Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 275: River encounter

It is clear.

Slightly misty ...

However, the haze in front of him couldn't destroy Ye Qingxuan's mood at this time, just like the rising sun, Ye Qingxuan's face was full of vigor and joy.

Regarding the life and death of Zhandong, the reaction of Sansheng Island, the thunder of the monk Moyun ... was all left behind by him.

Let it be rolling and the waves bewildering, and I am self-confident.

Ye Qingxuan not only cleaned up Zhandong in one fell swoop, but also prevented him from making a negative move. More importantly, the divine spirit in his divine acupoints also made up one tenth, which can be said to have never happened before. height.

For many days, I have been working **** my own, but I ca n’t think of supplementing the magic with the “Bei Ming Shen Gong”, which is so fast and fast.

In this way, instead of practicing hard, it is better to find the troubles of the demons and return the blood to your gods.

The boat drew two faint ripples behind the boat, gently expanding outwards, blending with the assimilation of the water waves brought by the ships passing by.

The boats on Yueyangfu's wharf flowed like shuttles. Under the dusk of morning mist, the houses on the river bank seemed to be in a dream.

Ye Qingxuan smiled, turned his head and never looked at Yueyang House behind him again. In front of him, facing the misty sunlight outside the mist, he drove to Wolong Island.

As the sun rises, the mist on the river gradually dissipates.

Several sandbars in the center of the river bank, dense reeds swaying with the wind of the river. When bypassing a sandbar and the waters of Wolong Island appeared in front of the eyes, Ye Qingxuan frowned and looked towards the side of the sandbar ...

A fishing boat about the size of his own boat was actually standing on the quiet river. A fisherman in yiyi turned his back to Ye Qingxuan and sat quietly fishing on the side of the ship.

If Ye Qingxuan's knowledge is beyond ordinary people, I am afraid that this fisherman who is completely integrated with Jiang Jing will not be discovered by anyone.

And this is why Ye Qingxuan frowned.

This man appeared strangely, and he went to Wolong Island to join Ye Qingxuan and urge the boat to avoid it.

It's just that the hull just moved, and a dark current suddenly came under the boat, which actually trapped the boat stiffly. Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly. The boat suddenly moved three feet across to allow the undercurrent to flow. A chain entangled the rudder and couldn't help towing back.


Ye Qingxuan smiled with great interest.

Relying on his sense of touch, of course, he knows that no one is making a ghost under the water, and there is no chain to entangle the hull, but the other party is not only a peerless master, but also deep-water, a powerful role in manipulating water. .

Ye Qingxuan also exerted his qi, urged the boat, and constantly competed with the undercurrent of the river. Although he was not water-permeable, he was able to swing the boat like an arm, and the underwater current was about to pull the boat backwards. Ye Qingxuan's heels were gently pinched. On the ship's side, the boat quickly spun in place at once, like a gyro, for the time being, it escaped from the impact of the water. When the undercurrent was weak, it stepped down again. The whole boat flew over the sky and rushed forward three feet away before falling to the water. .

But just when the hull just landed on the river, Ye Qingxuan's face suddenly changed, and Peng——

A torrent rushed up from the bottom of the river, and struck Ye Qingxuan's foot boat.

Unable to withstand the tremendous strength, the boat broke down at once, Ye Qingxuan sighed, stepped on the last piece of wood, and rushed out more than ten feet in an instant like stepping on a surfboard. She walked two steps on the water like a walk in the court, but it was directly On the fisherman's boat.

The fisherman in his garb remained motionless, and the Buddha did not know that there was one more person on the boat at this time, and he was still staring at this fishing rod with his whole heart.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Old man, you broke my boat, you have to pay me!"

Ye Qingxuan's heart was quite bitter, and he was not afraid of the other side in the realm, but he knew too much about water. The hull slightly left the surface of the water, and for a moment did not notice the change of the undercurrent under the water. As a result, the opponent was hit by a headache at the moment of falling, so he lost a game.

The old fisherman didn't look back, and said coldly, "Your boat is broken. Why should I make up for it?"

"You have a wrong, you have a debt. You broke it, of course you pay ..." Ye Qingxuan squatted down politely, looking at the old fisherman.

The fishing rod in the old fisherman's hand shook, and the slender fishing line was closed. Ye Qingxuan's eyes jumped slightly. The other's fishing line was as light as a woolen hair. It turned out to be only the cotton thread of ordinary socks, and there was no fishing hook at the end of the thread. The weightless, light-floating fishing line can go deep into the water and set off a strong undercurrent. This skill is unimaginable.

The old fisherman slowly lowered his fishing rod, took off the bucket bucket, slowly turned his head to look at Ye Qingxuan, smiled indifferently, and said, "Since there is an injustice, the debtor has the owner, destroy my account after the Sansheng Island, the old man must find you Forget it? "

Sure enough, the visitor was not good.

Seeing each other's appearance, Ye Qingxuan was startled.

The comer looked like he was about fifty years old, his face was narrow, his facial features were three-dimensional, his hair was tied with a canopy on the top, and he was not covered with a crown. A tall, straight nose was embedded with a pair of strange charms, cold and cold. His eyes were bright again.

These eyes are particularly impressive, with a faint smile on his face, but his eyes are always shining with blue light that is different from ordinary people.

Cold as frost, cold as relentless.

It's just—eyes that are already startling and cannot be forgotten.

It's like an ice cube. Even if everyone in the world is killed, it will not reveal any emotional changes and feelings.

This is a ruthless person.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't believe it. People who looked so cold and ruthless would find their own accounts for the safety of their younger generations ...

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help laughing and asked indifferently: "The seniors of the underworld are really here to seek revenge for the East?"

Only momentarily, Ye Qingxuan guessed the identity of the other party.

"Sacred Tao" mourner on Sansheng Island.

Hades said with a smile, and said, "Finally, there is some reason. But as for what to say, it depends on your next performance ..."

Ye Qingxuan's heart was stunned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~

The boat in which the two were located was suddenly pressed into the water by the **** child, and a large stream of river water flooded over.

Seeing a little, Ye Qingxuan flew away from the boat and landed gently on the broken piece of wood that had just carried him.

To his surprise, Ningyouzi was sitting on the boat, his eyes radiated blue light, staring at him intently, and along with the boat slowly sinking into the water, completely disappeared invisible.


Ye Qingxuan's face sank slightly, but his wateriness was barely drowned. Looking at the other party's battle, he was more than fully aware of water, for fear that even Pharaoh in the river could not match his opponent.

My mind just started, shouting--

The river surface that was just still unshaken suddenly set off a huge wave more than ten feet high, and smashed directly towards the stunned Ye Qingxuan.


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