Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 173: Secret enemy

When the words "Tianyu Demon Corpse" were exported, Sha Feng of "Camel Dragon" was immediately stagnation, and then immediately furious, cursing: "Sun Zizi, I have been looking for decades of friendship, only to give you this opportunity, you How dare you fool me! Grandson, he has ruined my legs! "

Seeing the iron camel splitting, Sun Kun's face changed greatly, and he shouted: "Sand camel! There are only half a demon in the temple ... Lao Tzu, I'm not joking with you. Please read (Pinshu.com) the most complete! Fiction!"


Sha Feng's horizontal palm separated the iron camel's palm, but his grandson was shocked by him, pulling Sun Kun up and yelling, "What are you talking about?"

"There are only half a demon corpse in the temple ..." Sun Kun repeated it word by word, and then hehe laughed: "The demon corpse was divided into two by the devil, and the lower half was in my Hand ... If you do n’t believe it, wait for someone to take out the corpse of the corpse, and you will know at a glance. "

Sha Feng's eyes narrowed, and he said in a dark voice, "There are only half a demon in it, but how do I know that you really have another half in your hand?"

"I can show you ..."

"Good!" Sha Feng backhanded Sun Kun still on the ground, "Where's the evidence?"

Sun Kun stood up leisurely, straightened his shirt, opened his neck and shouted, "Xing Fearless, no grudge monk ... Quickly die for Lao Tzu!"

This throat frightened everyone, setting up a defensive formation in a hurry to prevent someone from assaulting.

Sha Feng's brain was blue and straight, and Shen said, "The evidence you said, are they both?"

Sun Kun hesitated and said, "That's right. Because these half of the demon corpses were hidden by them, I will take the sheep by hand, and take advantage of them."

There was silence all around, and no one answered.

Sun Kun blinked at Sha Feng and laughed: "The two guys ignored me, and I'll give them some color to see ..." After speaking, he yelled again: "Xing Wuyou, you idiot The treasure that you let Wang Qi hide in my secret cave has been brought by Lao Tzu. If you do n’t come out to save Lao Tzu again, I am dead. In this life, you will never want to find the half of the corpse ... I see How can you tell your master! "


The voice did not fall, a loud noise came from a hall in the distance, not far away from the outermost hall of the Rizong hall, a big hole was broken in the roof, and a majestic figure stood on it.

At this moment he was furious and stared at Sun Kun, yelling, "Old thing, how do you know about this?"

Sun Kun laughed and said, "How can you escape my eyes if you hide things in the secret library of the Huanhuan Gambling House?"

Sha Feng, a camel dragon on the side, brightened his eyes and asked urgently, "junior, do you really hide half a demon corpse in the secret storehouse of Huanhuan Gambling Hall?"

Xing Wuwei glared angrily at Shafeng, and said in a yin voice: "Old camel, I advise you not to ask something about it, so as not to cause death!"

Originally, Sha Feng did not believe Sun Kun's words at all, but Xing's fearless response at this time made him believe by seven points.

"Excellent." Sha Feng sneered and said to Sun Kun: "Sun Aunt, as long as you give me the half of the demon corpse, I will spare you my life."

"Deal," Sun Kunang replied first.

"Do you dare !?" Xing Wuwei became angry and threatened.

The half of the demon corpse was originally brought out by a monk without complaint, but for the sake of convenience, he was asked to find a place for safekeeping by Xing Wuyou, but unexpectedly, Yin Kunyang was actually known by Sun Kun. If the corpse falls into the opponent's hand, it will undoubtedly seriously affect Mozun's follow-up plan.

Xing Wuwei was negligent for a while, and his back was already cold at this time, so he could only fight back to capture the corpse of the cricket.

Xing Wuji is mad, but Sha Feng, the camel dragon opposite, is even more mad.

He was threatened by a junior, and suddenly made him murderous, snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice, "I don't think you dare, ignorant junior? Come on, take me down this lunatic, pick up skin and bones. ! "

"No." The masters of the Kowloon Palace all around resounded, and the two swords turned around and rushed to kill Xing Wuwei first.

Xing fearlessly yelled, and the snake stick was a slap, and he yelled, "Do it!"

The words did not fall. Four secret figures appeared in the hall of Rizong. They were different in height, fat, and thin, and their whole bodies were hidden in black clothes. Before everyone responded, they were the first to kill the two swords that came to them. Passed.

The sky sword and the sword were stunned, and then faced without fear.

On the opposite side, the four men with a weird atmosphere left. One of the short black men disappeared by the moment he strayed from a tall man, and the tall black man in front of him disappeared. The spit of gas under human feet spurted wildly, like a cannonball. In a moment, it came to the front of the sword, and a short thick stick wrapped with black cloth was banged on the face of the sword.

In the face of this thunderous style, the ground knife smiled wildly, raised the knife accordingly, and at the same time cooperated with his tacit sword, sideways fierce sword, straight to the opponent's heart.


At this time, the weapon in the tall black man's hand severely shook the ground knife, and the powerful force that destroyed the earth and shattered the ground instantly covered the whole body of the ground knife. The ground knife was unable to resist even the full resistance of the knife. He was smashed and flew out, wailing in midair, and directly broken into countless metal fragments.

The ground knife body trembled, all the bones and flesh in the whole body were broken at the same time, and the sound of "pop" was directly shaken by a huge force into a mass of rotting meat, which directly covered the ground.

At the same time, the sword that cut through the sky also stabbed the tall black man's chest without hindrance. Unfortunately, the sound of a metal impact came. The sword of sky sword did not advance into the sky and was blocked stiffly. Out of the skin.

Even though the entire sword was forced into a curved shape by the Tianjian, it failed to cause a little damage to the opponent.

The sky sword exclaimed, and then the sword flew backwards in an instant.

But at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The ground at the foot of Tianjian suddenly rippled like layers of water, and two shroud-like cloth strips suddenly shot from the ground, instantly entangled in his calf.

The short-skinned man in black appeared a head from the ground, a pair of fish-white eyes that were not human, and stared at Tianjian coldly.

A chill of cold air came down the calf, and Tian Jian was frozen half of his body instantly, his eyes suddenly showing a terrifying look.


The sword air swept across the sky, and the sky was attacked by the sky. The sky sword was dodged, and was suddenly shot into countless pieces of flesh.

A tall and thin figure pedals a long sword and cuts through the sky like a sword fairy ...

In an instant, the strength was enough to fight against any heavenly master. The sword did not take a round under the opponent, and they were all killed. All black and white masters, including the "camel dragon" Sha Feng, were killed together. Shocked, can't believe his eyes.

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