When the dragon awoke from the hangover, the first thing he saw was Ye Qingxuan with a serious face.

After briefly describing the situation in which he can heal the Devil Dragon's injuries, the Devil Dragon did not have the ecstasy expected by ordinary people, but pondered for a moment calmly, and finally asked, "What's the price? I don't believe in the gift that never came."

This is a man who is not blind and extremely calm. If Ye Qingxuan can cure his injury after he finishes speaking, if the dragon will immediately accept it, it will be suspicious.

After all, the characters cultivated in Xianlong Cave are definitely not righteous.

Compared with the morals that Ye Qingxuan's brothers believed, Morong believes in equivalent exchange.

This did not make Ye Qingxuan feel uncomfortable, but was extremely natural.

As a modern youth, he deeply understands that the value one can achieve is more guaranteed than the kindness and morality spoken out of his mouth.

Ye Qingxuan took a token from her arms and pushed it forward to the dragon, and said lightly, "Have you heard of the martial arts convention on Wolong Island? I want you to help us hold a token."

The dragon looked at the golden token and did not pick it up. Instead, he looked up at Ye Qingxuan and nodded, "If I did, would we not owe each other?"

"They don't owe each other." Ye Qingxuan solemnly said, "After this incident, you have your freedom. We are enemies or friends. We all rely on the devil's own discretion, and we will never interfere."

"It's fair." Demon Dragon said.

"It's fair."

"I promise you!" The dragon slowly got up, "let's get started."

Ye Qingxuan frowned, explaining: "Brother Demon Dragon, this operation is still somewhat risky ..."

The dragon shook his hand and said, "The dragon is terrible. If it fails, it will be relieved. You don't need to worry, let it go."

Ye Qingxuan secretly admired the indifference in his eyes, spread his hands, and said, "Brother Molong, please ..."

This operation of the Demon Dragon is actually an alien operation obtained from the "Barbarian Beast", which fuses the powerful meridians of the alien beast to the nucleus, is buried under the skin, and is connected to the human meridian.

Banner ’s final tattoo is the “Ancestral Beast” in the middle of the “Barbarian Beast”. It does not have any attribute powers, but it is powerful and has a very powerful restraint on all kinds of exercises. The four great masters are the wolf flame lion under the crack of Banner, the cracked earthen owl of Sawan Susie, the wind flamingo of Chalun Peng, and the cold mist of Hexiang.

The barbaric alien spells are divided into three layers. The first layer is semi-beastized, but some parts of the body appear beastified, greatly increasing strength, gas, and power. The second layer is completely beastized. It is just like Baner, completely transformed into a giant alien beast, raising the capabilities of the alien beast and itself to the limit; the most powerful third layer is the beastization, and the beastly state reintegrates into the human body. The body shape will regain the size of the human shape, but the whole is like a fine demon, with a whole body full of shining meridian lines ...

The "ancestor beast" Banner and others should have not yet mastered the ability to "beastize". In this respect, like the masters of the Central Plains martial arts, they also need strong divine powers to control their human nature not to be dominated by the beast. Power, and the "savage" barbarians, the power is already equivalent to the "deified state" of the Central Plains martial arts.

For the barbarians who do not record history well, apart from the legendary strongman who passed down the "savage beast picture", there is almost no legend in history that the "sacred beastly" strongman has been achieved.

Banner, has been the barbarians through the ages, there are several strong.

For Ye Qingxuan, he had only used the “Meridian Grafting Magic” in different arts to cure one hand and one foot of Zhan Yu, and the two-hand meridians of the cheap son Gui Sheng, and really used Barbaric alien arts to improve the strength for others. For the first time, but also to do the opposite, to implant a martial art that he knows into the meridian of the dragon, this requirement is even more difficult.

Fortunately, the existence of the "Langya Lingmiao Pavilion" system only allowed Ye Qingxuan to integrate the Barbarian Beast Map alienation with the martial arts of the Central Plains Martial Arts. It took three days, day and night, to finally draw the idea Want something.

When Ye Qingxuan showed the pictures on the kraft paper to everyone, everyone was completely stunned and could not glance at the fantasy beast on the paper in front of them in disbelief.

This beast that has never existed in reality has a human body, but has a dragon-like head and tail, covered with shiny scales and bone horns, extending from the top of the head to the tail, a pair of tendons The wings of the membrane swelled in the wind, and the momentum was even more fierce than Banner's "ancestor".

The dragon looked stunned and pointed at the portrait: "If I run my breath, am I going to become such a monster?"

"Yes. Powerful enough?" Ye Qingxuan smiled, pointed to the dotted line, and said, "You rest assured, this alien spell is different from the physical variation of the magic gate, these scales, bone horns, dragon wings and dragon tails. It ’s all caused by your suffocation and condensate. It is impossible to permanently change your body structure. Otherwise, we do n’t have to fight, and the magic gate can accuse us of annihilating humanity and creating monsters. "

Ye Qingxuan explained so that everyone's doubts were resolved.

If he really wanted to turn into a monster, Ren Sui could not accept it ...

"Then what are we waiting for?" The dragon was impatient and stood up. "Let's get started."

"Okay!" Ye Qingxuan was even more excited, anxious: "Now I feel good, let's start now. Start the first step of implantation, if it goes well, three days is enough. Brother Dragon, this implantation The pain of the meridians is extremely tolerable. Each acupuncture point must be stimulated to the most painful degree before it can be determined to be implanted. For this reason, you cannot use any means to reduce pain. Can you ... bear it? "

The magic dragon glanced proudly at Ye Qingxuan, and said lightly, "I'm not afraid of death, but also afraid of pain?"

After speaking, proudly go ahead and head straight to the prepared operating room.

Ye Qingxuan nodded and said to Feng Qingyan: "Second Brother, please come and help me too, with Ma Yunyong, Lu Yundong, and Zheng Yunbiao, you have a lot of strength. At the critical moment, you must hold down the magic dragon, and you cannot make it break free. Bondage. "

"Okay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Everyone promised, followed Ye Qingxuan in.

The rest of the Kunwu disciples talked a lot. The seven guards in charge set up around the operating room. The anxious and excited mood was difficult to describe.

Hu Yun rubbed his chin, glanced at the direction of the house, and whispered: "With an operation, people's strength can be greatly increased. A few of you talked back, did you let the little master give us a tattoo? What to try? "

"It makes sense." Ma Yunyong frowned on his beard and grinned slyly: "Three days of kung fu is better than ten years of hard work. Such good things, how can we make an outsider alone?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple ..." Lin Yuncong sighed quietly, the voice just came, and a scream screamed from the room, scaring Qixiao with a cold sweat.

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