Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 231: Alcoholic Sorrow

不到 I did not expect this drunk man to be a dragon.

The great disciple of Pai Long's ancestors, the most outstanding disciple of Xianlong Cave ... today has fallen to such an extent.

Instantly, when Ye Qingxuan entered the rivers and lakes at the beginning of the lake and the fairy dragon cave, like the old movie rebroadcast, every shot came to mind.

The mighty and dry Mo Yeli, the loyal and rough Elder Mu Zhe, the handsome and witty Jiang Shuihan, the opponent's magic dragon, dragon, and the horrible dragon dragon ancestor, and the first time he met, he greatly appreciated his " Tian Gongwang ”Xue Gongwang, his apprentice Yan Jingshu and Xue Wengong who opposed him everywhere ...

The familiar faces, either ancient or long ago, have not been masked for a long time, and today, as a tide flows, Ye Qingxuan's heart throbbed.

For a long while, Ye Qingxuan released the Buddha from the bottom of the water, took a deep breath, and sighed, "It's been a long time since I saw you ... why would you ..."

Ye Qingxuan 诧 is surprised. In the memory, the old ancestor of the dragon was jealous of this outstanding apprentice, surpassing himself, then found an excuse to put him into the water prison, abused day and night, and later fought with Xianlong Cave several times, accidentally saved his life.

It stands to reason that after being rescued, even if the demon dragon no longer rushes through the rivers and lakes, he will never be reduced to this by his skill. Originally, Ye Qingxuan had no news of him for a long time, and thought that he was happy and happy, but unexpectedly he was in Xiangyang. He was surprised when he was on the street and saw the dismal situation.

The dragon took a deep breath, sighed, opened the worn-out robes, exposed huge scars on the abdomen, and said, "Although a home was rescued in the past, Dan Tian Qi Hai was already destroyed by the old dragon dragon thief. He was then treated by Duan Shenyi He saved his life, but unfortunately, his skills gradually dissipated, and he lost his power a few years ago. He has nothing to do with him. Jianghu Road has nothing to do with me. "

At the core of the scar was a fist print, and numerous lightning-like scars spread to the surroundings. Not only was it terrible in appearance, but with Ye Qingxuan's eyesight, he could see at a glance that his Dantian Qihai had already collapsed, If you can't hold a trace of radon, even if an outsider injects radon, it will gradually spill out and eventually dissipate invisible.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't bear to see it, and couldn't help but sigh, and said slowly: "Since Brother Molong encountered this, why didn't you explain it to me ... Although you and I had some conflicts at first, but the times have changed, the Ye brothers are definitely not Will sit idly by. "

The dragon smiled indifferently, and said, "Although the dragon is a wasteful man, he is willing to fall, but he is not willing to leave it under the fence, to live on the sympathy of others. In my life, I worshipped the Master by mistake, and took it for myself. Even if you are not an enemy with your brother, it is never My friend, let me whisper to you. Sorry, I'm not Qu Liyuan, and I haven't grown such cheap bones. "

Qu Liyuan, whose real name is Liyuan Zi, was a proud disciple of Li Wei of Xianlong Cave, a "Bangshan rhinoceros". Later, he was sent to Motianling. As a liaison between Xianlong Cave and Motianling, Ye Qingxuan returned from the sacred place. Betrayed the fairy dragon cave.

离 Qu Liyuan is now under the control of Jiang Shuihan, serving as a guard in Dainei.

I saw that the dragon was still awkward, and Ye Qingxuan didn't know how to speak for a while.

The dragon smiled slightly and said indifferently: "Jianghu Road is long enough. Since God gave me such an end, let's live a day counts. Ye Qingxuan, I will take you as your kindness today, if you still can see me , You will not be allowed to pity me. Goodbye! "

As soon as the words broke, the dragon turned and left stubbornly.

Qi Yexuan stared for a moment, finally sighing secretly, and said loudly, "How long have you not seen ... how about a drink together?"

The Demon Dragon was stiff, and after a while, he smiled and said, "There are too few cups. I want an altar, no ... ten altars."

"OK." Ye Qingxuan resolutely answered.

The Demon Dragon showed a smile and walked forward. "I know there is an old tavern in Xiangyang. It tastes good. I sipped it for a long time and the store didn't want to give me a drop. Today, I want to drink all his aging wine and let him never think about stabbing me again. Hahaha ..."

The Demon Dragon was thin and thin, leaving only a large skeleton, still straight.

This old shop on the bank of the Luanhe River was also an alcoholic here.

After three full hours, the shop was already sleeping on the table, and the eyes of the magic dragon were bright and bright.

For a full 20 altars of old wine, the two of them really drank the good wine in this old shop.

For a man who is obsessed with martial arts, the destruction of Dantian is tantamount to the end of life.

I can see that the dragon's heart is unwilling, but his fate just made a joke with him, making him extremely unwilling to die and live unwillingly.

In this world, some people should not die well, some people should not live well, and most people are struggling between death and livelihood.

With the sad light in his eyes, it was not a struggle.

咣 Dang!

An empty jar was smashed on the ground and broken into countless pieces. The demon dragon wiped the stain on the corner of his mouth and screamed, "The store, come to Santan for good wine."

The stupid store was startled, and after rushing back to the store, they brought the three wines, and at the same time they said bitterly: "Two uncles, this is really the last three wines in the shop Then, if you want to drink it again, only your eighteen-year-old daughter will be red. "

"Noisy, don't you think I don't have money to drink?" The magic dragon was angry when he patted the table.

At this time, he was already drunk and his tongue began to knot when he spoke.

The shopkeeper was about to explain, Ye Qingxuan gestured a little wink, and waved him to retreat ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mo Yao difficult to be a shopkeeper ... "Ye Qingxuan said faintly:" This daughter's red is also very good. "

The dragon smiled in vain, patted the mouth of the wine altar, sighed and drank the half altar, sighed, and sighed in deep: "Oh, tigers fall in Pingyang, retribution, retribution ... I originally wanted to infuse myself with these wine So as not to be ashamed, I did n’t expect Lao Tzu to have martial arts, so the alcohol is still so good, hahaha ... ”

I lost a piece of peanut rice at the entrance, and the dragon was drunk and sparse, looked at Ye Qingxuan, and laughed: "Heavenly reincarnation, hee hee, if a few years ago, how would you expect that one day I would sit and drink together?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed: "This is the case in life. Who said that he would not become a friend?"

The demon dragon shook his head and said, "Ye Qingxuan, you are wrong."

"Oh? I was wrong? What's wrong?" Ye Qingxuan also got some drunkness.

The dragon pointed to the night sky with a high moon, and sneered: "Our destiny, like the two floating clouds in the night sky, may sometimes seem to overlap, but they are different in height, but they will never be forever. Will not meet. "

Unexpectedly, the old boy of Devil Dragon can still say such a good thing, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but look at it, and only a few words came out: "Brother, as the saying goes," Wine is to wear intestinal poison ", drink less and drink more. ... beware of gastric perforation-- "

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