jingliu.

Ye Qingxuan and others frowned, while the opposite party showed a proud look.

Li Daotian's rude voice was wandering down from nine days away, and the world buzzed. "Yan Jingliu, let me fire from the sky today, try your" Bada Peaks "!"


Li Daotian transformed into a cloud of fire, and the emptiness veiled towards the still and quiet stream.

[Litiantianshou palm], the power of one palm falls, like a meteor from outside the land, with unmatched power, blasting the earth.


Yan Jingliu's beard floated, and his hands held the palm of the sky, the whole popularity suddenly solidified, and the suffocation was like the mountains and mountains that were stacked with mountains. The meteor blasted into the mountain, but just rippled the stars and disappeared between the mountains.

"Yan Jingliu, it really has you!"

Vulcan-like Li Daotian screamed, his body was constantly drawing circles in the air, Baizhang void, as if he was ignited by him, the intense circle of fire kept expanding, but only half a column of incense time, a thick condensation had formed in the sky Cloud of fire.

Yan Jingliu knew that this was the most dangerous moment. He neither dodged nor attacked, but he was also condensed and waving, as if he was painting a magnificent landscape painting, and the heavy momentum kept condensing on the ground.

For a moment, he was not only as heavy as a mountain, but also between the mountains, and the river was turbulent. Huaxia Wanli Jiangshan was completed at his fingertips.

The master duel, just after a tentative trial, went directly to the final stage of the life-and-death struggle. All those who watched the battle stagnate.

At this moment, I saw the sky and clouds rising and covering the sky, the rivers and rivers on the ground and the mountains and rivers picturesque.

Not only are Ye Qingxuan and others nearby being oppressed by the momentum of communication between the heavens and the earth, it is difficult to breathe, that is, ten miles away, or even hundreds of miles away ... The entire population of Yingchang Prefecture is pointing at the heaven and earth vision, and even Some people have begun to worship heaven and earth, thinking that the end is coming.

The flames emptied, I do n’t know how high the sky is; Luan Yue is heavy, I do n’t know how thick it is!

Whether it's the clear sky or the Confucian palace on the ground, these scenes have long been covered by the scenes. Between heaven and earth, only the confrontation between this fire and the mountains and rivers remains.

Ye Qingxuan and others nearby were shocked.

Sun Kun was scared and scared. He pulled Ye Qingxuan's sleeve and shouted, "I said Ye Xiaozi, are we in this situation too close?"

Feng Qingyan turned his head and yelled, "The power has exceeded our estimates. Quickly withdraw!"

After talking about Sun Kejian, he rushed to the rear first.

Ye Qingxuan and others also stared at each other, hula ran away and escaped. As for the opposite Li Zhengyang and others, they have already fled.

At this moment, Li Daotian's proud roar resounded in the fierce cloud of fire: "Hahaha, Yan Laoer, you did not hide, but you hide so deeply, you will lose to me today. Under fire! "

As soon as the sound fell, the world was silent.

Then in the rumbling sound, thousands of miles of fire and clouds roared down, the pressure between the heavens and the earth suddenly rose, and the air in the entire Yingchang House was condensed. Many people in the distance were exclaimed, their breathing was not smooth, and within ten miles Many scholars of the Rulin Academy were pressed to the ground by this pressure, leaving only a roar that was frightened and stunned, but he couldn't move.

"Gentleman, carry things with good virtues! Wherever virtues come, even if the world is not benevolent, why fear it?"

The sound of chanting lingered among the mountains and rivers, and the mighty righteousness suddenly rushed into the clouds, the mountains were stunned, and the river was violent. focal.

Li Daotian ’s mad laughter spread from ancient times to the outside of Rulin Academy, and fell into the ears of every citizen of Yingchang House.

All the scholars of Confucianism wept and wept, but felt that Rulin Academy was over.

Their last hope was dashed.

Clouds of fire raged, mountains and rivers capsized over it, and the world was scorched.

But after scorched earth?

Li Daotian's mad laughter gradually receded and then came to an abrupt halt.

The fiery skyfire will eventually go out, and the earth is still the earth, and the mountains are still the mountains. Even if the volcano erupts and the river dries up, this world cannot be changed.

Gentleman, with virtue.

The virtue of virtue is able to withstand any calamities and changes.

The world is changing.

The cloud of fire converged at once, and heaven and earth returned to order.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are gazing at the scene of the competition between the two peerless masters.

Ye Qingxuan, who was embarrassed, pulled Sun Kun out from under the ground. The two eyes were stunned and stared at the field.

At this moment, no one can forget everything in front of him.

Li Daotian, like Vulcan, stands in the air, showing a halo like a scorching sun behind his head, which is exactly the appearance of the deified state, but his eyes are as demented, staring blankly at another figure not far away.

As soon as he hit the Confucian shirt, the long beard floated, Yan Jingliu smiled, and a halo appeared in the back of his head.

It ’s just that Li Daotian ’s halo is a symbol of raging fire, and Yan Jing ’s halo behind his head is a seemingly peaceful, but really cool, righteous spirit, with occasional mountains and rivers of ink appearing in the halo. It is Yan Jingliu who has the deified appearance of the world.

Yan Jingliu, deified.

Li Daotian couldn't believe his eyes, and yelled, "Yan Jingliu-dare to lie to me! Wow--"

A burst of blood spewed out, Li Daotian fell from the sky, his body suddenly burst from the fire.

It wasn't just the anger, but Yan Jingliu seriously injured Li Daotian.

Li Zhengyang and others exclaimed, rushing from a distance to protect Li Daotian, and didn't flee in the same way.

"Win, we win!"

Sun Kun exclaimed, and flew up to the nearest Ye Qingxuan.

"Lao Yan really has you!" Sun Kun shouted with excitement and shouted, "I didn't expect your old man to keep such a hand, even we fooled us!"

"Really?" When Yan Jingliu turned his head, Ye Qingxuan and Sun Kun suddenly felt inexplicable.

The original black and white gray buns and beards were all pale at this time, and that face was like a hundred years old, so old that he could hardly recognize that this was the great master of Confucianism.

"Yan old, you are ..." Seeing Yan Jingliu's body trembling, she couldn't hold it. Ye Qingxuan hurried forward and held her up.

Yan Jingliu smiled horribly, and said, "Li Daotian, outside force broke through the deification and deceived the world, and I lied to Li Daotian by burning the last trace of life ... Hehe, haha ​​... Yan Jingliu was incompetent in life, ashamed Sage, this is the last bit of face I leave to Rumen. "

Holding Ye Qingxuan's hands tightly, Yan Jingli eyes filled with hope, slowly said: "Heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are ruminant dogs. The suffering of life, in fact, isn't it that the heavens and the earth sharpen you and my heart, if it is caused by a moment of misfortune, I blame Tianyou, it ’s not heaven and earth, but you and me. Qingxuan, I ’ve been wrong for forty years, and I have to be sober today. Except the demon guardian road ... It depends on you in the future. "

Having said that, a generation of Confucian magnates died away.

"Master Yan ... Qingxuan remembers."

Ye Qingxuan sighed sadly, stretched out her hand and put on Yan Jingliu's unwilling eyes, and tears could not stop flowing.

Although I had known that Yan Jingliu would be different today, at the moment of life and death, Ye Qingxuan still couldn't control the sadness in his heart.

Although there was only one sentence before his death, only one sentence was enough for him to respect him as a "master".

The voice of Yi Yi came through the air, and Feng Qingyan, Hou Ting, and Sun Kejian ran at the same time ...

"Fight Li Daotian! Brother Yan defeated Li Daotian!"

The sound suddenly stopped.

The two finally realized that Yan Jingliu in Ye Qingxuan's arms ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was out of breath.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes were flushed, his expression was sad, and he whispered, "Yan is gone."

"Longevity Blessing!" Feng Qingyan single palmed his head and looked sad, silently remembering the scriptures of his death.

Sun Kejian sighed and said sadly: "Everyone says that people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves. Brother Yan avoided the rivers and lakes in the second half of his life, but in the end, isn't he involuntarily?"

Ye Qingxuan shook her head and smiled, "There are rivers and lakes in people's places, and rivers and lakes in people. Where can I avoid them?"

Hou Ting said: "If you die, you cannot be resurrected. Let's cut out the traitors in Confucianism in accordance with Yan Yan's will."

"Who else can it be?" Sun Kun said with a cold hum. "Zhu Shaoling is dead, Chun Yuzhen is young and vigorous, and his face has been damaged. Who else can sit in this Rulin Academy except one person?"

Everyone sighed.

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