Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 145: In the mountains

After finding the key to the Holy Land, Ye Qingxuan and his party spent another five days and nights in Shengyu Mountain.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and the three men were already facing the primitive forest, and no trace of human trace could be found. The last temple was also thrown thousands of miles behind them.

The lush trees and tangled plants extend endlessly in all directions. This is a mysterious world that is isolated from any civilization.

The sun shines through the gap between the plants that cover the sky, like the fingers of a giant beast, covering the three of Ye Qingxuan under it.

The three flew up to the top of the tree, letting some cool sunlight fall on them, warming their bodies that became damp and cold due to the humid mist.

No matter how powerful the guardian is, she can't cover her body forever. The scourge in the virgin forest is raging. The three can go all this far with all their eyes. Thanks to Ye Qingxuan, a versatile guy.


Ye Qingxuan used fire to hold his breath, his body temperature suddenly increased more than doubled, his already wet clothes hissed, and a lot of water vapor came out. After a while, all the clothes from the inside to the outside became dry again. stand up.

Ye Qingxuan moaned just now, Peng ...

A pile of clothing hit his face.

After a thick trunk on one side, Mei Yinxue said with a smile, "Dry my clothes, don't peek!"

Looking at the clothes with a few scent of fragrance in his hand, even the underwear, the big beauty who took it for granted was extremely crisp, Ye Qingxuan suddenly waved in his heart, with a smirk, she was about to pass, unexpectedly Shem, Mei Yinxue struck white and came out from behind the tree.

"What's the situation?" Ye Qingxuanzhang wondered.

"What's the situation?" Mei Yinxue looked at herself, then flushed, and said, "Idiot, who goes out without changing clothes?"

"I don't have it!" Ye Qingxuan shook his head, and said, "I bought it all in the city and entered the virgin forest, and I thought it was inconvenient."

"Yes, that's ..." Sun Kun's voice came from behind the big tree on the other side: "Which big man always wears clothes? Not a girl!"

Before the words were over, a large cloud of clouds was dropped from that direction.

Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand, but was a big trouser.

Sun Kun's head poked out from behind the tree and laughed: "Little leaves, can you help my brother dry his underwear first?"

I rely!

Ye Qingxuan threw the pair of underwear to the tree, and threw his hands again and again, for fear of getting something on.

Sun Kun's eyes glared at once, and he said angrily, "You help me with your daughter-in-law's clothes, and you dislike the underwear of your brother.

"You save and save you!" Ye Qingxuan rubbed his hands fiercely, huffing, the flames of the large stocks rose, holding the palms of the sky, the branches with the big trousers hanging off and the big trousers dropping from the sky Zi Qingxuan waved his palms and blasted them to Sun Kun with the heat of the waves. At the same time, he scolded: "I haven't changed it for more than ten days, and my taste is flushing my nose!"

Ye Qingxuan looked disgusted, and Mei Yinxue next to him had been hiding for a long time.

Sun Kun screamed happily, took over the big pants, surprised: "It's still hot, comfortable, really comfortable! Hey? Ye Zi, how did your kid burn a hole in the crotch?"

"Really?" Ye Qingxuan pouted his lips and said, "That's good, you don't need to use the toilet next time."

"... Your uncle!"

Sun Kun scolded him, and threw away other clothes.

Ye Qingxuan unleashed his magic and dried all the clothes with special teng gas.

After taking a break, I simply grilled a few fish, and after a while of frustration, two more hours passed.

Looking at the green mountains in the distance, Sun Kun asked in confusion: "Leaves, this is already the center of Sheng Yushan. Where do you say this Momen Holy Land is?"

"I don't know." Ye Qingxuan shook his head and smiled. "But someone knows."

Sun Kun froze and said coldly, "This is still for you to say? The people of Momen certainly know. But what should we do? Discuss with the people of Momen and let them take us?"

"Why not?" Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "We are walking blindly in Sheng Yushan; wasting time, there will always be some people who can't bear it, and come here to report it."

Mei Yinxue turned her head in amazement and said softly, "Isn't it a grab?"

"They have to grab it too!" Ye Qingxuan smiled, his eyes shining brightly.

"So confident?" Sun Kunbian asked.

"Of course." Ye Qingxuan hesitated and said, "But there will always be people who think they are a special case, sent to death as cannon fodder, and still smug. This buddy, do you mean it?"

Ye Qingxuan turned his head and smiled at the trunk on one side.

call out!

Sun Kun's eyes were clear, and a steel nail flew over.

The figure flickered, and a bark flew directly from the trunk, tinkling ...

The steel nails filled the trunk instantly, but they did not hurt the enemy.

The bark was like a ghost. It was erratic in the dense forest. After passing through several shades, Mei Yinxue fell from the sky, and a sword swept across the bark. Below it is nothing.

The enemy disappeared again.

As soon as Sun Kun and Mei Yinxue were close to the enemy, they immediately formed a protective circle around Ye Qingxuan, enclosing him and the holy land key that looked like an iron pestle.

Ye Qingxuan ignored the campfire on the ground with an iron pestle, and calmly said, "This friend, your hidden skill is also considered brilliant. Unfortunately, the people who deal with the most in the next life are the leaders in this industry. Compared to them, your concealment is really enough * as the grandson Sun around me is your expert in this area, don't look at him now like an enemy, in fact, already see through your whereabouts, Here's teasing you ... "

Sun Kun suddenly sounded annoyed and complained to Ye Qingxuan: "I said that you are really boring, and I behaved well, waiting for the idiot to get started, so that he can catch him in one fell swoop. You have to say it. No ... "

Ye Qingxuan shrugged helplessly, and they turned their heads together to look at a bushy tree.


This time, a shadow blew up again, but did not perform any deceptive actions, but used the speed to the extreme and fled straight to the forest.

"Do you still want to go?"

Ye Qingxuan chuckled, his figure flashed, and he immediately chased the enemy.

Now that he shouted the enemy's camouflage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he was sure to capture him.

Just between the breaths, Ye Qingxuan ’s [Lingbo Microstep] came behind the opponent, and with a single stroke, a huge suction was generated, which directly stopped the opponent ’s momentum.

With a loud shout, the dark shadow trembled suddenly, and it slammed into a petal of the sky, disappearing invisible again.

[Mirror Flower Water Moon Method]! ?

This time, Ye Qingxuan's turn was taken aback.

The sword qi was vertical and horizontal, Mei Yinxue followed, and several swords were drawn out in the void. The interlaced sword qi screamed in the air, and a black shadow murmured like a piercing sound like piercing a glass mirror.

Ye Qingxuan ran a note [Fingering Magical Power], hitting the center of his opponent's ribs.

Mei Yinxue wiped away with a sword, and the black scarf was turned into two pieces on the opposite side, revealing a face with mixed flavors.

"You?" Ye Qingxuan exclaimed, staring at each other blankly. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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