Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 203: Secret Golden Coffin

Golden coffin.

It was safely placed in the middle of the lobby, only half the size of an ordinary coffin. It was made of gold and carved with strange patterns, which was heavy and abnormal.

In addition to the golden coffin, there are also four sides to enchant the soul, and a huge "moon" word is hung in the middle of the Ming Hall.

All the subordinates talked in horror and confusion.

This lobby of the Wangfu House was cleaned day and night. How could such a thing suddenly appear unconsciously? It was strange.

"It's scattered, I like to make fun of it when nothing happens." During the discussion, the second director of the Wangfu came bluffing, Yi Yi said authentically: "The king's mansion is entertaining VIPs, this thing is too obscure, move to the side , Send someone to take care of it, how can it be placed here? "

After speaking, summoned a few relatives to move forward and move.

A man who understood the rules quickly advised: "Second steward, this thing is evil. The old steward strictly prohibits anyone from coming forward, and has already informed the king ..."

The second housekeeper hummed coldly, and said, "It is because of this evil thing that it cannot be placed in the lobby. You rarely see the excitement here and do your own thing. Come and move me!"

After saying a wave, the four big men carried the wooden pole and the rope to the front, and tied the golden coffin, but at the same time, they hummed in unison, all softened to the ground.

The two housekeepers said "Hey", and said angrily, "Your slackers, you usually eat a lot, and when you work hard, they will pretend to seduce me and give me up."

With that said, the four of them kicked a few feet. Not only did the four move still, the second housekeeper also felt itchy nose and touched his hands, but it was a lot of blood.

what! ?

The second housekeeper yelled in horror, then Qiqiao bleeds at the same time, losing all his strength, and then looking at the four big men on the ground, all Qiqiao bleed and died.

The second steward turned and walked three steps outward, and he fell to the ground and died.

The servants screamed in horror around the scene, and the scene immediately turned into a mess.

At this moment, a sound of broken clothes came from the sky, and several figures descended from the sky, reaching directly to Mingtang.

"What happened here?" The old housekeeper glanced at the scene and asked eagerly.

The servants said the whole story, the old steward was lame and angry: "Wang Zhi, the rammer, did such a stupid thing to grab the power ... Everyone stepped back, and no one can step forward without the order of the old king. step."

Xiaoyao Wang coldly swept through the tragic situation in the hall, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Cao Gelao and Sun Kun leaned left to right and looked carefully.

Cao Ge sniffed his nose, curiously; "There is no smell in the blood, it should not be poisoning."

Sun Kun nodded, and said, "It doesn't look like it's a hidden weapon. The cause of death ... is strange."

Meng Yuanzhang thought for a while, and said, "Well ... I'll check it out?"

Everyone quickly stopped.

If the situation is unknown, it should not happen again.

Wang Xiaoyao turned to the old housekeeper and asked, "Who was the first person to see the golden coffin?"

The old housekeeper replied: "It is Mrs. Xu who is responsible for cleaning ..."

"Call me and ask ..."

After a while, a woman in her 40th grade was brought in, and the heroine asked a few details about it. After learning that the wife was also aware of the anomaly here for the first time, she was scared to report it directly to the old housekeeper. No one but the unfortunate second housekeeper and the four subordinates approached.

Seeing no reason, Xiaoyao Wang thought for a while and said, "This is a mysterious thing, the old housekeeper, please help me to come to Zongba Living Buddha."

After a short while, the Zongba Living Buddha came slowly under the guardianship of the monk and monarch Li Ming.

As soon as he appeared outside Mingtang, the Zongba living Buddha gave a light sigh, and hurried to the Mingtang, looking at the golden coffin, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Xiaoyao asked curiously, "Little living Buddha, but what do you see?"

The Zongba Living Buddha folded his palms together and felt his eyes closed for a moment, then slowly said, "Very powerful mental power, cultivated as a low person, or a person who is not strong enough in consciousness, it will produce fantasy in the light, and will bleed on the spot, and will die on the spot. "

The people suddenly realized that they finally understood the cause of death of the second steward and a few subordinates.

King Xiaoyao had a difficult look, and asked, "Did we just watch this golden coffin here, but there was nothing we could do?"

The Zongba living Buddha smiled slightly and turned to the monk holding the ring: "Bring the silver cicada."

The monk with the ring nodded and said that he slowly pulled out a brocade box from Luo Han's bag, and Zongba took it to open it. Everyone saw a silver autumn cicada inside. The whole body was made of rotten silver, shining with dazzling glory, just like Like the specimen, it was nailed in the box by a silver needle, without any anger.

"Please ask Prince Wang to retreat from all around."

As soon as King Xiaoyao waved his hand, the old housekeeper immediately dismissed all the people around him.

The Zongba Living Buddha used his nails on his fingers to squeeze a drop of blood, slowly dripping on the silver cicada, and said lightly: "This is only the silver cicada from the Daxue Mountains. It is sensitive to mental force and likes the strong heart. Previously, this thing made a big disaster in the Daxue Mountain, and I waited to surrender. I was hibernating on weekdays, and I would not die for years if I did n’t eat, drink or drink.

The voice didn't fall, and the silver cicada in the box suddenly woke up, as if being stimulated, a pair of wings began to flap, and a "hum" sounded, and everyone's hearts seemed to be pinched, and the pain was unbearable.

Everyone murmured, and all of them resisted. Fortunately, the ordinary people were screened out in advance, otherwise, under this attack, I don't know how many people would have a cardiac arrest and died on the spot.

"All donors, if you have any discomfort, you can retreat a bit!" Zongba said, holding the box and walking slowly towards the golden coffin.

As he got closer and closer, the wings of the silver cicada in the brocade box became more and more intense, the buzz became more urgent, and the people could bear more and more pain.

Meng Yuanzhang and Yan Juechen flushed, Cao Lao and Xiaoyao Wang were sweating profusely, and Sun Kun was shaking and could not bear to see it ...


The Zongba Living Buddha abruptly backed up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, flew back, snapped the box, and the humming sound was cut off immediately.

The sweaty Zongba shook his head with a bitter smile, and said, "Unexpectedly, that golden coffin can magnify the spiritual power countless times, that is, the silver cicada can not withstand the attack of mental power. If I rush forward, I'm afraid Will also suffer a lot ... "

"So what?" Everyone asked.

Zumba Living Buddha's eyes turned and smiled: "Maybe someone can help us open the golden coffin ..."


"Ye Qingxuan."

"What's your joke?" Meng Yuanzhang angered. "My leaves are not for your experiment. In case of something, you can't bear responsibility."

Everyone was equally puzzled and silent.

The Zongba living Buddha smiled slightly and said, "Rest assured, I won't take the life of the donor Ye, and the golden coffin ... may have unexpected effects on the donor Ye ..." 8)

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