Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 186: Gossamer Claw

There are several quiet temples in the quiet mountain forest.

Red wall, yellow roof, blue-blue glazed tiles ...

The melodious bells ring in the morning class.

Barren mountains and wild temples have rigorous practice.

Within the main hall, two rows of monks sat in a group, closed their eyes to sing the Buddhist scriptures, and in the middle were several still bodies.

The unconscious Ye Qingxuan fell to the ground, Mei Yinxue's eyes were tearful, she was taken care of, Zandong came to hold the Supreme Heavenly Knife guard on the side, and Qinghua Emperor sat in the first seat of the Buddha's gate, closing her eyes and nourishing her soul.

Behind is the majestic Buddha statue of Dayi Rulai, while on the front is the monk monarch presiding over the ritual. The scene is also very strange.

Uh, uh ...

The wooden fish sounded and the chanting came to an abrupt end.

The presidency of the temple was a solemn old monk with a treasured treasure, and said to the Emperor Qinghua a ritual, and said lightly: "This donor, the morning lessons are over, will the monks be dispersed?"

Qinghua Emperor closed his eyes and replied, "Retell!"

The monks talked a lot, and the old monk frowned, sighing: "This donor, Buddhism's morning lesson has" Leng Yan Mantra "," Great Tragedy Mantra "," Ten Little Mantras ", and" Heart Sutra ". Recite it several times as instructed by the donor. If the donor is not half sympathetic, the Buddhist scriptures will be read a hundred times, and the karma of the donor will not be eliminated. "

Zhan Dong came and snorted coldly, "Old monk, I advise you to be obedient. If you talk nonsense again, be careful I destroy your temple and flatten your door ..."

The monks Qi Xuan Buddha, the old monk glanced at the monks below the stage, helplessly sighed, and once again rang the wooden fish, the monks immediately followed the chanting and sang the "Great Tragedy".

Zhan Dong came as usual, but when he was at the side of Qinghua Emperor, he whispered, "How about the mother ...?"

Qinghua Emperor slowly opened his eyes, flashed a glimmer of light, and sighed in a low voice: "Luo's magical ability to break the enemy is really great. Not only did I hurt, but I also succumbed to my demon. I almost went into the devil. In the end, it depends on the Buddha The Brahma to suppress the demon is really ridiculous ... "Then he glanced over Ye Qingxuan again, and said," But speaking, the Buddha's Brahma actually made this boy blessed by misfortune. I was also worried that I was hurt and the demon was rising. He wo n’t be able to trap him, and as a result he slept more securely than I did without any accidents ... "

Zhan Dong looked at Ye Qingxuan's drowsiness and worried, "After the mother, do you think this boy will wake up ..."

"No." Qinghua Emperor laughed. "His mind was severely damaged. It is already a godsend to die. If the layer of red gum outside his body had penetrated into the meridian, making his meridian tough and several times larger, then he would have avoided explosion. The end of the body ... but even so, he didn't want to return to normal, and even if he woke up, he would be a demented fool ... not to mention, how could I give him this opportunity? "

Qinghua Emperor sneered, proud in his eyes, and said arrogantly: "When I repair my heart injury, I can find a way to drain his skills. By the time ... hum, I will be defeated by Luo again, and I will be defeated Time. "

Zhan Donglai's eyes flashed, Shen said: "Mother and mother rest assured, there is a child to protect your law!"

"Okay!" Qinghua Emperor smiled slightly. "I will not treat you after my mother ..."

The mother and son looked up at the roof in a laughter of laughter.


Outside the main hall, a figure swept from one tree to another, and then directly above the main hall, they suddenly fell, and meteorite hit the main hall.

Emperor Qinghua closed his eyes and wounded in a sneer, as if he had never noticed.

And Zhan Donglai arched his body, clenched his right hand with the sky knife, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Just as the pedestrian approached to the top of the temple, the battlefield came with a long whistle—the sound of the Supreme Heavenly Sword turned into a dragon-like spirit, and it struck up in a single blow.

With the strength of Zhandong, how can they allow the other party to step on the ground.

The comer was caught off guard, seeing that the Supreme Heavenly Knife would be cut off head-on, only listening to Li Xiao, the right hand demon claw waved lightning, grabbed the Supreme Heavenly Knife, and the other—the magical claw, went straight to Zhandong to the top door.

Demon Nie Tu! !! !!

Zhan Dong came unexpectedly and it was Nie Tu who had become a "red blood demon". Not to mention that this demon was conscious and knew how to dodge.

The other pair of "green scale devil claws" is extremely powerful and can be called a magic soldier level. Before disguising as an unconscious demon, they were not carried. Now, they hunt and kill a few Qinghua Emperors. "These soldiers are all fearless. Under the powerful claw force, the Supreme Sky Knife has hit the demon claw. A loud blast rang the mountain.

Dozens of monks below, just in this loud noise, were bombarded for a while, everyone's eyes turned white, his mouth foamed, and he fainted on the spot.

"Boy, let's die!" Nie Tu's voice became weird, his flesh and horror stared at Zhandong.

Zhandong gave a cold hum and yanked "Supreme Heavenly Knife", and wanted to return his hand to block the attack-claw.

I did n’t know that the sword was so impassive that I finally found out that after Nie Tu became a "red blood demon", he not only became powerful and inaccessible, but also greatly increased his skills. The bottom "ghost claw", Nie Tu.

Zhan Dong came so badly that he quickly turned backwards, avoiding the top devil's claws, and slammed his right foot between Nie Tu's chest and abdomen, relying on hands and feet to break free of Nie Tu's restraint on the Supreme Sky Sword.

Zhan Dong came to roll down the tile surface, and Nie Tugua screamed, and then blasted out, firing at him like a shell.

The two "green scale devil claws" were closed and released, and they suddenly ejected. The claws burst into the air and made a sharp howling sound.

Zhan Dong came and swept the blade, clapping, the roof of the palace shot towards the opponent, and he sank, broke the roof, and fell into the palace again.

At the same time, "Supreme Heavenly Sword" swayed the sword emperor's air and shot a hole in his head.

Nie Tuxi laughed, and he couldn't get into the sword, and even "Supreme Skyknife" didn't put his eyes on it. He went straight through the hole and attacked the sword towards the east!

At the same time, the ground of the original hall was suddenly rippled like water, and two shrouds broke the ground and rolled towards the east.

Zhan Dong yelled, "Supreme Sky Knife" in his hand to protect the whole body, choked twice, chopped the shroud into two pieces, backhanded, and slammed a fight with Nie Tu, his body seemed to be off The line kite slammed the Buddha statue backwards.

In a loud noise, the dust was flying.

The huge Buddha statue of Dairi Nuri shook for a few times and almost fell.

The underworld shroud stretched out again, but it was rolled towards Mei Yinxue and Unconscious Ye Qingxuan, who were stunned, and several black and faint spider silks shot out, Ding Ding Ding ...

Nailed the shroud firmly to the ground, then the spider silk shot randomly, not only broke into the ground, but also attacked Nie Tu.

In exclaim, Nie Tu retreated back and forth, reaching left to right, allowing the spider silk to penetrate the body and protecting his head and face, without letting the weird spider silk penetrate his head ...

In the end, he retreated a dozen steps in a row and went directly outside the hall. This round of attack stopped.

Nie Tusen sneered, and removed the claws in front of him, exposing the rotten dirty face, staring at Emperor Qinghua chanting: "Congratulations to the emperor-martial arts march forward!"

In a burst of laughter, Emperor Qinghua stood up tenderly, walked slowly to the entrance of the main hall, and watched Nie Turou whisper: "Mr. Ghostclaw is also amazing, but it looks like this ... It really makes the sad family unhappy."

Nie Tu smiled coldly, with deep hatred flashing in his eyes, and said angrily: "Nie Mougui surrendered to the demon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to endure the pain of the thousand days of blood and attack the heart phage, the purpose is to avenge! Villain ... If the emperor is willing to give him down today, Niemou can let the emperor leave, preferring to bear the punishment of the deities! "

Qinghua Emperor's eyes flashed, coldly: "What if I don't agree?"

Hum hum……

Nie Tu issued a sneer sneer and said, "The Emperor Qinghua must think carefully about whether he can withstand the anger of Lord Mozun ..."

"Frighten me !?" Emperor Qinghua faced Tieqing and said coldly, "The plot of the old devil is two hundred years. Do you think he doesn't want to get rid of me? Hey, he just looks down on me! I can have today, all by myself I did it myself, and no one should try to stop me, neither old Vimo! "


Qinghua Emperor ’s suffocation flew outward like a burst of tens of thousands of lines. The whole person was supported by numerous black silk threads and quickly flew to midair. He flew towards Nie Tu, and countless black silk poured down like a heavy rain. With the momentum of penetrating all things, press on the enemy.


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