Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 227: Buddha and War 1

Miaoxiu monk described how embarrassed, and he was bathing in blood, but obviously he was not fatally injured. At this moment, the civil war is exuberant, and the magic of the three sacred minds is performed. Suddenly, the dark blood suddenly stopped, and the whole body was suddenly shocked.

Sun Kun suddenly shouted in excitement: "The monk does a good job!"

Meng Yuanzhang also shrank behind the monk Miao Xiu, and was pleasantly surprised: "The master is so powerful, I can't think of your exercises to restrain the magic"

Miao Xiu's monk looked heavy and heard the words chanting: "The little monk was just lucky enough to have just discovered it, but the sages of the samadhi heart are based on the Buddha's heart. Gong, from now on, I am afraid that if I swallow another seven or eight flames, I have reached the limit. "

Sun Kun froze and asked, "What if it surpasses the repression of the Dharma?"

Miao Xiu's face froze, and he said, "I was afraid that the little monk would lose his mind, and the Buddha would be enchanted!"

Sun Meng was startled, and when they saw three flames coming in again, they were swallowed up again by the demon statue on the face of Buddhism. Miao Xiu monk's face flashed red and momentum, but her forehead was already sweating, and she couldn't help yelling.

"Not good! Vimo comes against the sky!" Sun Kun exclaimed, raising his eyes. Vimo against the sky was like a devil, with his eyes full of hope and light, and slowly walked towards the three of them.

"Little monk, you practice this practice, but you are born of 'colorful and exquisite relics!'" With a rare excitement in Vimon's anti-sky speech, obviously he is very interested in these Buddhist techniques that can counter his own magic.

"Amitabha, Mozun has good eyesight." The monk Miaoxiu answered humblely, but his palms were already sweating.

Although the sacred mind of the Brahma can be plundered for his own use, if he works by himself, he can easily tear him into pieces.

"It's great, it's great. It's fun, it's fun." Vimo stood against the sky 30 feet away from the three of them, and said coldly, "Give this work out, I'll spare you."

The mysterious monk was stunned, but he could not imagine that Bi Mo Ni Tian was so interested in this technique, but he still said bluntly: "The devil is thinking too much, the little monk died to protect the law, and he died well. It is impractical to give up this. The idea. "

"Interesting." Vimo laughed with a grin, and said lightly, "Catch you, don't worry about you not explaining the exercises."

As soon as the words fell, the flames of Vimo against the sky rose, and the whole person disappeared in a black smoke.

Miao Xiu's face changed greatly, and he shouted to the two men behind him: "His goal is me, you go!"


Suddenly, the three men's heads were five feet high, and the black smoke shrank, and the devil was against the sky.

These instantaneous flashes are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It is impossible for Sun and Meng to get rid of them again. At the time of the crisis, the three had to shoot at the same time in an attempt to resist the advancing of Mozun.


With a loud noise, Sun Meng and the two fell on their backs. They were overwhelmed by a force that did not know where they came from. The whole person could not move even their fingers, but the Buddha-faced demon integrated with the wonderful monk. Like shattering at the same time, Miao Xiu's real body was held in the throat by the invisible big hand, mentioned the air, and slowly moved to the front of Vima Nitian.

The miserable monk ’s painful face was less than a foot away from the Vicious Devil. He could only hear the abyss-like evil voice of the dark and somber, which penetrated the eardrum and appeared directly in his mind. Monk, I do n’t know if your skin is stupid without a stupid haha ​​ha ha ha "

The Miaoxiu monk was about to refute, and violently, almost pinched his neck bone.

At the same time, in the loud laughter of the devil against the sky, the fierce air pressure fell fiercely on the ground, and the two men of Sun and Meng moaned at the same time, their bones rattled, the pressure gradually increased, and the two bleed. Not even outlet gas.

Vimo said in a cold voice: "Little monk, look at it, your two friends will be crushed into flesh in front of you because of your arrogance."


The coercion suddenly escalated again, and the two men of Sun and Meng spit out a spit of blood, all the internal organs suffered internal injuries. Seeing that they were about to be crushed into a meat pie by the devil against the sky.

At this moment, a tremendous energy fell from the sky, with unmatched grand energy, and reflected a golden light around.

Miao Xiu monk was looking in his eyes, and was suddenly shocked by the vision in front of him.

The next to the devil was a huge Buddha-like palm descending from the sky, and it was shot straight at him!

Ok! ?

In the eyes of Mozun, there was a flash of light, and in the sound of loud drinking, the flames of the flames rose to the sky, pointing at the palm of the Buddha that shone with golden light in the air!


Suddenly, huge shocks spread throughout the mountain!

Furiously swirling, smoke billows!

Within a radius of ten miles, thousands of towering trees that had already been corroded were destroyed like rotten trees, and the remains of the Great Zen Temple were tortured, and they collapsed instantly.

When the magic flames flew up again, when the evil spirit slowly rose to ten feet above the sky, on the glazed hall on the top of the mountain, a huge statue of the Buddha as high as fifty feet floated in the sky, the light of the Buddha shone, and the sky was golden.

A palm was spread out a hundred feet in front of him, and Sun Kun, Meng Yuanzhang, and Miao Xiu were lying on the palm of the Buddha and gently held on top of the mountain by the palm.

From the top of the mountain, the empty Sanskrit sound of Master Wuyin came from the mountain: "Vijay is against the sky. Would my Buddhist disciple take it if you want to take it?"

Pima Motiantian laughed wildly, and said madly, "Without thinking bald donkeys, do you think that you can beat me by driving the colorful and exquisite relics?" If you want to fight at the whole temple of Dazen Temple, you can't stop me from becoming a martial art. Supreme! "

"Amitabha, against the devil, today, my Great Zen Temple will fight you to death"

"Okay!" Bi Moi slowly drifted towards the top of the mountain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li said: "Today is the day when I destroy Buddha."

As soon as the voice fell, the adversary rose against the sky and disappeared into the infinite black cloud.

Suddenly, the black clouds rolled down the hill, facing the glazed palace shining with infinite Buddha light and the huge statue of the Buddha in the sky.

"Namo Amitabha!"

On the mountain top square, the five hundred big arhats announced the Buddha's name in unison, and the whole body of suffocation condensed above the head, showing the prosperity of the Buddha. At the same time, the five hundred arhats opened their hands together and pushed towards the sky.

The statue of Rugao in the void also held the sky with both palms, and blasted straight into the boundless black clouds in the sky.

The earth and sky suddenly darkened, and the endless dark cloud suddenly shrank toward the center, and a strange little black spot was formed, and then the black spot smashed down with boundless coercion. Within the entire Canglong Mountain range, the air pressure was Suddenly increased tenfold, except for the glaze hall on the mountain, all buildings collapsed.

The black spot rubbed against the air, setting off a blaze of fire. From a distance, it looked like a huge meteorite flying down from nine days away and smashed against the last line of defense of the Great Zen Temple with unparalleled power.

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