Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 156: Dragon Slaying

With the avoidance of Hou Ting and Ji Ruoyan, the entire gate of the Holy Gate was opened indefinitely.

A large number of unsuccessful masters in the magic gates have boarded Longkou and entered the holy land, hoping that they can have some luck and get the treasures that the magic gate has accumulated for thousands of years.

As more and more people entered, some of the unwilling acquired generations also tried to enter, but many of them were smoked to death outside the holy land. Even the powerful acquired masters passed through Longkou. At that time, the mechanism was triggered for unknown reasons, and a "slamming" sound was bitten to death by the mouth of the dragon. No master in the realm of the day after tomorrow could enter the Holy Land.

After experiencing the test of blood, many delusions of incompetent people were finally stopped.

But after three or four hours, the master of the magic gate has almost entered a seven-eight-eight-eighth, at this time, more characters began to appear.

Among them are famous people who have heard of the rivers and lakes, but also mysterious people who have mysterious tracks.

Hou Ting and Ji Ruoyan hid far away, peeping, and suddenly they were shocked.

"The three sneaky guys, is it 'the three old men in Yinshan'?" Ji Ruoyan watched as the three weird cloakmen roared into the holy land, and couldn't help asking.

Seeing Tieguai exposed by one of them, Hou Ting glared and said coldly, "Yes. I don't expect these three old things to be cheap for the Holy Gate."

A dark cloud swept across the sky, and the sky suddenly darkened.

The masters of the magic gates standing around the holy land all looked at the huge bright moon above their heads in surprise, but between the breath, the dark cloud disappeared ...

"This is ..." Ji Ruoyan frowned.

Hou Ting yin yin: "So it is mysterious. It was Yin Jiuyou who went in ..."

The voice did not fall, a cloud of blood that could not be seen drifted slowly into Longkou.

"Well? Isn't Li Moyin so dead for such a powerful blood line?" Hou Ting couldn't help exclaiming.

"This is impossible." Ji Ruoyan shook his head again and again, "If Li Moyin is not dead, he cannot hide from us ... After all, Jiuzong is an alliance."

Hou Ting sneered and said, "Your alliance is just like the face of Moon Sovereign. It blows up. Hum, Li Mo's fuze is the only one, Feng Zong's Oriental Falcon and Poison's Nero. Jiuyou, he is very embankment ... If he is seriously concealed, it is impossible to hide Nero, Nero's poison is famous, but his medical skills are unparalleled in the world ... Now both Dongfang and Nero died in Luo He didn't even dare show up when he broke the enemy ... eh? Nero? "

Hou Ting's analysis was not over yet, and the beatings appeared in front of him.

I saw a Nero dressed in a sapling, followed by an old man with a face mask covering his face, who was quickly flying into the dragon's mouth.

"Nero did not die!" Ji Ruoyan snorted coldly. "This old thing, like his poisonous insects, is dead and not stiff. He could not even be deceived by Luo."

"Who is the person next to him?" Hou Ting asked.

"Sun Nanxing," Ji Ruoyan sneered, and said, "A stubborn wall of grass that tends to avoid the disadvantages and is cruel is not a problem."

"Is that the guy who killed his daughter for the keys of the holy place?" Hou Ting sighed slightly. "This kind of person who is very deep and vicious is actually the most worthy of embankment ... Unfortunately, his nature was exposed too early, It is no longer possible to be trusted ... this trip to the Holy Land is bound to end his life. "

With their observation, more than a dozen masters entered the holy place.

At this time, a group of colorful clouds floating in Qinghua slowly drifted to the sky, and the characters in the colorful clouds were illusive, like a nine-day fairy. It was fascinating. Numerous experts around him exclaimed and pointed ...

Hou Ting was stunned, and Shen said, "Good Qinghua Emperor, he came so brightly ..." Hou Ting turned back secretly.

Ji Ruoyanqi asked, "Where is Brother Hou?"

Hou Ting's face has never been gloomy, and he whispered: "Don't ask, don't ask ... you shouldn't know, it's better not to know, so as not to cause trouble, even if we deepen our friendship then, I can't save you ... ... "

Ji Ruoyan was cold all over the body.

Although Hou Ting is vague, she is as clever as she cannot guess where Hou Ting is going ...

Who can control Hou Ting behind, besides the Demon Supreme, who else?

Seeing the disappearance of Hou Ting, Ji Ruoyan was uneasy in her heart, and felt deeply whether she was playing with fire this time. Instead of losing her life here, it was better to leave early ...

The idea is certain, just waiting to turn around and leave, taking a glance at the corner of the eye, seeing a handful of wind and sand blowing over the dragon under the moon, leaving the figure can not help but stiffen!


They also come in! ?

Ji Ruoyan's heart moved again ...


There may also be a turnaround.

Moonlight is shining.

Ji Ruoyan's body slowly blooms like the moonlight, flashes of light, disappears, as if the moon in the sky.

Enduring the severe pain in his body, Ye Qingxuan seemed to go crazy, rushing up against the water.

The **** one-eyed dragon with eight claws opened his eyes, and balanced his body with only two hind limbs. Six green-scale monster claws grasped Ye Qingxuan at a fast speed, and a large blood bowl came straight to his neck.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the monster's long claws had been grabbed again, and he could not help but bowed like a prawn in the water, and "Beep" flashed to the back of the evil dragon!

Between squinting eyes, four of the six claws of the evil dragon hit the air, but there were still two claws on his back, leaving two blood marks deep in the bones.

Ye Qingxuan's unparalleled body protection skills, even barely protected him from being hooked into two!

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan split his palms, and a trick [Shenlong Wagging Tail] was like a landslide, and the palm edge stood up, like a giant axe, fiercely chopped towards the evil dragon's shoulders.


The crackling sound of the muscles and bones sounded. Ye Qingxuan gave a full blow and actually smashed the four sharp claws on the side of the dragon, leaving only the outer phloem connected!

The evil dragon hissed, and turned to bite Ye Qingxuan!

In the face of the monster's huge mouth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ye Qingxuanqiang's feelings of heart and lungs, finally aimed at the ultimate goal of this shot-the red and red monocular.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan divided the radon in the body into two parts, and violent radon was sprayed under his feet. The whole person was like a rocket and moved up instantly!


The dragon's giant mouth suddenly bit the air!

At the same time, the upper qi is divided into two sides, with [Left and Right Strike], right hand [Six-pulse Excalibur] with five pulses, left-hand [Flame Knife] burning in all hands, aiming at the red light alone of the evil dragon Furiously inserted--


A muffled sound.

Ye Qingxuan has ten fingers in his hands, and has been deeply inserted into the monster giant eye.

The scream of the eight-clawed dragon "wheezing", the red blood in his eyes was like sticky red gum, and instantly sprayed Ye Qingxuan's face. 8)

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