Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 193: Faming King

After a night's agreement, the next morning, led by Cao Ge and Sun Kun, a team of Meng Yuanzhang, Dong Tianzhi, and several masters of Xiaoyao Wangfu quickly moved towards Yingtianfu.

Cao Ding Lao, Cao Dingfang is an old man of the same level as Father Gong. For Xiaoyao Wang, he is a long-time old friend. Although martial arts is not as good as Duan Juncheng, who was the first master in the palace at that time, he is not hesitant. Even when Zhu Shengbei and Duan Juncheng met, they should respectfully be called "teachers".

Since the death of Zhu Shengbei and Duan Juncheng, the strength of Xiaoyao ’s palace has plummeted, and he has been faintly unable to resist the double pinch of the North Dynasty and the Taiping thieves. Many evil battles require King Xiaoyao and Cao Gelao to personally battle the field. Should not participate in this expedition.

However, Ye Qingxuan's life and death have involved the most brutal battle between righteousness and evil in the world. It is no longer acceptable for the Royal Palace to retain its strength and can only go all out.

Everyone rode in a carriage pulled by a strange beast and rushed to Yingtianfu day and night.

Three days later, everyone received more accurate news from the front. Zongba and his party were raided by experts and had to take refuge in the mountains. They are currently near a village named "Shangyun".

Yan Jue has already rushed to this place a day ago.

They said nothing and immediately turned to "Shangyun Village".

On the carriage, Sun Kun and Cao Ge secretly negotiated for a while, then got out of the car and found Meng Yuanzhang, Shen said, "We and our group are being watched, we can't proceed like this ..."

"How to do it?" Meng Yuanzhang asked.

Sun Kun looked around and lowered his voice, saying, "I have negotiated with Lao Cao. Let's take advantage of the night to catch up with Yan Jue, Lao Cao and his team follow him ..."

"Let's go now!" Meng Yuanzhang hesitated and said, "Is your old man still in need of waiting for the dark?"

The world is spinning.

The trees on both sides quickly moved backwards.

Yan Jue went through the gap between the trees like an arrow, met a tree vine, grabbed it, took advantage of the situation, and "turned out" in a volley, and quickly jumped to another tree, hopping from one stone to another. Go, the complicated terrain did not affect his amazing speed at all.

Yi Yi is flying, it is difficult to imagine such a flirtatious boy, so galloping without regard to the image.

He had nothing else but a sword.

The name of the sword is "Chain Moon", taken from the name of his beloved wife. The main body of the sword is the steel of the sword passed by his father, mixed with iron from the sky, and the old man, the sword slave, and Ye Qingxuan. Body, and finally got a world-class soldier.

Although the grade is only the second grade of the magic soldier, Yan has been despised as a treasure, and she is always by the day and night.

The sword was preserved thanks to Ye Qingxuan's suggestion.

Yan Jue led him.

Ye Qingxuan is the only friend Yan Yanxuan recognized in his life.

The thought of the opponent's encounter only made his sword-holding hand paler and his breath more bleak.

The mountain breeze is cool, and the spring is clear.

He did not stop, climbing up the mountain along the stream.

Yan Jueji left the water and cut a **** with knee-high weeds and turned to the other side of the mountain. The forest gradually became sparse, and the flowers became dark. Over the ridge, a high cliff hanging over a mountain suddenly appeared.

Standing on a high cliff, desperately looking forward, the spirit is invigorated.

The mountain range undulates under the cliff, and gradually lowers.

The village of Yunshang, where his ancestors lived for many years, is on a relatively flat low ground in the upper left of the mountain. The bridges are flowing, the mountains are vertical and horizontal, and more than a hundred houses are gathered together like stones. They are scattered in the forest and the fields. The smoke from the cooker rises, as if to escape from the world.

A large natural stone at the mouth of the village, the letter "Shangyun Village" is written in three letters.

Yan Jue took a deep breath and sighed: finally arrived.


The violent winds struck from above, and apparently the attacking enemy launched another attack.

Already shaved, the "gray wolf" Wolf, whose legal name is "holding the ring," trembled, opened his eyes, and the other eagle flew towards the roof where several people were hiding.

The monk holding the ring bowed his body, gathered a large iron vertebra in his right hand, and when people saw that he was about to step on the ridge of the house, he yelled, and the iron cone struck up.

With his many years of combat experience, how can he let the enemy step on the ground?


When the visitor stepped on the roof, the large iron vertebra of the monk with a ring also broke the roof and reached the other side.

Surprisingly, the whereabouts of the oncoming people did not stop. The Buddha had already expected the ring-holding hand. In the cold laughter, there was a muffled sound under the immense pressure of the air. smell.

The unmatched great power fell, and the monk with a ring like a mountain held up by him, actually gave him a life-threatening blow with ease.

The monk with the ring was in danger, and shot the other end of the cable with his other hand, breaking a wall on one side, and yanking it, so that he flew out, avoiding the end of the enemy's oppression.

However, although holding the ring was a big escape, he also let the other person's figure break into the room, facing the living Buddha Zongba below.

The comer was an extremely fierce bald man. The two axe in his hand with the power of opening up the world was Feng Asan, the "opening axe".

As a master of the heavenly master "Breaking Sky Axe" Duan Juncheng, Feng Asan's hand has some charm of his brother.

In the frantic laughter, the ground-breaking axe descended from the sky, with supreme power, but could not think of the living Buddha Zongba underneath. He just closed his eyes and twirled a string of Gabbala rosary in his hand. The situation moves.

Feng Fasan's powerful conviction made him a little stunned, but then he turned his anger and was angry with his opponent's contempt.

Seeing that the axe blade was added, suddenly, a Buddhist chant sounded: "唵, 婀 Mi Mile Emperor, 吽, quite 吒 ——"

There was a loud noise in the space, and a cyan lotus flower suddenly bloomed on one side of the wall. Then a big cyan hand stretched out the flower stamen, forming a diamond pestle, and it was spotted on Feng Asan's axe.


Feng Asan uttered a shock ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but was blasted out by the opponent's blow.

His body was one foot above Zomba's head, swirling sideways, smashing the wall on the other side and reaching out to the house.

A roar.

After landing, Feng Ahsan bounced off the ground, firing into the room like a shell again.

The monk with the ring on the side shouted a powerful cry, a upside down in front of Zongba, facing the roaring "ground-breaking axe" Feng Asan.

The silhouette flashed, and an ordinary, thin-looking lama stood quietly in front of him, stopping him and Zongba behind him.

The Buddha ’s name in the mouth is lightly declared, and the hands are constantly changing the seal of India in front of them like petals blooming. At last, they form a “junta samiya mark”, with a slap in the mouth, the blue sorrow of the body is like a spring water flowing, non-stop Condensed behind the scenes, the final space "hummed" again, and a blue-armed, eight-armed army king Li Mingming looked like an unreal sky, glaring at Feng Asan coming fast.

This person turned out to be Zhalidoran, the "king of the army", one of the five Ming kings of Tantra. 8)

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