Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 269: Bloodstained Old Street

Lone Star, Cold Moon, Frost.

The three most powerful swordsmen under Chongsu of Taipingdao, Lone Star and Hanshuang are men and Lengyue are women. These three are also the teachers and sisters of Chongsu Tao.

The Lone Star Taoist was captured by Ye Qingxuan in Shuzhong, and has been detained in Shuzhong. Unfortunately, he was rescued by the Taipingdao people on the way to the town's magic tower.

Unexpectedly, the disaster is so great in the end.

Eliminate evil and do everything.

With a bit of indignation, Zhan Yu walked to the "Tianyumen" mansion located in Jingzhao.

Tianyumen is one of the oldest streets in Jingzhao.

The old barren street house was a bit run-down.

In the late winter season, the old street has an ostentatious forest. Originally because of the popular street of "Tianyumen", it became even more desolate because of the **** killing not long ago.

There are still blood stains on the ground. Even if it is covered by a light snow, the night wind blows, and the black and red that have been frozen below are exposed.

The strong **** scent puts the Buddha frozen in the air, and the cold night wind cannot blow away the grievances in this old street.

The corpses of more than two hundred people at the "Tianyumen" have all converged, almost filling the front yard and main hall of the house.

No one dares to stay vigil here, no matter how much the King of Eagles pays, no one dares to stay here ...

So when Zhan Yu arrived, the door of this Shenguang house, which had bred a peerless master like Eagle King, was open.

Both left and right stone lions were pushed down, and the entrance was a stern coffin, with a total of 233, which was prepared by the magic gate for the "sky bird gate".

Only one is empty.

The child who was supposed to lie here was called Huo Qingying, who was the grandson of Huo Dong, the old-fashioned "bird of the sky" master, "Golden Eye of God".

Huo Dong, the "Golden Eagle of the Eyes", was the gold medalist of Xing Tingwei. He even pointed out Ye Qingxuan Kung Fu and taught the "Six Senses Can Break Capricorn Basic Intellectual Classics", but unfortunately suffered in the end and was destroyed.

Huo Qingying had a rare escape. Unexpectedly, after a few years, he would once again encounter the disaster of destruction.

"Eagle King" Zhan Xiongfei felt sorry for the only bone and blood left in the "Avian Gate", so he received the Twelve Flying Eagle Castle, and even if he went to Wolong Island this time, he should bring it with him.

Zhan Yu took a step forward this time. In addition to getting news from the killer, the main thing was to arrange the funeral of more than 200 mouths of "Tianyumen".

Quietly inserted the three-pillar incense in front of Ren Shukang's coffin, Zhan Yufei got on the roof, took out a whistle, and played a distressed minor tune, which was regarded as the last trip for his fellow students.

It was bright.

The old street that had become silent suddenly became lively.

A group of funeral crowds appeared from the street. The head was a big man in sackcloth and barefoot wearing heavy filial piety. He was followed by a group of monks who studied the scriptures, musicians who played suona, followers who threw paper money, and hundreds of pickers ...

They were hired by Zhan Yu, and carried more than 200 mouths of the "Tianyumen" out of the city and buried them at the ancestral tomb.

To this end, the eagle king deliberately bought the entire hill where the ancestral tomb was located, and also invested in building a temple.

Now that the temple has been completed, Zhan Yu specially invited the most famous monk in Jingzhaofu, who will recite the scriptures day and night in that temple for seven days and seven nights to reassure the dead.

Zhan Yu sat on the roof of the house, silently watching a large group of people reach the gate of the house, and the big man with a sack of dais and xiaoxiao waved his hand, and the drummers stopped.

Zhan Yu flew away and landed slowly in front of everyone.

"Ready?" Zhan Yu asked coldly.

"According to your orders, you are ready." The big man named Pima Daixiao is Rui Zhongyi, an expert in funeral and funeral presided over by Beijing Zhaozhao Government. He has been working for twenty or thirty years and is also very famous in this field.

Being able to receive such a large business is that Rui Zhongyi has never encountered it in his life. Even if the other party was killed because of the enemy, he would not diminish his enthusiasm for making money.

In particular, the "King of the Eagles" made a generous shot, Rui Zhongyi was grateful for his tears, and he was also the appearance of Pima Daixiao to show respect for the dead.

At this moment, his eyes never moved away from Zhan Yu's face, and he kept a very serious attitude towards this big client.

At nearly ten o'clock, the cold wind still remained, and the whole old street brought a chilling sense of killing.

Rui Zhongyi excited Ling Ling and whispered, "Uncle, go early, it will be bad if you miss the good times!"

Zhan Yu nodded.

Rui Zhongyi greeted, drumming up, and the last pickers in the team swarmed up, lifting the coffin inside the gate one by one.

Outside the "Avian Gate", crowds were surging.

Rui Zhongyi, while attaching his follower to the coffin, put on the requiem, while loudly directing the picker to be gentle ...

Zhan Yu stood coldly on the street, watching the crowd coming and going motionlessly, and carrying a coffin on the carriage, he never said a word.

Of the 233 coffins, only the last three were left, and one was empty.

At this time, a coffin was lifted out of the door by four big men. I don't know if it was carried for too long. The thick twine suddenly broke and the heavy coffin banged on the ground not far from Zhan Yu.

The coffin overturned, and an already stiff corpse rolled down from the coffin. The corpse was a lenten, still glaring at his eyes, and a bloodstain in his throat had already solidified ...

He is the eldest son of the crane family.

Zhan Yu had some influence on him. At that time, Jingzhaofu competed with the Li family. This man had received everyone from the Eagle King. He was a cautious but bold man.

Zhan Yu sighed and stepped forward to slowly lift up the body of the crane family's Han and leaned it against the coffin.

As if living, the big man stared angrily ahead.

Rui Zhongyi's scolding came, and he was trembling with anger, chasing the four big men carrying the coffin.

The four wanted to be panic-stricken, and bumped into Zhan Yu regardless of their care.

Zhan Yu remained still, even if the four people suddenly pulled four sharp knives from his arms, he remained calm.

In an instant, the movements of the four people became stunned, and the sharpness on the sharp knife turned into a light, which was a manifestation of the speed reaching its limit.

Four people, four innate players, and four knives from four directions at the same time!

The two sides are very close to each other ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When the knife is on, the two sides are almost affixed together. When the knife strikes, it immediately touches Zhan Yu ’s clothes, so fast that they do n’t even hold their breath Can expand ...

At this time, Zhan Yu shot.

Claw forward, then elbows backward!

When the faces of the two people flew away from their heads, the heads of the two masters behind them were also directly hit into a rotten watermelon ...

At this time, Rui Zhongyi, who was still behind the four, just widened his eyes and screamed, his **** fell softly to the side of the coffin, and the **** flowed, and he could no longer stand up.

Four fresh corpses fell to the ground, and the crowd "screamed" and was frightened, but more people killed Zhan Yu.

Zhan Yu turned her head to the dead body of the boss of the crane family, sighed, and said, "Brother He, let me avenge you!"

The body shook and Zhan Yufei flew into the crowd.

In a short time, blood stained the old street again! ()

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