Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 285: Meet in a hurry

Ye Qingxuan did not see Master Chu Lingxu, but he did see several brothers.

In addition to them, the old fourth-stage loose stone and the oldest five-flowered monk are also there. Others are okay to say, but these two bow their heads down, and they dare not even look at Ye Qingxuan.

From their extraordinarily solemn complexion, Ye Qingxuan felt an unattractive atmosphere at once.

"Eagle King is here." When no one spoke, the fat three brother Chen Qingsong pulled Ye Qingxuan aside. The first sentence shocked Ye Qingxuan, but at the same time he felt worse. The three elder brothers who laughed the most laughed at his smiley face.

"What's wrong?" Ye Qingxuan's voice sank. "Eagle King ... was injured?"

"Not the King of Eagles." Chen Qingsong's face was more difficult, and his voice was more low, almost so that Ye Qingxuan posted it. "Little Eagle King ... something went wrong!"


Ye Qingxuan's mind seemed to be accustomed to a stuffy hammer, and almost subconsciously asked: "What did you say? You say it again?"

Chen Qingsong knew that his mind was shocking, and he did not blame the little teacher ’s speech excitement. He sighed slightly and said again: "It wasn't long before the Eagle King arrived, and he heard the news from the Silver Eagle that something happened to the King Eagle. ... "

Ye Qingxuan's face turned pale, and her voice couldn't help being cold, so she pretended to ask indifferently: "What happened? Multiple injuries? Whose hand?"

Chen Qingsong's face was ugly, his lips moved a few times, and he couldn't tell the bad news.

Ye Qingxuan intuitively felt awful, waved his hands, stepped back, and straightened out: "This is impossible, it must be a joke, my second brother likes to joke ..."

The fifth brother Tie Qingshi patted his thigh and stood up and yelled, "Lao Qi, no one hopes this kind of thing will happen, but it did happen. Can you be a little bit jealous? Zhan Yu's body has been decorated and is being delivered. On your way, you ... "

"Don't talk, you don't speak, don't talk!" Ye Qingxuan hissed suddenly and yelled at Brother Five: "Don't talk nonsense, even a brother, don't try to deceive me. Before something is certain, don't do it. Nonsense, otherwise I will even turn my face! "

As soon as this remark came out, not only Tie Qingshi, but everyone looked up at the same time, everyone could see that Ye Qingxuan revealed the anger of Tian Linggai.

Duan Sanshi said with a sorrowful cry, with a crying voice: "Leaf, it's true ... Silver Eagle ..."

"You, you you ... shut up!" Ye Qingxuan started to get muddled, pointing at Duan Sanshi to make him scare the words behind him back.

The figure flickered behind him, Feng Qingyan blocked his step back, grabbed Ye Qingxuan's shoulder, and solemnly said with a rare heavy voice: "Leaf, calm down ..."

Ye Qingxuan broke out suddenly, flushing with blushing neck and roaring coarsely: "Calm, calm chicken feathers? No one saw it, so he died, who died? Who died? Did you see the body? Yet?"


If the big monk couldn't hold back anymore, he sat directly on the ground and wept loudly.

"I am ..."

When he cried, Ye Qingxuan became more angry.

"Why do you all think my second brother is dead?" Ye Qingxuan glared at the eyes and swept the crowd, forbearing the anger, turned to look at Feng Qingyan, and asked, "Second Brother, you said just now, my second brother Where is brother? "

Feng Qingyan sighed, and said lightly: "The corpse (glared) ... the coffin (glared again) ... the news came a few days ago, and people came out of Jingzhaofu and went all the way. If it is fast, tomorrow should arrive Chuzhoufu, you will be in Wulingfu in three days ... why are you going? "

Ye Qingxuan shook his legs constantly, with an impatient look. When Feng Qingyan spoke of Luzhou Mansion, he hurried out and waited for the exit of "Wuling Mansion". Ye Qingxuan had already reached the door.

"What else can you do?" Ye Qingxuan hummed angrily, "Go pick up people! I'd like to see Zhan Yu's goods. What kind of tricks did I play? I played a trick of pretending to be dead, when I met him, second words Don't say, draw him a few mouths first! "

As he spoke, Ye Qingxuan had already rushed out of the hall.

The brothers followed in a hurry, and Tie Qingshi shouted behind him: "Little master, the martial arts conference will be held soon, you can't just leave ..."

Ye Qingxuan didn't return his head, and said the same: "Fifth Master, don't blame me for being rude. You are enough to fight, and the masters who measure them will not end so early. Leave me two at a sufficient level and wait for me. I greeted the second son of Zhan and came back to settle accounts with them ... "

"I'll follow you!" Ruhua the monk followed in tears.

"Get out of here!" Ye Qingxuan looked annoyed when he saw him. "Pie Mo Guitian manages you for two months. You haven't lost your body, but your head has been lost? You haven't seen the corpse, and you're also lost?"

For example, the monk Huahua looked red and pointed at Duan Sanshi next to his finger, saying, "The one who cries first, I thought it was true, and cried ..."

Duan Sanshi was at a loss what to do.

Ye Qingxuan glared at Duan Sanshi, cursing like a flower: "You've seen a lot of dead people here, and your brain has broken, so do you follow suit?"

If the face was aggressive, Duan Sanshi's face collapsed instantly.

"Well, am I going with you?" Ru Hua asked with a broken face.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and said: "Stay here, there are more things to fight here, the task is heavy, and you have to rely on you ..."

"That makes sense." Ruhua smashed his fist and realized suddenly.

"Little Master, have you seen Master?" Feng Qingyan sighed and asked slowly.

Ye Qingxuan slowed down and stood firmly. He tried to turn his head a few times, but finally sighed and said, "It's only a few days to go here, and then come back and confess to the Master."

"No need." A sigh, as if the moon is out of the water, the evening wind blows the face, everyone is physically and mentally clean.

Ye Qingxuan's body shook, and then he looked back, his eyes were fluttering in white, and the clouds and light wind were like the lingering spirit of Chuxian.

For a long time, Chu Lingxu's temperament was more obvious. The simple white robe had no wind, and the waist was like a jade. She was like a visitor to the imperial palace and a flying fairy overseas.


Ye Qingxuan rushed to the front several steps in a row, and the cave fell to the ground with a sound, and he fluttered his head three times.

"The students are not good. They failed to visit Master the first time, and asked Master to confess his sins!"

A ray of gentle buoyancy came, Ye Qingxuan was lifted up by Chu Lingxu volley, and when he looked up, he found that Master didn't even move his fingers. It can be seen that these days, Master ’s skill is even more formidable.

Chu Ling gazed at his youngest disciple and smiled: "The rivers and lakes are in an eventful season, and you can contribute to Wulin Zhengdao, how can you blame you as a teacher. This time, it is unusual for you to understand the real machine. The situation is blinded, and you can be sure that you have a good spirit. Zhan Xiaoyou and your brother have a deep affection, and you have an extraordinary sense of consciousness. There is a warning in the heavens between the lines of cause and condition, and you have not been disturbed by any thoughts. Maybe Zhan Xiaoyou ’s There may be a turnaround, maybe. "

As soon as Chu Lingxu said this, Ye Qingxuan's original chaotic heart was immediately settled, and he further strengthened his determination to follow through.

A shallow laugh came from behind Chu Lingxu. A tiger and a dragon came in a panic. The original elegant spirit brought by Chu Lingxu was suddenly diluted by a spirit of killing. See everyone's eyes.

Looking at Ye Qingxuan with a loud smile, Zhan Xiongfei's arrogant voice said, "Children Zhan Yu has your life and death brothers, and it really is a blessing in his life. I can't help but remind me of my childhood with Xiandi, Yuyu and Zhong Li. It's a joke. "

Ye Qingxuan looked at the King of Eagles, and he dared to take pride in his arrogance. He said, "Looking at the appearance of the King of the Eagles, he certainly doesn't believe that there is something wrong with Brother Zhan, all say that the father and the son are connected, do you have no sense? "


The King of Eagle laughed, looked at Chu Lingxu, and laughed: "Just because you bull noses can listen to these nihilistic things as real things ... Zhan Yu's kid is alive and rich, in heaven, from his mother's skin I was born, I did n’t deserve to support him, and now I ’m 27 or 8 now. I have n’t lost Lao Tzu ’s face, and I ’m still satisfied. As long as it ’s valuable, why not die? If Lao Tzu dies one day, if he can live, naturally he will avenge Lao Tzu ... if we both die, and my grandson ... Hey, my daughter-in-law, immediately went to the basin, and said that I might have a baby Hahaha ... "

The King of Eagles patted Ye Qingxuan on the shoulder of petrochemicals, and laughed a long way.

Ye Qingxuan reluctantly rubbed his numb shoulders, watching the back of the Eagle King, and couldn't help voicing: "This grandfather is free and easy, and his son is not at all in his heart ... Is Zhan Yu's kid in the end? Is he born? "

The crowd burst into laughter.

The original tragic atmosphere was quickly emptied. Even if the news of the silver eagle in white and black was ahead, it was no longer possible to raise the slightest sorrow.

Chu Lingxu smiled slightly and knocked on Ye Qingxuan's head, scolding: "The hero of the Eagle King, extraordinary people can be stunned. Looking at the heroes of the world, there is only this person who can have such a spirit."

Ye Qingxuan grinned and came over and said, "If you can have such an immortal character like Master, the world is just one master!"

"Hugh is so poor." Chu Lingxu pretended to be angry, but could not help but smile again, reached out and took a token from his arms, and handed it to Ye Qingxuan, "This is the order of the eagle king that the eagle king left to you. The key moment, Even the Twelve Flying Eagles can be dispatched. The future is unknown, so you need to be more careful. "

Ye Qingxuan received the token and said in surprise: "The eagle king was also worried about the second brother, otherwise why did this fleshy baby give me ..." Then he looked blankly and couped: "Master, you Is there anything for me or something to explain? "

"Nothing." Chu Ling said with a smile.

"That ..." Ye Qingxuan said something in his belly, but instead came to his mouth. I didn't know where to start. He turned his eyes, looked at Chu Lingxu's waist and arms, and asked with a smile: "The man who brought back that apprentice ' "Yueruyu", and this Dangerous Demon Dust, which is given to you, are all good? "

"Nothing to look for!" Chu Ling glared at him coldly, then swept across the crowd, and yelled, "If nothing else, let's all get away. Remember to work hard in the past few days, and less go out to provoke right and wrong, If you have any questions about martial arts, you can always look for me ... "Finally, I took a look at Ye Qingxuan, and said lightly," Here I am here as a teacher. Yin Snow Girl is waiting for you for many days. Even if you are in a hurry, you should take care of it. Fan. "After speaking, stepping into the room, the door automatically moved without wind, and slammed shut firmly.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a while, then moved in his heart, and realized.

Many brothers and siblings greeted him and left, and after Ye Qingxuan asked the way, he went directly to the backyard and met Mei Yinxue who was chatting with Tang Rou.

Seeing Tang Rou here, Ye Qingxuan froze and asked, "Are you here? Why didn't Meng Lao Liu come to see me?"

Tang Rou pouted his mouth and said, "I heard that the second brother of the exhibition was in trouble. I don't know where to hide from this crying cry ... Since you are back, I won't accompany Sister Mei. You two, please speak intimate ..."

Tang Rou giggled, avoiding Mei Yinxue's secret fingers, and fled quickly.

Ye Qingxuan shrugged helplessly and smiled at the shy face of Mei Yinxue: "This crazy girl, like Meng Lao Liu likes, why can't she talk, what's a" young couple ", my old wife and wife!"

After speaking, taking advantage of Mei Yinxue's unpreparedness, she hugged her, turned it three times, and kissed her on the forehead ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~!

Mei Yinxue's face became cold, Ye Qingxuan screamed "sigh, screaming", her entire tongue was frozen on Mei Yinxue's forehead, and she quickly put away Deng's expression and begged for mercy.


Mei Yinxue was teased by his stupidity, the world was warm for a moment, Ye Qingxuan also slipped, retracted his tongue, fanned his mouth, and said in a miserable voice: "It ’s too hard to shoot? You almost froze me Tongue! "

"Who made you so dishonest?" Mei Yinxue giggled, seeing Ye Qingxuan's index finger move, almost holding her in her arms.

"Speaking of business." Mei Yinxue glared, Ye Qingxuan sat in a panic.

Mei Yinxue pulled a corner of her mouth, resisted the smile, and lowered her head for a moment to groan for a moment, but when she looked up, she saw Ye Qingxuan staring at her long slender neck with a daze. , Believe it or not I frozen your dog's eyes? "

"Letter, I believe!" Ye Qingxuan quickly raised her hand to surrender.

"I want to say something big, don't be so absent-minded ..." Mei Yinxue snorted coldly, Ye Qingxuan finally sighed, and said, "Is there anything that my Master has given you? It's irrational. , No free space for us both ... "

"It's a new sign that my grandfather found ..." Mei Yinxue said quietly, calming Ye Qingxuan immediately.

Ji Guanglan?

The old fox refused to show up, but what did he find ...

Ye Qingxuan nodded slightly, Mei Yinxue took a deep breath, and slowly spoke amazing words. Despite a little speculation by Ji Guanglan and Chu Lingxu, Ye Qingxuan was cold and frightened.

Because of this matter, it is not only related to the evil spirit and the death of Lin Nanxuan, but also to the top "Lingzhi Sanren" Ning Zhongliu of Lingyun Pavilion ...

(= Easy to read novel)

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