Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 147: Black Poison Slough

Twelve big men with masks and shirtless tops carried a huge barley tent, and eight beautiful women with swords guarded the tent tents ... as they did when they first met.

From this perspective, Hua Wanrong can't forget her original intention.

Sun Kun looked bitter and asked: "I said, big girl, shouldn't you bring these people and these heavy objects into the mountain?"

"Can't it?" Hua Wanrong asked.

"It's too frightening." Sun Ke shook his head and said, "You don't want to be attacked again and again before you reach the Holy Land, unless you want to tell them the old ..."

Hua Wanrong's face was ugly, and she finally bit her lip and said firmly, "Okay. I'll take four ..."

"You ..." Sun Kun frowned.

Hua Wanrong quickly stretched out his hand and said, "My hand can't work. If you don't allow me to take followers, you have to eat, drink, and do all kinds of work along the way. But you have to do it beforehand ... Very picky about diet. "

Sun Kun suddenly stopped talking and turned to look at Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan nodded helplessly. "Then Mitani, please choose your own candidate."

After more than a few hours of tossing, Hua Wanrong chose the candidate and finally arranged the random items.

Two extremely strong men, one of them carried a large full pocket, not only including food and clothing, but also three sleeping bags, while the other was carrying a bamboo stool with a parasol, apparently It is specially prepared for Hua Wanrong.

It seems that the owner of the Three Valleys of Baihua Valley is determined not to step on the mud in the forest in one step.

In addition, there are two personal nieces, holding sharp swords, and their eyes are guarding around Hua Wanrong abnormally.

"Let's go." Ye Qingxuan sighed, and asked Hua Wanrong to lead the way.

"You guys, please come with the little girl." Hua Wanrong smiled and flew onto the strong man's bamboo stool. I didn't know where to take out a concubine fan and pointed in a direction, and smiled brightly. Looking around, it was like Miss Qian Jin traveling.

This walk went for more than ten days, and finally reached a deep valley surrounded by mountains.

The strong radon covered the whole valley, and even at this time in the morning, the scorching sun in the sky could not penetrate the radon into the valley bottom.

Bursts of cold, tidal cold wind blasted out from the gaps in the stone walls soaring into the clouds, and were dark and murky all around ...

Relying on the decision to work hard, everyone went up and down the mountain wall. Everyone was wearing a mask made by Ye Qingxuan, and there was a herb to eliminate the poison of radon.

Ye Qingxuan led the way, opened the mountains and split the stones, and opened the way for everyone.

At about two teas, his feet were already stepping on a gray-black, greasy and strange stone.

Here Qi Qingxuan was a little light, but Ye Qingxuan looked around, but at the bottom of the valley, it was dark and very large. There were strange stones all over the place, or sitting or standing. Its shape was weird and horrible.

At the bottom of this gloomy and dark valley, there are black mud puddles of unknown depths. From time to time, a little white gas is emitted, which is extremely dangerous.

At this moment, there was silence all around, only the slightly screaming mountain wind, and the bursting of bubbles in the mud of "Grumbling", making the bottom of the valley even more gloomy, horrible and creepy.

The sound of a broken air blew up, and Mei Yinxue followed.

"Be careful!" The strange rock underfoot was slippery, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but remind him.

Mei Yinxue smiled softly. When she landed, there was a snow on her feet. She actually “freeze” her on the stone. She glanced indifferently, and said softly, “This should be the black poisonous peat called by Lord Mitani Come on !? "

"That's right, this is the first dangerous place!" Hua Wanrong sounded, revealing her figure from the strange rock next to her, looking at the swamps around her, she couldn't help sighing: "The swamps here are not only poisonous, but also have huge suction power. If you accidentally drop it, you will be killed instantly, and the gods will not be saved. "

During the speech, the black mud puddles beside everyone's feet burst into a bubble, and the bones of some animal surged up, and then sank into the black mud, adding a lot of forest cold.

Everyone's heart sank, and Sun Kun looked ugly and swallowed hard.

"Everyone be careful." Ye Qingxuan looked around and Shen said: "We didn't find any traces of the magic gate along the way, only one point is that they are waiting for us to open the gate of the Holy Land, that is, here, It will be their place ... "

Sun Kun said cautiously, "Brother Ye, do you think they will fight themselves at this time?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Before opening the door, absolutely not, the moment the door opens, I'm afraid the scene will be chaotic ..."

Hua Wanrong smiled and said, "Once the gate of the Holy Land is opened, it will not be closed for a long time. Unless you want to fight against them at the door, everyone will have the opportunity to enter the Holy Land ..."

"The fool will block the door!" Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Our purpose is not to fight with them, but to take advantage! Mitsubishi Lord, please give instructions on how to go next."

Hua Wanrong smiled like a flower, came forward and stood still for a while, then silently looked around to find the entrance to the Holy Land.

It's not easy to find a pile of strange stones among the jumbled boulder. Looking at the shape of the front and back of the mountain pass, after discerning the direction, they started to walk towards the valley.

At this moment, the bottom of the valley was even more gloomy and dark, and the surroundings were silent and vain.

The people walked for three miles, surrounded by a quiet darkness, like deep into the endless abyss. Not only were their feet slippery, they could fall into the mud at any time, and even more disturbing was the mysterious whereabouts of the people in the magic gate.

The more the whereabouts are unknown, the more nervous it is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because of a strange stone that seems harmless to humans and animals, or in a crack in a stone, it is possible to rush out several killers at any time, or It's a row of hidden devices.

Everyone was chilling and extremely nervous.

Ye Qingxuan has opened up his deities to a great extent, but there is an inexplicable magnetic field here that limits his deities and can perceive a range of about ten feet at most.

This made him inevitably endless, and on the surface he had to be complacent.

During the walk, there was a strange noise of "crowd" in everyone's ears. At this time in the night, it was tantamount to someone screaming in their ears. The crowd suddenly looked around, but when they saw the huge rocks, they were terrible. Like evil spirits and fierce souls, Zhangya dance claws ...

"What's the sound?" Sun Kun had the least courage and almost flew forward to Ye Qingxuan's arms.

Among the crowd, the two big men and the two sword-heads were pale and wary with their swords.

Hua Wanrong's face was also full of panic, and Wen Yan replied: "How do I know what the sound is, the first Gu Zhu's record did not write these ..." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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