Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 176: Heart witch


A muffled sound struck everyone's heart, within a radius of ten miles, all living beings spewed a mouthful of blood, and those with weaker skills sprayed a broken heart fragment directly, and died on the spot ...

The violent explosion shakes everyone's senses and senses!

Heaven and earth suddenly fell ...

Deep into the soul, deep into the shock of consciousness, so that everyone is temporarily unconscious!

When the mind returns to the body again, the living people are afraid to find that their ears can no longer hear any sound, and their bodies have lost consciousness ...

Although only a few seconds, at this moment, they have been deeply imprinted into their souls.

Never wear out!

When "Camel Dragon" Sha Feng paled and rose up from the ground with blood, all he saw was making him tremble with horror.

I saw Ye Qingxuan standing proudly in the center of the Temple Square at this time. The surrounding ground had been lifted up by the shock wave, exposing a giant pit that was more than three feet deep.

All the light around them collapsed towards the inside at the same time. The whole person is dim and difficult to understand, but the only thing that can be confirmed is the halo like a black sun behind the silhouette.

God, God-change the realm!

"Camel Dragon" Sha Feng was stunned, his legs were soft, and he sat paralyzed.

That Ye Qingxuan even broke into the deified realm! ?

How is it possible, how is it ...

The nine dedications in the Kowloon Palace, a century-old or even a hundred-year-old practice, have not broken this level of boundaries. Why is this Ye Qingxuan, in his early twenties, able to break through such martial arts?

It's ridiculous and terrifying.


Ye Qingxuan's weirdness at this time was very absent, and there was no human breath in releasing the Buddha, like a machine with boundless depression, fear and darkness.

The halo behind his head was full of negative energy, and a quick glance made his heart beat faster, with an indescribable sense of killing.

And that halo was extremely unstable. In the illusory illusion, the candlesticks in the wind of the Buddha may be destroyed at any time.

Flayer is in trouble! ?

At this moment, the term often mentioned by somebody in Jiugonglong suddenly flashed in the mind of Shafeng, the camel dragon. It was the strongest warrior in the world. When he broke through the divine realm, because of a certain mentality, These deficiencies brought back the demons. This is the most difficult part to break through the divine realm. Only those who are truly tough in nature can survive this calamity. Otherwise, those who burn into the fire and go into the devil will have a mental chaos, anger, and explosion.

In the records of Fenglong Palace, there was a strong man who broke through the deified realm that year. He was troubled by the spirits and attacked the sky wildly on the top of the mountain. He danced for nine days and nine nights. The sky thunder drew, and it disappeared in a storm.

The original "camel dragon" Sha Feng was still a little unconvinced by what the man said, but at this moment, Ye Qingxuan apparently looked like a "mind-entering demon". The whole person has lost control of the body and he intended to kill Breaking through the deified realm, but finally controlling the mind for the intention of killing, Ye Qingxuan at this moment is the incarnation of "killing intention", which is a "killing god".

Thinking of this, Sha Feng felt a chill in his heart, and immediately thought of escape.

Don't provoke him, don't provoke his murderous ...

Sha Feng took a deep breath, and with great fear, climbed out a little.



Several dull bangs suddenly surprised Sha Feng.

Not far away, a majestic figure slowly crawled out of the dirt, which is one of the four secretive masters who shot before, but at this time, the black clothes on his body were completely broken, exposing himself without any skin and redness. But the muscles that were constantly wriggling, a huge wound was scratched from the chest to the ribs, exposing the white bones inside, but the scary thing was that no drop of blood was flowing.

A **** golden sorrow lingered around the body, and the two added together, making him like a dark golden diamond ...

What is more frightening is that Scarlet King Kong was holding an arm in his hands at this time. I do n’t know which unlucky egg was torn down by him, like a chicken leg was swollen in his mouth.

With the swallowing of flesh and blood, the muscles of the man moved more quickly, and the huge wound that was torn on the body healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

what! ?

Terror and terror struck Sha Feng's brain together.

As an old man in the martial arts, even though the figure across the face had lost all his skin, the remnants of his face still reminded him of a person, known as "King Kong Reincarnation" a hundred years ago, and the world ’s best in body protection. There may be people on earth again--

Xiaoyuanjue Temple, Master Ningdu! ?

"This is impossible!" Sha Feng exclaimed.

He, isn't he dead?

Just then, there was a scream of a woman from the distance. Ji Ruoyan, the Lord of the Moon Sect, stood on the top of a ruin, staring at the figure with a stunned expression, exclaiming: "Scarlet Devil !? Someone became a 'Red Blood Devil' !? "

"Red Blood Devil"! ?

A monster that was trained with the body of a martial arts master thousands of years ago?

They have no pain, no fatigue, but with boundless fear, obeying the instructions of the refiner, they bring endless killing and pain to the world.

The rivers and lakes recorded that the Monk secretly refined the "Red Blood Devil" thousands of years ago, causing endless catastrophes on the rivers and lakes. Finally, under the siege of the 100,000 iron and blood army led by the "Dragon God" Ao Lie, the cost of death was over 60,000 Only then did he finally kill five "Red Blood Demon".

Sha Feng's mind flashed, his limbs were cold.

First, there appeared a demonized maniac of "Heart Demon", and then there was "Red Blood Devil" who had not been seen in the river for thousands of years ...

What happened to this world?

Crazy, all crazy.

Vimon goes against the sky, Vimo goes against the sky ...

This two-hundred-year-old horror monster ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has been retreating for so long, it turned out to be waiting for this day ...

Sha Feng, who was originally crazy, felt at this moment that he really shouldn't go down the mountain. He didn't expect that he would encounter a rare sight for thousands of years. However, such encounters are really frightening and can not produce any lucky feeling.


The demon man transformed by Master Ning Du, roared on and off intermittently, and crawled out of the ruins everywhere, three more figures, just the remaining three demon.

It's just that the other three monsters don't have the powerful defense power of Master Ningdu. One of the short monsters has broken one hand and one foot, leaving only the broken body. Even if the whole body is squirming, it can't make up for the injury, but it can't. Give birth to hands and feet, the combat effectiveness is obviously damaged.

Ah, ah ah-

The screams screamed, and the three monsters who climbed up began to attack the masters who were shocked and immobilized around them. Regardless of life and death, they swallowed live directly. The scene was like a Buddha Shura hell, scaring those masters who could move. Fled outward. 8)

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