Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 139: Visit late at night

A joy, Cheng Yi returned home happily.

When I return to the mansion, I will drink with my relatives until the night. At last Cheng Cheng was so drunk that he was aided into his bedroom by his grandson Cheng Weiyu.

Two beautiful servants took Cheng Ye from Cheng Weiyu.

Looking at Cheng Yan holding his arms right and left, finally no longer pretending to be confused, Cheng Weiyu smiled and turned away.

"Grandson." Just then, Cheng Ye suddenly called him, and a pair of drunken eyes flashed a hint of brilliance.

Cheng Weiyu hurriedly saluted: "Grandfather, what else do you have to command?"

"You must be happy in your life." Cheng Yan's eyes showed a smirk, and then he gently pushed his two sisters, directly into the arms of his grandson, and laughed: "I know that you already look after this pair of beauties Now, grandpa is happy today and I will reward you! "

Cheng Weiyu was pleasantly surprised, but a moment of coldness caught Cheng Cheng's eyes, he was startled, and immediately fell to his knees, and bowed his head: "Grandfather, this is against ethics, grandchildren dare not dare."

"Well, Rulin College has been staying for a long time, full of benevolence and morality ..." Cheng Yan turned a little, turned to the two Yan Yan, and asked with a smile: "You will follow my grandchildren afterwards, take good care of him, understand?"

The two glamours looked at each other, one of them laughed softly, pulled up Cheng Cheng's sleeves, and said softly, "Master, don't you want a slave?"

Another Yan Yan covered her mouth with a chuckled smile, and said, "Sister Shuyu, how dare you not listen to the command of the master ..."

Cheng Yan smiled slyly, provoked Shu Yu's delicate face, and asked, "Ye, Shu Yu, how dare you not listen to the master?"

Then Shu Yu pouted: "Sister Miao Rui, the slave family is reluctant to master ..."

"Rest assured, lord, I think you will come to see you when you are good." Cheng Yan gave a kiss to Shu Yu and chuckled: "But now the task of the two of you is to help me change my grandson. A fake and serious look, obviously desperate, but he talked hard ... "

Cheng Weiyu's head throbbed, and he said, "Grandpa, grandchildren don't dare!"

"What I said, do you want me to take it back?" Cheng Zheng's face sank, and then he said, "Grandson, in the past, weren't you all the grandpa who didn't teach you personally? This opportunity is here, Shu Yu He Miaorui is the baby I personally adjusted ... As the name suggests, this jade's small mouth is a must to ensure that you are immortal, and this Miaorui ... hehe ... "

"Old man ..." The two beauties were instantly courageous, but the two wonderful eyes were swirling up and down in Cheng Weiyu's young body, Cheng Yan laughed, and Cheng Weiyu was flushed and heart-warming.

"Go, go ... wait for my grandchild ..."

In a big laugh, two panicked Cheng Weiyu walked out of the main house.

Looking at the few people who left, Cheng Yan's drunk posture suddenly converged, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, full of disdain.


The bedroom door was pushed open, and Xing Wuji walked out of the room with a cold face.

Xing Wuwei also looked at the door coldly, Shen said, "I said earlier that one of those two women was a spy sent by Ji Ruoyan. You have enjoyed it for several years. You can kill her today, why is it cheap? Your grandson? "

Cheng Yan grinned and said, "It's a shame to be born. It's a shame to kill. Isn't Ji Ruoyan spying on me? Let her continue, anyway, my grandson is so stupid that he never knows my true identity, and keeps this woman Maybe one day we can count Ji Ruoyan's **** once, why not do it? "

Xing Wuwei snorted and taunted, "I think you can't bear beauty."

Cheng Yan laughed and said, "Sage cloud: food appetite too. Let's say, what does the master tell me?"

Xing Wuwei Shen Shen said: "Keep Ye Qingxuan and his party for three days ... don't delay the master's affairs."

Cheng Yan frowned.

This is what he was least willing to do at the moment ...

Dark clouds cover the moon.

Cheng Yan carried the long-drenched tea and stared at the ethereal candlelight in a daze.

The night was as cold as water.

The wind brings the unique fragrance of chrysanthemums in the courtyard. The residual hotness and scorching smell in the wind have disappeared a few days ago. The confrontation between the two peerless masters in Yingchang House has never happened.

A dark cloud was blown away by the autumn wind, such as the silver moonlight pouring down the sky, and there was a refreshing coolness between the heavens and the earth, but Cheng Min's state of mind could not be calmed down, not only excited for his own hidden achievements for decades, and at the same time, I also deeply appreciate the hardships I have suffered over the years.

However, although he is now the first person in the Rulin Academy, the invisible big hand behind him seems to be stronger.

After many years of dreams were realized, my heart was a little lost, and I was even more disgusted with the big hand that couldn't be shaken.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of nowhere to go.

Just then, a warning came to mind.

Cheng Yanran looked up, a pair of cold eyes lost a fine seam, and the light was bright, looking out of the window on one side.

On the window next to the superior lake paper, a figure appeared under the reflection of the moonlight.

The figure was extremely polite, even when he was wearing a formal dress, dunking his sleeves, and knocking on the window dutifully, Ye Qingxuanji said politely: "Mr. Cheng, Qingxuan visits late at night, I wonder if you welcome? "

As soon as Ye Qingxuan's voice fell, people had entered the window.

"Ye Qingxuan !?" Cheng Ye was shocked, and then put on an Enron look, and asked coldly, "It's so late, what are you doing here?"

Although Cheng Ye appeared calm and calm, he was vigilant and carefully checked whether there were other masters around him.

"Why should everyone ask me knowingly?" Ye Qingxuan smiled indifferently, and said, "I was only thinking of seeing Cheng after everyone was proud of me, but after seeing people, I suddenly felt that I couldn't just go back and have to calculate for them. It would be nice if someone's traitor was impressed. "

Cheng Ye suddenly scolded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xing Wuwei appeared at this time, and it really attracted bad results.

Originally he was still thinking about how to find Ye Qingxuan's troubles, but now Feng Shui is taking turns, and the other party has come to trouble him.

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Cheng Yan secretly guarded.

Ye Qingxuan's face became surprisingly calm, his eyes stabbed into his eyes like two sharp arrows, and his opponent was instantly assassinated by a murderous killing.

Cheng Ye was not a fool, and instantly knew Ye Qingxuan's purpose.

Suddenly guilty and timid, how dare to wait for Ye Qingxuan to take the lead in the first shot, with a loud whistle, the tea cup in his hand slammed, the Sancai bowl was divided into three paths, spread out, and blocked all the paths of Ye Qingxuan.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and touched his waist. The iron fan that had not been used for many years came to his hand. It was just a fan, and Ling Xuan's mysterious wind instantly struck Ye Qingxuan.

Before the wind came, Cheng Ye was backhanded again, and a wind suddenly appeared miraculously behind Ye Qingxuan. Two winds came one after the other, rushing towards him. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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