Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 207: No Buddha No Buddha

"No heaven, no land, no people, no Buddha! Zhiye Guobao, the bones are more, the enemy of the sky, named Ashura. The demon-hungry ghost, its power is superb. Buddha and enemies can be enemies. Asura who is taken by beasts .Live on the side of the mountain Sumi ... "

Secret and blurred chanting intertwined, a mysterious group of more than five hundred people, all shrouded in blood-colored robes, kneeling on the ground, holding each other in the direction of the center, while swaying, Sing the rebellious scriptures.

This is an abandoned mine.

Deep in the cave, a huge altar stands in a huge underground hollow.

The "Monk" stood on the altar without complaint at this moment, twisting her limbs like a ghost, and under his control, a young and beautiful woman was tied naked to a stone pillar, blindfolded, His face was excited and intoxicated.

The enthusiastic believers began to growl constantly, and the verses they read had long since lost their true meaning. The burning cigarettes around the altar were the source of their insanity and hallucinations.

"No buddha, no buddha, no buddha!" ​​"The demon monk" whistled in the sky with no complaints. There was nothing under the flying monk's robe, showing his dry and withered body, ugly and disgusting, but his expression Is intoxicated, as if the most beautiful thing in the world, shouted loudly: "There is no Buddha in the world, only the devil is supreme. The Buddha wants people to do good and put it in the next life to allow eternal life ... The next life is too long. You deceive me ignorance, how can you respect it? Demonism, impartiality, as long as you respect me, you will live forever ... "

"Exalted demon, exalted demon, exalted demon!"

"No Buddha, No Buddha, No Buddha!"

Hundreds of enthusiastic believers, screaming in infatuation, the pupils in their eyes have lost focus, and everyone has fallen into obsession.

"Congregations, show your loyalty, and let the poor monks take you to the real paradise!"

Having said that, the "Monk" stretched out his right index finger and inserted it straight into the girl's chest, only one stroke, the chest opened, and a heart beating freely was held in his hands.

The two believers came forward holding the wine jar, threw the heart into the wine without resentment, and then won the wine jar. Then the blood flowing from the girl's chest took a sip of headache, and the scarlet liquor flowed all over the body. The roar of sacrifice is even more crazy.

Until then, the girl whose heart was hollowed out was still dead, and with all the zealous believers, she drank the Shura scriptures slowly until she swallowed the last breath slowly, with a happy smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Come, follow this seat to drink into the magic wine, blood wine into the throat, is the disciples of my Shura Temple, you can learn me Shura! Hahaha ..."

The "Monk Monk" laughed without complaining, and the five hundred believers fell madly forward and went straight to the wine jar handed down without complaint.

"I want to be a demon, I want to be a demon!"

A devastated devotee full of blood of the same kind was suddenly torn apart, with hot corpses scattered everywhere.

Many Mormon believers have not yet responded. Many people saw flesh and blood, instead of being afraid, they rushed up and scrambled. They kept licking in their mouths and smearing blood and water on their bodies.


The devils believers are insane, but the poisonous weeds of the confusing humanity can not let the "monks" have no complaints. It is just a moment, no complaints have been sensed by the invasion of outsiders. All the devotees look at the cave in a roar direction.

Several people in Mei Yinxue grabbed the hole, but were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Sun Kun snorted, forbearing the tangy **** smell, hissing and screaming, "There is no complaint from the" Monk, "and many injustices must be self-defeating. Today is the time for you to drop the law! Give me!"

At the order, everyone looked at the old man.

Sun Kun flushed, and quickly changed his mouth: "Follow me!"

After finishing Fei's body, one palm blasted several people in front of him, and when everyone behind him killed and came forward, Sun Kun rolled on the spot, grunted, and lost his trace.

"Your old grandson!" Meng Yuanzhang yelled at him, and in the hands of the "natural machine stick" swayed numerous wind and stick figures, hitting all those who approached.

"It's all the evils of the magic gate. People who eat cannibals don't have to keep their hands!" Ape yelled from the ape, and everyone was more ruthless.


There was a change in space, and everyone only felt that the body was tight, and half of the body was hot, and they saw that the "monk" was burning with **** flames without complaint, and rushed over. The marmoset just swayed the shadow of the unparalleled palm, and saw the blood fire. Going up, the sound of a loud noise, and then the magpie ape flying out.

The spirit fox flew back, catching the flying ape by Zhenfei, exclaimed, and the two slammed onto the cave wall together, landing suddenly.

"Be careful, demon monks are poisonous!"

The ape shouted, the entire right hand had become purple and black, and the meridians were burning with severe pain. It was no longer possible to use this hand.

Seeing that the "Winning the Seven Beasts" was not an enemy of the opponent, everyone was sinking in their hearts and sweating on their foreheads.

"Monk" has no complaints. He didn't show much success before. I didn't expect his side to underestimate him too much.

Thinking about the other person's skills that can cause headaches for non-mindful Zen masters, everyone knew it at this time.

Uh ...

The "Monk" laughed without a grudge, and said in a dark voice: "Several juniors, you have no way to go in heaven, you have to break in without a gate in **** ... Before the poor monks should accumulate some power, I didn't expect it to destroy you guys. Very good, the old monk is worried that the blood of these hearths is too weak, and just use your heart and liver blood to improve my last trace of strength! Let's die! "

The blood-red monk's robe rose sharply, and a fiery blood-colored flame rose, accompanied by the fierce howling wind, the blood-colored flame suffocated, and the whole mine suddenly became red.

Hey, hey--

The current of fire and blood swept across, and the red light of two devotees of the demons flew, the blood was evacuated, and their bodies were instantly reduced to ashes.

"Come, believers, give your flesh and soul to your demon ancestors!"

The "Monk" issued a secret tone without complaint ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The five hundred believers had red eyes, and their mouths, like moths, flew into the **** flame.

As if pouring oil into the fire, the **** flame continued to increase with the worship of the believer's essence and blood, and the five hundred believers died, and the **** flame still increased by more than three times. Just a little bit can fill the entire mine. .

That flame brought not only anxiety, but also a disturbing heart and blood.

A strong discomfort oppressed everyone, Mei Yinxue and others resisted themselves, but they could not completely suppress the tyrannical demon "Monk".

Meng Yuan continued to pull and pulled everyone to the entrance.

Xu Xiyu shouted loudly: "I said, this is to kill ... Lao Meng, you have to think of a way! Otherwise don't blame me!

Meng Yuanzhang hissed and yelled, "Old grandson, what are you waiting for? Hands!"

"What do you mean?" Xu Xiyu stunned, the whole mine suddenly trembled, booming!

The earthwork on the top of the cave collapsed! 8)

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